From Cining Palace, Murong Zhan took Fu Gonggong back to the Qing Palace, and soon Aunt Cheng came.

"The Queen Mother rested?" Murong Chong let Cheng aunt flat, and gave her a seat.

"The slave is waiting for the Queen to sleep." Cheng Aunt said with a down head.

Murong Zhan faintly nodded, "Is Ye Yaoyao really dead?"

Cheng Aunt whispered back. "Returning to the shackles, the slaves only saw the Yaogui people vomiting blood in the Cining Palace. The Queen Mother sent her out of the palace. After a few days, the death was heard. The slaves did not see Yao. The noble person broke his breath and couldn't tell if she really died."

"So, no one knows that Ye Yaoyao is dead in the end." Murong Zhan was so cold and cold, although he sent people to be alert to Ye Yaoyao, but he did not know where the Queen Mother sent her, obviously the Queen Mother did not want to let People know the whereabouts of Ye Yaoyao.

Ink Murray's eyebrows are slightly stunned. He can't figure out how the Queen Mother was pleasing to Ye Yaoyao. How could she be so good to her?

“Is there a stranger in these days?” Murong Zhan whispered.

Cheng Aunt said, "The emperor, the Queen Mother has no different days on these days. It is only today that I heard that the emperor is coming back. I want to go to the Huguo Temple. I also knew that my Majesty’s priests had been escorted. The Queen Mother went to the Huguo Temple to pray, and the emperor returned. The Queen Mother Road is going to return."

Will the Queen Mother save Ye Yaoyao? Murong Chan's fingers tapped on the table, Ye Yaoyao should not be alive, her is poisonous...

"Cheng Aunt, you should go back first. If the Queen Mother goes to Huguo Temple, you have to serve all the way." Murong Zhan said quietly.

After passing Cheng Aunt, Murong Chong called Shen Shen, "Is it really dead to go to Chaye Yaoyao, and the ring around her is also checked."

"Yes, the emperor." Shen Qi immediately responded.

"Your Majesty, Yaogui people can't live still." Fu Gonggong asked cautiously, they have already fed such poisons, how could they still be alive, not a god, it is hard to be a **** in this world.

Ink Murray said softly, "All things are in case."

I heard that Ye Hao explained the hypnosis, and Murong Zhan felt that Ye Yaoyao was not a simple person. He worried that the Queen Mother had been completely affected by this woman.

Fu Gonggong said first, "The slaves will make people look more."

Murong Zhan lifted his foot into the dormitory, "Well."

Looking at the empty sleeping hall, I remembered that I was still sleeping with Wen Xiang Yun Yu last night. Today he is the only son. I think I feel lonely.

"The emperor, are you going to bed?" Fu Gonggong untied his belt for the ink.

"Come on." He wanted to see Ye Hao, but he only separated in the morning. He could not go to her immediately.

Fu Gonggong will not understand his mind, and he will smile and change his clothes for the ink.

On the other side of Kyoto, the Lu family was still bright at this time.

Mr. Qi personally cooked the dinner, and the family said that they had been together for a long time after the meal was over, until they were in the middle of the moon, they were finally scattered.

Lying in bed, Ye Hao remembered the ink-filled Zhan.

It seems that... I am used to being around, and it is difficult to sleep without his warmth.



The next day, Ye Hao did not immediately enter the palace to give peace to the Queen Mother. After returning home, she thought about it carefully. She couldn’t just go back to the palace with her forehead. She immediately went to the palace to ask for security the next day. She thought that the Queen Mother would definitely suspicious.

She spent two or three days at home comfortably, until Murong Zhan let Xue Lin remind her, she went to the palace to see the Queen Mother.

Although it was not a long time, but because the last time I met was not pleasant, Ye Hao was a little afraid to see the Queen Mother.

It used to treat her like a daughter, but now... I’m afraid it’s impossible.

The Queen Mother only knew that Lu Hao had returned to Kyoto yesterday. She knew that with the return of the emperor, Lu Hao would have to return to Kyoto sooner or later, but he did not expect it to be so fast.

"Promote her to come in." The Queen Mother whispered, and her look was a bit complicated.

She used to like Lu Wei, but now she doesn't know how. Some don't want to see her.

"The Queen Mother, the county magistrate came." Cheng Aunt whispered around the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother raised her eyes and looked over. I saw a slender figure carrying the light into the hall until she walked in front of her, and she saw the appearance of Lu Hao. This was not seen in a year. This little girl It looks even better.

No wonder only see her in the eyes of the emperor.

"The girl has seen the Empress Dowager." After Ye Hao did not dare to call the Queen Mother a mother, she bowed her head and felt a little nervous.

The Queen Mother looked at her for a while, remembering her love for her, and she was a bit sour in her heart. "Get up."

Ye Hao whispered thank you, stood up and hesitated to look at the Queen Mother.

"When did you come back?" the Queen Mother asked softly.

"Back to the Empress Dowager, the female daughter came back two days ago." Ye Hao whispered.

The Queen Mother looked at her weak look and said with a sigh of relief. "Is the mourning home looking terrible? Do you dare to look at the mourning?"

Ye Hao glanced carefully. "I am afraid that you will not see me after the Queen."

"Where the sorrow does not want to see you, don't you go to the palace?" asked the Queen Mother, she did not want to see Lu Hao, she could see people, she missed the days before.

She almost forgot, if not Lu Yan, she may have lost a son.

Ye Hao said, "Of course not. In fact, I miss the Queen Mother."

The Queen Mother shook her head in her heart, thinking that she would be a daughter-in-law in the future. If it was a stiff, it would make it harder for the emperor to do it. "Sit down and talk to the mourner."

"Yes, Empress Dowager." Ye Hao is actually a little sad, although she has always told herself that even if the Queen Mother is not as good as her before, it can be really experienced, it is inevitable to be sad.

Although the Queen Mother did not show her dislike of her, but the relatives between them have disappeared, and now the Queen Mother is really strange to her.

“How was the year when I went to Wangducheng?” The Queen Mother held a tea bowl in her hand and slowly scraped the tea cover.

Ye Hao cautiously replied, "It’s good to go back to the maiden, but I just miss Kyoto."

"Laughing family thought that if you went to Wangdu City, you would not be happy. I didn't expect you to remember Kyoto." The Queen Mother smiled. "Ye Daren actually agreed to return to Kyoto, and it was really unexpected."

"Wang Ducheng has the biological father and brother of the female daughter, Kyoto also has the family of the female, the female is naturally missing." Ye Hao said.

The Queen Mother looked at her. "After a mourning home, I heard that Wang Ducheng was almost captured. Are you in the city?"

"Yes, but there is no danger, so the Queen Mother is worried." Ye Hao whispered.

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