Ye Yiqing and Zhaoyang left Kyoto, and Ye Hao could not personally send it. He could only say goodbye to Ye Yiqing in the palace.

For Ye Yiqing’s departure, many people in Kyoto were relieved, but they soon found that Ye Yiqing was gone. Ye Yinan stayed. What happened? Is it difficult for the father and son to go apart?

Everyone still has doubts in their hearts. Murong Cham has sealed Ye Junnan as a general of Qingqi and became a military commander of the Jin State.

This court of the imperial court is dumbfounded. They used to think that even if Lu Hao became a queen, there is no need to worry about it. Anyway, Ye Yiqing and his sons have become the prime ministers and generals of the East Qing Dynasty. Their hands are so long that they are too long. Country, not to mention Lu Yan’s adoptive father is Lu Shiming, a family that is disgusted by the emperor, where can the forces go? Some people have already planned well. When the next draft woman sends her daughter into the palace, she will be able to press the queen. Anyway, the queen has no backing.

However, if Ye Weinan stays... everything is different, the emperor has always loved the empress, and now there is also a national grandfather who is a general of the Qingqi. How is this?

The imperial court officials began to oppose, Ye Yanan must not become a generals of Qingqi, he was originally a general of Dongqingguo, how can he still serve as a general in Jinguo? What if you betrayed in the future?

"The adults are only thinking about it." Xu Lao half squinted. "Ye Lannan was originally a native of Jinguo Kyoto. He succeeded in the general of Dongqing State. Now that he has returned to his homeland, how can he still go back."

"According to Xu Daren, isn't Ye Yeqing going back to Jinguo?" Someone asked, "Isn't he a Jin Guoren? If their father and son are betrayed Jin Guo in the future, it is not a one-on-one." ?"

Xu Lao smiled faintly. "Ye Daren and Ye General cannot be compared."

"At the same time, father and son, how can you compare? The emperor, the appointment of Ye Yinan as a general of the Qingqi also asked for two thoughts." Many people in the court have collapsed.

Ink Murray nodded faintly. "Since it is not good to think that Ye Daren is not a good person in Dongqing, then he will let him come back and let him become the singer of Jin Guo. So, you will not have to Worried that in the future, their father and son will jointly sell the kingdom."


Let Ye Yiqing go to Jin Guo Dangxiang? !

Isn't that the time for Ye Family to return to the top of the forces? That's got it!

All the disputes and oppositions have disappeared because of the words of Murong Cham. A young military commander will not make them feel stressed, but if Ye Yiqing becomes a prime minister, they are estimated to have to fight.

“Is there anything else to be played?” Mo Rong asked faintly. “If you don’t have one, just retreat.”



Ye Hao was busy again before. The size of the former palace was under the control of the Queen Mother. Later, Murong Zhan knew that there was Ye Yaoyao around the Queen Mother, and he handed over the harem to the House of Internal Affairs.

Today, the head of the House of Government is to come over to Ye Hao to return to the business.

The House of Internal Affairs is mainly responsible for the management of the Royal Affairs. The main institution is the Seventh Division and the Third House. The most important thing is the Department of Storage and Storage. It specializes in the storage of various treasures of the royal family. Ye Hao does not need to manage the entire seven divisions and three houses, except for the Department of Storage and Storage. There are also more than 30 affiliates, including the three weaving offices. In addition, the deacons responsible for managing eunuchs, palace ladies and all matters in the palace are also the House of Representatives.

For the first time today, Ye Hao met the general manager of the various divisions in the palace. Murong Zhan worried that she was not familiar with it. She specially sent two aunts to help her, and she was able to explain these matters with Ye Hao.

She is really unfamiliar with the various matters in the harem. The first day I saw the main directors have made her tired and dizzy.

"The Niangniang, nowadays it is going to be the clothes for the season, but the quota for the palace ladies is the same as in previous years?" Aunt, the chief of the Department of Storage, whispered.

Like Ye Hao, the heads of the divisions are the first time to see the empress of the empress. They are very clear about who the master is in the palace, but they don’t understand Ye Hao, so they dare not express their position so expressly. What to say and what to do, the words of the director of the Department of Storage and Storage have brought a bit of temptation.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "What kind of quota is in previous years, what kind of quota this year is, you don't have to change it."

"Yes, Queen Empress." Gu said with a low eyebrow.

"The Niangniang, the four divisions of the palace need to pick another deputy director this year. This is the list of new picks. Please ask the niece to look over." The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs handed over the booklet to Ye Hao.

The most important thing for the four divisions is the main event. There are two deputy principals. In the past few years, because the Queen Mother has been negligent in the four divisions, the internal divisions of the four divisions are actually very chaotic. Whether it is the main or the deputy, they secretly collude with each other. There are quite a few things. This is still Xuelin’s. She is still very surprised. Since Xue Lin can find out, why does Murong Zhan know?

Murong Chan told her last night that he had not had much time in the harem before, and everything was handed over to the Queen Mother. These people pleaded with the Queen Mother. Some things were done unconsciously, and he still tolerated him. In the degree, he did not spend extra energy to check this matter. Anyway, he felt that Ye Yijin had entered the palace soon, and he would always clean up for him.

"The roster is left, and the palace will make a decision after careful reading." Ye Hao said faintly, "Your divisions will send the books of the past few years, and this palace will be over."

Account book? Regarding the main event and other principals, they never thought that the Queen’s Empress also planned to read the books. Does this need not be given to the Queen?

"The goddess, slaves will hand over the books to Master Wang every season." Gu said in a low voice.

"The palace knows, but still wants to take a look." Ye Xiao smiled and glanced at them. "Is there a rule in the palace that can't be seen in the palace?"

General Manager Wang bowed his head. "The minions will send the books to you tomorrow."

Ye Hao nodded with satisfaction. "There are all the things you are going back to today, and the palace is clear. You should all retreat first."

"Yes, Queen Empress." Wang was in charge of the rules.

When all the main things were done, Ye Hao was gently breathed out. This was the first day, she had already felt that it was not easy. Fortunately, not all of the seven divisions and three courtyards were under her control, or they would have to get tired of a white hair. It is.

"The niece, these are the old people in the palace. They have been refined for decades." The woman who stood by Ye Hao whispered that she looked about thirty years old and was sent to Ye Hao by Murong Zhan. Aunt Pan next to me.

Ye Hao smiled faintly. "This palace knows that Pan Aunt has to talk about the things in this palace. Otherwise, this palace is really a blind eye."

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