Lu Jinger probably didn't think that Ye Hao would directly catch people. He looked at her with a sullen look. "Hey, I am a good heart. I don't want your reputation to be damaged in the future. You can't appreciate it."

Ye Hao looked at her with a funny look. It was really strange. The grandmother said that she had to wait to see her jokes, but now she wants to please her. "You came to me today to say this, it was instructed. Lu Jinger, I am very curious about one thing. How did you become the king of the Five Kings?"

"How did I become a side king who had anything to do with you?" Lu Jinger said with a calm face.

"With Wang's ability, I can't marry you to the five princes. Being able to be a shackle should be your own ability. I always wondered what you said when you were at Huguo Temple. Now I understand it. I had already got five princes a year ago." Ye Hao looked at Lu Jinger, she really looked down on her.

Lu Jing's face looked at Ye Hao with no expression. "Since I am already a king, I am also a family with you. I hope that you can let go of your previous prejudice and we will get along well in the future."

Ye Hao smiled and smiled at her. "You have a side, actually have a face to say such a thing? Even if it is a family, it is also a family with five kings, you a side room, what does it mean?"

Lu Jinger’s face was blue and white. The whole Kyoto did not know that the five kings and the five kings were in the same way. She is now the most favored side of the five kings. She has always been her husband for the outside world. She has long been herself. When the king was stunned, Lu Yan’s words were like a big slap on her face.

"Lu Hao!" Lu Jinger could not suppress the anger of his heart, and his eyes were red with Ye Hao.

Ye Hao snorted coldly. "Come on, don't take it here. You are a side prince. You can definitely help your sisters. You know what Lu Fanger was in Liangjia, but you are The so-called face is abandoning her, it is really affectionate."

Lu Jinger is going to be blown up, but she doesn't dare to be as angry as before. It is already a fact that Lu Hao will become a queen. Otherwise, Wu Wangye will not let her move more.

"Since you don't appreciate it, I say it is useless and leave." Lu Jinger said coldly, and didn't want to take it for himself.

"Send customers." Ye Hao did not care to wave, and did not want to see Lu Jinger again. She used to think that she loved vanity and liked to compare with others. Now she knows that she is essentially a selfish, ruthless person.

Hong Ling sent Lu Jinger to the door and walked back.

Not long after, he came over to find Ye Hao.

"How did Jinger suddenly come to you?" He asked Ye Hao.

"It’s because of Lu Fang’s business." Ye Hao whispered, "Mother, I don’t have to deal with Lu Jinger in the future, this person is too cool."

Yan’s frowning said, “I thought she had a little bit of heart. I didn’t expect... Hey, Fang hasn’t sent a message yet, the old lady is in the spirit of heaven, if she knows her situation, even if she said that she didn’t want to Fang, it must be sad."

"If she is not at ease, then I will accompany you to see Liangjia." Ye Hao said.

Yan took a look at her. "At the beginning, Fang Fang was like this to you, and her older brother had harmed your sister. You don't care about Lujia."

"Their life and death are not related to me, but you and me are very important to me." Ye Hao said with a smile, "I will look at her for the old lady."

"Hey, if it wasn't Liu, Lu Fanger wouldn't have to marry Liang Chun."

At that time, Lu Fanger was not an opportunity to choose. She insisted on marrying Liang Chun, and the old lady also persuaded.

"Mother, it’s useless to think too much now," said Ye Hao.

He said, "Forget it, Fanger doesn't necessarily want us to take care of her. If she really needs our help, she will come to us."

Ye Hao smiled and nodded. "Good."



"The emperor, Zhuo old father and daughter left the Fenghuang City and went to the jungle mountain." In the royal study room, there are two dark defenders in front of the ink-handed Zhan, who is answering his question.

Jungle Mountain? Murong Chan blinked slightly. He remembered that Niujia Village was near the Jungle Mountain. Do Zhuo always want to find the hidden Niujia Village?

“What did Zhuo Lao have met with?” Murong Zhan asked quietly.

One of them handed the list, "The Emperor, this is the person Zhuo Lao had seen when he went to Jungle Hill."

Murong Chong read the above name about it and handed it to the side of the sinking. "Check who it is."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"The emperor, Zhuo old father and daughter are on the way to the capital, and it should be into the city in two days."

Ink Murray’s twilight is so heavy. “They’re all about moving in Kyoto.”

Two dark guards promised.

Zhuo always thinks about what Kyoto is doing? Does Kyoto have his people?

Murong Zhan has always suspected that Zhuo Lao and Qian Luozha have a relationship that can't be separated, but still hasn't found out the truth yet. If Zhuo Lao and Qian Luozha have a relationship, what about Murong?

"Six princes have not returned to Kyoto for many years?" Murong Chong looked to the side of Fu Gonggong.

Fu Gonggong stunned, and wondered how the emperor suddenly mentioned the six princes. The prince always liked to go everywhere. When he thought about it, he forgot what he looked like. "Back to the emperor, the six princes left Kyoto. Five or six years."

Five or six years...

Murong Zhan nodded faintly. "In a few princes, it seems that he still hasn’t been a king."

Fu Gonggong should be, how did the emperor think of the six kings who are close relatives?

"Going to the six kings' palace, it is time to let the six kings come back." Murong Chong said softly, since Zhuo Lao did not reveal any flaws, then he found the ink-filled scorpion, and maybe he could know from him.

"Yes, the emperor." Fu Gonggong promised.

Murong Zhan let the two dark guards first retreat to stare at Zhuo Lao. He hesitated for a moment before he went to the Cining Palace to give peace to the Queen Mother.

"The mourner will go to the Huguo Temple to restore it tomorrow. If the emperor is empty, it is better to go with the mourner." The Queen Mother said to the ink-filled with a smile.

"After the mother, I am afraid that there is no time tomorrow. Would it be better to let Tang Yan **** you to Huguo Temple?" Murong Zhan whispered that he had just returned, and there was too much backlog in Kyoto.

The Queen Mother did not expect the emperor to really accompany her to Huguo Temple. "Well, the emperor is busy, and it is good to go home."

Mo Rongzhan looked to the aunt Cheng Aunt. "You must carefully wait for the Queen Mother tomorrow, don't let others collide."

Cheng Aunt whispered.

"You are just arrogant, that is Huguosi, not somewhere else, and anyone who dares to rush to the mourning home." The Queen Mother laughed.

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