Ye Yiqing learned about her daughter's life in Fengqi City at the fastest speed. It was only a limited time. He knew that it was not detailed enough. However, he had already regarded Qianrozhan as a must-have.

"If you didn't guess wrong, you want to go back to Wangducheng and take the route of Fenghuangcheng... that is to go to Tianjinkou City by boat." Ye Yiqing closed his eyes and thought, "Full work, you bring red Hey, they go to Jinkou City and other girls, so that she does not have to come to Wangducheng, first go back to Kyoto, I will go to Kyoto to meet her."

Full of surprise, I saw Ye Yiqing, how come back to Kyoto?

Ye Yiqing did not pay attention to the surprise of the full-time work. He returned to Kyoto this time for Zhaoyang. For the time being, he did not want to let people know his relationship with Zhaoyang.

"Go now, be sure to stop her before the girl returns. Don't run away." He is most afraid that the people of Thousand Rakshasa are waiting on the water. It is better to go back to Kyoto directly. It is at the foot of the emperor, he believes in ink. Zhan can definitely protect her daughter.

Full of humility, turned and walked out of the study.

After a while, another letter from Ye Yinan was sent.

I saw my son said in the letter that he would return to Wangducheng soon, and he would bring Jin Shanshan back, but for the time being, he would not want to let people know about it. He would pretend to leave Jin Shanshan in Liusha City for a chores. I believe there will be someone at that time. Come to Jin Shanshan.

Ye Yinan will accept the letter. He has always ignored his son. Anyway, his son has his own ideas. He will certainly not protect Jin Shanshan for no reason.

The son is coming back... It should be seen between him and Zhaoyang. He hasn’t thought about how to explain it to his son, and what if he wants to be angry in the future? The girlfriend who grew up together will become a stepmother, in case the daughter can't accept it?

Ye Yiqing smashed his eyebrows. His daughter was so soft and supple that even if he couldn't accept it at first, he could understand it later. What makes him most worried is whether Zhaoyang can let go of his inferiority and trust him wholeheartedly.

He wouldn't care if she was a widow, or she wouldn't want her at first, but she thought so in her heart. He said that no matter how much it was useless, she could only figure it out.

After three days in a row, Ye Yiqing was forced to go to Zhaoyang. He was waiting for Zhaoyang to come to him. On the fourth day, his patience was at its peak.

“What did the county owner do in the past few days?” Ye Yiqing called Fang Zhen, who served Zhaoyang, and the girl would not be sad in the house these days.

Fang Zhen was scared by Ye Yiqing last time. Now he understands that the handsome and handsome man is not so gentle and harmless on the surface. He dares not to take a shelf in front of him and whispers back. "The county owner has been in the past few days. Brewing."

"What?" Ye Yiqing thought he had got it wrong, brewing?

"A few days ago, the peach blossoms in the garden were well opened. The county owner liked the peach blossom wine, so that the slaves picked up a lot of peach blossoms..." Fang Zhen felt the cold eyes of Ye Yiqing, and almost could not continue.

Ye Yiqing asked with a sullen look, "What else does the county owner do in addition to winemaking?"

Fang Zhen stunned. "The county owner is looking for the same thing. He didn't do anything else."

"How is she in her mood?" Ye Yiqing was in a sigh of relief. He dared to see him for three days without seeing him, and he still felt more and more fascinated.

"The county owner is in a good mood." Fang Zhen said, after Ye Dayen left, she thought that the county owner would definitely be more sad. Who knows that at night, the county owner seems to have figured it out at once, and the grace of the eyebrows Sweeping away, it is back to the relaxed appearance of being a girl.

Ye Yiqing waved his hand to let Fang Zhen retreat. He didn't go to Zhaoyang immediately. He left her house that day, and she didn't go to see her for so many days. Will she feel better?

It is his turn that he is in a bad mood.



Zhaoyang’s mood is really not bad. She is not a temperamental temper. It’s true that she heard that the emperor of Dongqingguo was very angry with Ye Yiqing’s marriage, and there was an inferiority and sadness that could not be said. He will dislike his widow's identity, but Ye Yiqing's words are also justified.

She went to Dongqingguo desperately. She didn't expect him to accept her heart. She thought about looking at him. Then she found a remote and quiet place to live this life. She didn't know where the courage was. Kissing him, and later things are out of her original intentions, in fact, she never thought that he would marry her, even if she already had a husband and wife, she only had a good memory of the two.

Anyway, she is already a widow. What is her reputation for her?

When she heard that he was going to be given a marriage and would marry a famous woman, she still couldn’t stand it.

Once people get what they want, they can't help but want more.

She only asked him to look at him from the beginning, and then he hoped that he understood his own mind. Later, she got what she wanted to do with him... Now she asks more, but she hopes that he will only be with her.

Zhaoyang smiled and laughed at herself. She figured it out. I didn’t ask for so much. Isn’t it good now? He accepted her, no longer regarded her as a younger generation, but loved a woman like a woman. She had to pay for her wish. There would be no regrets in this life. As for more, she didn't want to.

If you can spend more time with him, then you will have more good memories. When he is really married, she will naturally leave, and she will go all the way.

"The county owner, do you want to go to the garden to go?" Fang Zhen came over and whispered to Zhaoyang, she did not tell the county owner, Ye Daren only recently asked her to ask questions.

Zhaoyang looked at the outside lazily. "Let's put a bench in the courtyard. I will go outside to bask in the sun. Right, the peach wine should be almost the same. Open a pot and give it to me."

"Counter, you have always been in the yard for a few days. Ye Daren has not come for a few days. Don't you go to him?" Fang Zhen whispered.

"I am going to find him to do it? A person's days are free." Zhaoyang said with a smile, "The weather is really good, go to the countryside tomorrow, come to Wangdu City for so long, really did not go out Well, we should also go and see what this Wangdu city looks like."

Fang Zhen looked at the county owner not to say anger, she couldn't help but ask, "If the leaf master is really married, what should the county owner do?"

"What do you do? How to plan in the future, how to plan in the future." Zhaoyang smiled faintly.

"The slaves will give you peach wine." Fang Zhen understands the meaning of Zhaoyang, knowing that the county owner is not as sad as the previous few days, he will be relieved.

A man hiding in the corner is not very relieved. He does not know what Zhaoyang planned before? She seems to be really comfortable, is it to listen to what he said that day?

If I really listened to it, why didn’t I come to him for so many days?

Ye Yiqing’s heart was filled with annoying suffocation and always felt uncomfortable.

He didn't sleep well for a few nights, she was good, her ruddy spirit was good, and she seemed to sleep very well.

In her mind, is he the most important?

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