Ye Hao almost got angry and took the case and broke the mouth.

He said that he was mean and shameless, and he really did such a shameless thing.

He didn't come to China to face them. He actually ran to Ningguo first. Ningguo had no preparations at all. All of them were mortals. Doesn't his old face feel red?

"It's too late to think about it, we will go to Ningguo immediately." Wang said.

"Mother, we are going to save Ningguo." Mingyu is the Tianmu of Ningguo. Although she was forced to sit in that position, she has already regarded Ningguo as her responsibility for so long. She is not willing to see Ningguo being The emperor was ruined.

Ye Hao took a deep breath and calmed down the anger of his chest. He told decisively, "Ming Xi Ming Yu, you immediately took the stone **** to the Ningguo to take the lead. In nine days, you want to control Ningguo, you must first go to Kyoto City. Threat Murong, you have to protect Kyoto City anyway, hey, your guns and guns must be ready, I will leave half of the soldiers to help you, mother, then you..."

"I will go for another nine or nine days. Over the years, I have some confidants in my life. When I call them, I will meet you." Wang said.

Ye Hao knows the status of Wang Mu in nine days, and I believe that there will be a lot of Gods who are willing to follow her.

"I will be your back with other Gorefiends." Ye Hao said.

"Does the Gorefiend really help us?" The stone broke down and asked.

"Yes." Ye Hao answered with incomparable affirmation, "Since we have decided to join forces, we trust each other, we have no time, and we will start immediately."

Before leaving the world of the world, Murong Cham had already accounted for his subordinates. When he was not there, the command of the Shao Emperor was his command, and all of them were dominated by the Shao Emperor.

Therefore, they did not question any of Ye Hao’s orders, and they immediately summoned half of the soldiers and went to Ningguo with Mingxi.

Not to mention that Ye Hao is a young emperor, the young master of Ming Xi or the relative son of the Shao Emperor, and now there are holy beasts as spiritual spoilers. They have no doubts about the stone.

Ye Hao went to Qi Qi and told him about the situation on the mainland today, so that he could be ready at any time.

"What if I turn to attack China in nine days?" Qi Qi’s look changed. Although he already had muskets and artillery, how could he be the opponent of God’s soldiers? "And those monsters..."

"You don't have to worry, I will leave some of the soldiers. If the Emperor attacked China, we will know it right away." Ye said, "We don't need to come here for a long time."

Qi Qi wants Ye Hao to stay in China, at least a guarantee, but he is more clear that this is impossible.

"Good." Qi Hao nodded heavily. He also understood in his heart that even if the country of China was lost, the mainland would lose most of its land. At that time, the country would be destroyed by nine days.

Ye Hao is planning to go to Tianbao, but he will see people outside the city gate.

Except for Shu Li and Abu, all the Gorefiends in Tianbao are here.

"Abe and the bundle left to leave the Lord for the protection of the law, we went to Ningguo with you." Lying low to Ye Hao said.

"Respecting the Lord is a crucial time. When he leaves the customs, he must go to us." Vatican also worried that Ye Hao would misunderstand the weather and hurriedly explained.

"I understand." Ye Hao naturally knows the importance of the ascension to the heavens, and knows that if he leaves the customs, he will not help.

Lying said, "Do we go to Ningguo now?"

Ye Hao nodded. "Ming Xi, they have already set off, I am trying to find you."

"That's not too late, let's go now," said the layman.

"Would you like to call those monsters?" asked Fan Luo.

Ye Hao frowned and said, "We have already looked for them. All that has been said has already been said. If you want to help the world, see how they choose."

She will not go to those monsters any more. Anyway, she has already made her words very clear. The premise of going to the Yan domain is that the world is safe and sound.

As I said, "The order of the demon squad has already been sent out."

"Let's go," said Ye Hao.



Murong Yu already knew that the nine days wanted to ruin the human world. The white tiger sent the news back two days ago, but he did not think that the speed of the emperor would be so fast, and it was the first place to attack Ningguo without any power.

"The emperor, we are afraid that it will not be an opponent." Tang Yan came to the city wall and looked around. Whether it was the ground or the air, all of them were gods and soldiers in nine days. They were just mortals, and there was no resistance at all.

"Even if you are not an opponent, you can't get rid of it." Murong said in a deep voice, they are very clear in their hearts. Nine days are now attacking the human world through the reasons of the rebellion of Murong Cham, what annihilates the monsters, and when the monsters ravage the mortals How did the Emperor not appear?

Nowadays, no one believes in Protoss at all. In the most difficult time of the mortal, the Protoss did not appear at all. Now, when they come to occupy the mortal place, how can they be convinced.

"The emperor has a life, nine days of less emperor rebellion, collusion with the evil spirits of the demon, let me wait to come to catch the case, and other mortals must cooperate, quickly open the city gate, let us destroy the monster, catch the ink Rong Zhan!" Xi Chi stood in front of the soldiers and looked at Murong Yu.

Although he is far away from Murong, the voice can be clearly transmitted to the ears of everyone in the wall.

"We don't have any young emperors here. If you rely on you to destroy the monsters, all our mortals have become the food of the monsters. Please leave us on the mainland. The world does not need you to destroy the monsters." Murong Yu has no spirit. Force, but his internal strength is deep, and the voice is passed to Xi Chi’s ear.

God will not be a mortal, so he can hear what Murong said.

Many people will inevitably feel ashamed when they think of mortals being ravaged by monsters.

To be honest, many of them will not want to come to the mainland, and everyone knows why the Emperor did not stay in the nine days. He also knows that the beast appeared on the human continent as early as two years ago. The name came to the human continent, and its intention was too obvious.

They are all too embarrassed to say it.

The emperor and the queen rebelled for nine days, colluding with the beast... This excuse is really worthy of the emperor.

"Murong Yu, this is the order of the nine-day Emperor, if you defy the fate of life, the consequences are conceited." Xi Chi said quietly.

They did not immediately attack the mortal country, but also did not leave a criticism, lest the other two continents know that the image of the emperor would be damaged in the future. Since it is necessary to destroy the human continent, it is natural to find a suitable reason.

However, there are still many gods who don't know the true purpose of the emperor. When they know it later, they don't know if they will continue to listen.

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