Under the robbery cloud, only the Taidi and Wentian are left.

Taidi looked sullenly at Wentian. If at this time he couldn’t guess who was going to rob, then it would be a great emperor.

"It's unfortunate that you will actually rob at this time." The smile on the face of the emperor is ridiculously ridiculous, with a hint of smugness. When crossing the robbery, he is most afraid of disturbing, because the people who are robbing will fight all the spiritual power against lightning. I have no choice but to take care of the other.

Once you are disturbed, it is very likely that you will lose all your efforts and be repaired as a waste.

It can only be said that Wen Tian’s luck is really bad. Whether it was 10,000 years ago or now, it is bound to be a real dragon.

Wen Tian silently looked at the top of the thundercloud, he was also a little surprised, there are still two days before the robbery, it seems that he just had a fight with the Taidi, alarmed the world, so the thundercloud will appear so soon.

"Yeah, I don't think I will be robbed at this time." Wen Tian said faintly, "You want to stop me from robbing, can you withstand lightning?"

Ten thousand years ago, he was not afraid of thunder and lightning, so he asked the dragon to stop him from robbery?

The Taidi looked at the thundercloud at the top of his head. Once the thunder and lightning came down, he did not care whether the people underneath were robbing, and would fall on him.

He is here, isn't he going to help the zenith to live in those thunder?

It's cheaper for this python!

"Do you think that you are not here, can you go through the robbery?" asked the Emperor.

Wen Tian said, "No, I hope that Taidi will stay here."

Rumble -

The thunder that rang through the sky was getting denser and denser, and the lightning was about to come down.

Taidi blinked slightly. He lived for tens of thousands of years. He has never seen such a big thundercloud. Even he had never seen it before.

"Tai emper wants to go?" Wen Tian blocked in front of the Taidi, he did not care whether he could succeed in the robbery, even if he could not become a real dragon, it would be worthwhile for the lightning to return the Taidi emperor.

"Hey." Taidi disdain and Wen Tianduo said that he wanted to stop Wen Tiandu, but he would not block the robbery for her.

The sword in the hands of Wen Tian flew to the emperor.

Taidi speed quickly avoided.

"Smell, you are thinking about going to heaven and robbing today." The Taidi eyes were cold and decided to fight to stop Wen Tiansheng’s robbing and become a real dragon.

He took out a hurdle from his body, and the slap-up of the slap-up was hanging over his waist. Even if he could not block all the lightning, at least it was safer than the direct robbing of Wentian. When he was robbed, he would Can take the opportunity to kill this python.

Wen Tian looked at his lightning protection top and his eyes were cold.

Ye Hao, who has returned to the city wall, looked up and looked at her heart.

"Can he rob the case this time?" she whispered, standing next to her.

"It should be possible," said the layman. "Do you think the Emperor will stay there to fight for him?"

Ye Hao sneered, "He? A greedy and fearful person."

She is a bit curious, and the Emperor actually does not hurry.

"The gods brought by the emperor will still be careful to stare." Although the terrible thunderclouds have ceased, the two sides have not retreated. They are still alert to the soldiers of the nine days.

Ye Hao looked at the horizon and said, "If there is no emperor, this war will end."

Rumble -


A huge thunderbolt fell from the robbery cloud and was falling on Wen Tian.

Ye Hao took a breath, a powerful Tian Lei!

She has never seen such a large amount of lightning.

I couldn’t help but walk two steps forward.

"This robbery cloud..." looked frowning.

Vatican called out, "God, this day is even better than the last one."

Ye Hao looked at her. "Is it the last time I heard it, isn't that the case?"

"Thundercloud is not so big, these thunders are also more powerful." Vatican said.

"Is it okay?" Ye Hao asked worriedly.

Lying calmly said, "If the Emperor does not continue to harass him, perhaps there will be no problem."

Ye Hao arrived, "Go and take the emperor away."

"Small, what are you going to do?" When I saw Ye Hao leaving the city wall, I immediately flew up.

"I am going to lead the Emperor." Ye Hao said.

Lying in the hands of Ye Hao, "No, it is too dangerous, I will lead the Emperor."

Ye Hao said, "Even if you go, Taidi will not leave if you see it."

"Small!" Lying in her voice, she called her. "If you go, the Lord will be distracted."

At that time, she did not go to lead the emperor, but let Wen Tian have no intention to deal with the robbery.

Ye Hao was silent, and had to admit that it was possible to worry about lying.

"You stay here, let me go," said the layman.

Their words were just finished, and another thunderbolt fell.

More powerful than the one just added.

The ground was hit by a hole.

When Ye Hao and his father looked up at the same time, they saw that Taidi was leaving Leiyun quickly.

"You see, we don't need us to lead, and he is afraid of death."

"I still don't trust." She thinks that Taidi is not so easy to let go of the weather.

It seems to be the attempt to test Ye Xie. After the Emperor left Leiyun, he immediately ordered all the gods to attack in the direction of Wen Tian.

"It's mean!" Ye Hao was angry.

Immediately ordered to let other people stop them, "protect the Lord!"

However, their strength was not as good as nine days, and they could not stop those gods.

"Tai emperor, Taidi!" Yuan Hongshen hurried to the front of the emperor, "Nine days of trouble."

"What do you mean?" asked the Emperor.

Yuan Hong Shang said, "There was an accident in the Lingxiao Temple. Some people went to nine days and controlled the operation of the heavens."

Taidi’s face changed, I don’t know why, he remembered Murong Cham.

This time can appear in nine days, and can enter the nine-day control of the Lingxiao Temple, he can not think of others.

"Withdrawal!" Compared to nine days, the mainland's mainland suddenly has no problem.

what happened?

Seeing that the Emperor took the nine-day **** to leave the soldiers, Ye Hao and the lying face looked at each other.

"It seems that something happened in nine days." Wang mother came over. She looked at the direction of Taidi’s departure and said to Ye Hao, "Oh, I will go to nine days."

Ye Hao’s face glimpsed, “I will go too!”

She also guessed that the person who was in this nine days at this time might be Murong Cham.

"You still stay here, don't worry, if it is really Azhan, then it is Taidi." Wang said with a smile.

"Yeah." Ye Hao thought about it. The most worried about Tai Tai at this time should be that Murong Chong appeared in nine days.

Suddenly, I took the hand of Ye Hao, "Go!"

The three of them quickly separated, and a thunderbolt fell on the position where they had just stood.

Ye Hao looked up and saw that in a day of lightning, he could not see the figure of Wentian.

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