In the heart of the work, there is still a great hatred for Murong Cham. This man killed the girl who grew up watching him, and let Ye Family suffer a disaster. Although Ye Yiqing and his son did not die, they were in Ye Family. What about friends?

He did not understand why Ye Daren put down hatred so easily. He knew that his identity was humble. For Murong Cham, in addition to hiding hatred in his heart, Ye Daren and the girl told him what to do, he would still do it.

Ye Daren told him to go to Jinkou City and other girls. He originally thought that the girl would not necessarily come here. He took the portrait and let people go out to find it. He did not expect his person to be arrested by Mo Rongzhan.

"Manchu, is your person caught?" Ye Hao looked puzzledly at the full time, when Murong Chong grabbed him.

"Is your person tracking us all the way?" Murong Zhan was cold and slightly lifted, and his voice showed a strong indifference.

Full of diligence heard his voice, inexplicably felt that the scalp was numb, and the whole body was in a state of vigilance. "Yes, we are looking for a girl."

Ye Hao was even more surprised. "Manchu, how do you know that I will go to Jinkou City?"

"It’s the adults who asked them to come to Tianjin City to find you. He said that you will take a boat from Jinkou City to Wangdu City, let us come here to wait for you." Full of whispers, they rushed back. .

"..." Ye Hao was surprised to say that he couldn't say it. Do you still know how to make a good calculation? Actually it is so accurate.

Murong Zhan does not feel much surprised. Ye Yiqing definitely knows about Fengqicheng. They can go back to Kyoto from Baicheng City without going through Fengqicheng. He will carefully understand that they are planning to go to Jinqing City from Dongkou. Because that is the nearest waterway.

"Bring people." Murong Zhan faintly told Shen Shen.

He turned and went out, and in a few moments, he brought in two men who seemed to be inconspicuous.

When the two men saw their fullness, they immediately screamed, "Full uncle, save us."

Murong Zhan gestured to let them go, and asked a lot of faintness. "Ye Daren let you go to Jinkou City. Is there anything to be told?"

When I met with Murong Chong, I was relieved that they put the people away. My heart was relieved and my mouth replied. "The grown-ups don’t have to go to Dongqing, so he will go to Kyoto some time, hope that the girl will protect herself. Don't get hurt."

“Do you know what I am doing in Fengqicheng?” Ye Hao turned to look at the ink-filled ink, so quickly passed to the ears of her?

Murong Zhan gently nodded. "The father-in-law is well informed. It seems that he is not stunned."

Full of time has already brought the words, there is no such thing as him. "Girl, the adult also let Hong Ling and Hung Hom come over, afraid that no one around you will serve."

"Do you have any other instructions?" Ye Hao was awkward, and she felt that she would be very angry when she knew that she would leave with Murong Zhan.

"No." said the full man.

Murong Zhan is worried that Ye Yiqing is not letting people take Ye Hao away. If he listens to the full work, his eyebrows are stretched and stretched, and he whispered Ye Hao. "Don't the father-in-law return to Kyoto in a few days?" It must be because of our big marriage, don't worry."

I don't know why, Ye Hao thinks that things are not so simple, but now they should not be able to ask why, full of things does not seem clear.

"Then we... don't go to Dongqingguo?" Ye Hao looked back at Murong Cham.

Murong Zhan nodded gently, "just play in Jinkou City for a few days, then go straight back to Kyoto."



Full of time did not follow Ye Hao and they returned to the inn. Ye Yiqing gave him the task of sending two rings to the girl, stopping the girl from going to Wangducheng. He has done it now, and the girl has ink and other darkness. Wei, he can't use his protection at all.

Ye Hao and the two ankle rings were very happy to meet again, pulling them and asking them about the situation at home.

Hong Ling and Hung Hom look at each other. In fact, there is nothing in the house. Because there is no son-in-law, there is a group of rings in the backyard. No one can turn up the waves. The only thing worth mentioning is the Zhaoyang County Lord.

However, do you want to tell the girl? The adults didn't seem to order them to mention this to the girl.

"There is nothing at home, the wounds of the adults have healed, and the city of Wangdu has calmed down. The Queen's Empress often sends people to ask you to go back. Adults are also busy now, except at home, most of the time in the palace..." Hong Ling told Ye Hao in the case of Qi Xiangfu, and did not mention Zhaoyang deliberately.

Ye Hao’s most heart-wrenching is Ye Yiqing’s injury. I heard that it has healed, and the big stone in my heart has also been put down. “Right, Zhaoyang County Lord?”

Still have to ask the county owner! Hongling hesitated for a moment, turned to look at the red dragonfly, red eyes looked away, anyway, she would not say anything.

"What's wrong?" The two weird expressions of the ring still made Ye Hao wonder.

Hong Ling smiled a little. "Girl, the county owner is very good. After you left, she has always been taking care of the master. The master is against her... it is also very good for her."

Ye Hao Xiumei picked up, "Are you jealous of me?"

"No, slaves don't dare." Red Ling said immediately.

"Is there anything between me and Zhaoyang?" Ye Hao remembered the suspicion before leaving, and his heart paused.

Hongling said carefully, "Girl, Zhaoyang County Lord... seems to have lived in the house for a few days."

"What?" Ye Hao almost threw the cup out of his hand. "What is Zhaoyang living in the house for a few days? That is where I am, how can she..."

Looking at the look of the two cymbals, Ye Hao’s mind was like a sputum, and everything was immediately understood.

Zhaoyang likes her! All the abnormal performances before are because I like...

Ye Hao suddenly felt that his thoughts were in a mess, Zhaoyang and her? One is a handkerchief that grew up together, and one is a biological father. Although she has been a coward for many years, she never thought that her stepmother would be her girlfriend.

It is Zhaoyang who took the initiative to go to the house... No, no, she knows Zhaoyang, Zhaoyang is not so self-loving woman, it must be another reason.

Do you like Zhaoyang?

Ye Hao closed her eyes and imagined the two of them standing together. I felt that there was no awkward feeling. Although her sister would not be confused, she was still handsome and elegant. Many women who had not yet left the cabinet liked him and would marry him. After the room, for so many years, I have never been jealous again. She thought that he was deeply in love with his mother. It seems that she was wrong.

However, that is Zhaoyang...

“What do you know?” Ye Hao whispered, why did Zhaoyang go to the house, what is the idea? If he refuses, Zhaoyang cannot live in the house. “Where is the county owner? ?"

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