Being able to turn other people's spiritual powers and exercises into their own! This is what is the ability to fight against the sky. It takes hundreds of years for others to practice a kind of practice. It takes a lot of time to absorb spiritual power. If you don’t need to pay anything, you can get someone else. Ten years and hundreds of years of hard work.

Lu Wushuang thought of half of his lost spiritual power. If that day, when Mo Mingyu took away her practice, what would she do now?

"Can't keep Mo Mingyu!" Lu Wushuang's voice is firm, even if it is the daughter of Murong Cham, she should not live in this world.

I believe that Taidi knows her ability and will definitely find a way to kill her.

Xiaolong looks at Lu Wushuang. "You want to kill her? You are not afraid that Murong Chan will destroy your deity?"

"Do you think that such a person who will take away the spiritual power of others can exist in this world?" Lu Wushuang asked, "Mu Mingyu must not live."

"I am talking about the ability of the dragons to have such a power. Murong Cham and Ye Hao are not the people of the dragons. Can they give birth to a dragon?" Xiaolong said, I think Lu Wushuang is thinking too much.

Although Lu Wushuang felt that Xiaolong was right, she still felt that she could not let go of Mo Mingyu.

"Breaking the stone to save the ink, the Xiaoyan should come back soon." Lu Wushuang's eyes flashed through the chill. If she didn't lose half of her spiritual power now, she must kill the little sister herself.

"Do you hate that woman who is called Xiaoyan?" Xiaolong did not know Lu Wushuang’s previous grievances, but every time he heard her mention the name Xiaoxi, the full hatred was almost uncontrollable.

Lu Wushuang said with a grin, "Yes, don't share the enemy of heaven, if you can catch her, give her to me."

"She is the wife of the Emperor." Xiaolong said, "If you catch her, the Emperor will definitely not give up."

"You are so afraid of Murong Cham?" Lu Wushuang did not angry and angered, "He can't come here in nine days, what are you afraid of!"

Xiaolong was handed over to Murong Zhan. At that time, he did not completely unlock the seal. Murong Zhan did not restore his godhead. His strength is not necessarily worse than that of the nine days. However, he still does not want to be an enemy of Murong Zhan. What about you, what are you wanting?"

Lu Wushuang just wants to die!

However, she can't say it here.

"I am doing things for Taidi." Lu Wu said with no expression on both sides. "You still let other monsters go to see Mingyu. If she is saved, then what we did before will fall short."

Xiaolong looked at her. Although she felt that Lu Wushuang was not very reliable, she had a saying that was right. If Mo Mingyu was taken away, he would fall short.

Not only did he offend Murong Zhan, he couldn’t even deal with Wen Tian.

Since Lu Wushuang caught Mo Mingyu, he has no retreat.

"I see you still go back nine days, this is not for you." Xiaolong said faintly to Lu Wushuang.

"Where should I go, I don't need you to say it." Lu Wushuang said.

Xiaolong didn't pay any attention to her. He already felt that there was a strong breath approaching.

More powerful than any big monster.

It should be Wentian.

Lu Wushuang also felt that a demon power was approaching. She went to the window and heard the sky. What about the little sister?

She hasn't seen Xiaoyan for tens of thousands of years, and she can't wait to smash the corpse.



The scorpion and the fiery beast teamed up to deal with the white tiger. The white tiger was already very capable, and later came the other monsters, the white tiger was a little hard.

"Kill this stinky cat!" cried, and the eyes were shivering with revenge.

If you can kill this white tiger, it is a good thing for them, and it will definitely let other monsters still swaying to trust them.

Although the white tiger is a beast, his opponents are all ancient monsters, and one enemy and three cannot occupy the upper hand.

He and the other two big monsters surrounded him and made a move to kill the white tiger.

"Smell the sky!" The look of the cockroach suddenly changed, she felt the smell of the smell of heaven.

Still not responding, the fire beast standing opposite her was beaten out and landed heavily on the ground.

A powerful demon!

The white tiger turned back and frowned at the man standing in midair. Although he looked different from the smell of a thousand years ago, he still saw it at a glance. This person is Wen Tian.

It’s been a long time since I disappeared.

He was sealed by the smell of the earth in the fire.

"Smell the sky!" The white tiger came to the front of Wen Tian, ​​and his eyes were determined to be a deadly battle.

"Looking at the jade to find the cockroach." Wen Tian glanced at the white tiger faintly, and did not see his warfare in his eyes.

White Tiger looked back and glanced at it. At this time, it was not the time to fight against Wen Tian. He had to send Ming Yu to Xiao Xiao’s side.

"Is it a small one to let you come?" Bai Hu asked.

Wen Tian did not answer him, but looked up at him.

The big monsters of the other eight tribes that once belonged to Tianbao are here.

He took a step forward, "Smell, what do you mean today?"

"What do you think, what do I mean?" Wen Tian’s narrow, deep, dark green scorpion looked at them faintly. “I said that there is a day in Tianbao that will not allow you to shoot mortals.”

They even dared to catch Mingyu.

"It’s not what we mean to take away Mo Mingyu. It’s...” The fire beast that had just been vomited by Wen Tian wanted to explain. They didn’t even know that Xiaolong let people catch Mo Mingyu.

"Let's go to see you, you don't want to meet, why do you control who we caught?" He interrupted the words of the fiery beast. "Shen Tian, ​​we want to live on the human continent, we must find a way, now how do we do it, It has nothing to do with you."

Wen Tian said faintly, "You have a relationship with me when you catch Ming Yu."

"What do you mean by that?" he asked. "I want to deal with us for nine days, or I want to be alone. You are even more powerful, without the help of so many big monsters, you have to deal with nine days alone. Easy, why not, as we used to, we teamed up against nine days?"

And this time is definitely not the same as before. There is no dragon to help the Protoss. It is not so easy for the Protoss to seal them.

Wen Tian was unmoved, and looked at his eyes indifferently. "Who is behind you?"

Hearing that Wen Tian did not want them to return to Tianbao, the eyes flashed.

"Smell, you don't think that the mainland is the best for you, and there are also big monsters that are better than you." Fire cried.

"Where?" Wen Tian asked.

In addition to taking away Mingyu today, he just wanted to come to the new lord who suddenly emerged.

What kind of big monsters are actually able to make them sorrowful and sorrowful.

Even 10,000 years ago, the tribes of these tribes were not reluctant to return to Tianbao.

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