After ink-receiving the book of the Ministry of Military Affairs, Murong Zhan originally intended to leave Ye Xiaonan to say a few words. I don’t know if he has yet to speak. Ye has already asked for the Queen to ask for peace. I think that if Ye Hao can see her brother today, The mood should be better, he allowed Ye Nannan's request.

Estimated that their brothers and sisters should talk almost, and Murong Zhan left the Qing Palace. Yesterday he was able to work hard and tired Ye Hao. He did not want Ye Xiaonan to delay her rest.

"Is the Queen going to the Queen Mother today, please?" Murong Chan whispered to ask Fu Gonggong while walking.

Fu Gonggong whispered back. "I heard that it was gone, but... I didn't see the Queen Empress in the Queen Mother. The Queen waited for an hour in Cining Palace."

Murong Chan 眸 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨

Is Ye Yaoyao's hypnosis really so powerful? Can make the Queen Mother's heart become so powerful.

If Murong Yu can find the Xiliang Wuwang, it may be able to wake up the Queen Mother soon.

"The emperor, there are people in front." Fu Gonggong reminded Murong Zhan.

Murong Zhan looked at the past, the old Wang Hao? "Is the old Wang Hao into the palace today?"

Fu Gonggong whispered, "Return to the emperor, I heard that I am going to give peace to the Queen Mother."

If it wasn't for the old man, the Queen Mother was still in peace at Chengde Mountain Villa, and Murong Zhanjun looked at the old Wang Hao in front of him.

"The minister has seen the emperor." An old Wang did not expect to see the emperor just out of Ci Ning Palace, so better, can let the emperor see the painting first, even if you can not fall in love at first sight, it is good to leave an impression in the heart. of.

Murong Zhan looked cold and cold, and his eyes looked indifferently and majesticly. He looked at An Lao Wang Yu. "An old Wang Hao is very concerned about the Queen Mother recently."

An Lao Wang said with a smile, "The emperor, the former maids who feared the Queen Mother did not dare to enter the palace often. Now they know that the Queen Mother is amiable, so he likes to go to the palace to accompany the Queen Mother."

“Is it?” Murong Zhan’s eyes flashed a touch of cool color. “Also let you go to Chengde Villa to visit the Queen Mother and persuade the Queen Mother to return to the palace.”

An old Wang Hao did not hear the disappointment in the ink-filled words, and his face was still smiling. "In fact, the minister did not say anything. The Queen Mother came back to miss the emperor."

"I am still grateful to you." Murong Zhan said faintly, "What did Lao Wangjun persuade the Empress Dowager today?"

"This..." An old Wang smiled a little. "The last time I was inadvertently in the back of the premise, I was the prostitute of the woman's wife. The Queen Mother must bring her to the palace to give her a look. Today, the minister has a prostitute." Palace, know the painting, give the emperor a gift."

Liu Zhi painting has been stunned at the moment when she saw Murong Cham. She heard a lot of heroic deeds about the young emperor in the mouth of An Lao Wang, but never thought... I didn’t expect the emperor to actually It was so young and handsome, and the clear and beautiful face was like a **** on the top, letting her see her heart suffocate.

"The female **** knows that the painting has seen the emperor." Liu Zhi painting forced the frenzied heartbeat to give a ritual to the ink.

Murong Chong just glanced at her faintly. "The old gentleman is really good at the Queen Mother."

An Lao Wang Shuo bowed his head and said, "It’s all for the Queen Mother."

“Is it?” Murong Zhan smiled and stepped over them.

Liu Zhi painting stood in place for a long time and could not return to God.

An old Wang Hao did not find the prostitute's strange, but the tone was full of appreciation and said, "This is the emperor of our country, knowing the painting, he is the greatest person of the whole country, do you think it deserves?"

"Auntie, can I deserve him?" Liu Zhihua whispered, and the aunt’s words that she had said to the emperor seemed to be more appropriate. She had never seen such a handsome and majestic man, as if As long as he stands there, he can attract everyone's attention.

"Besides you, who can deserve the emperor?" An old Wang Hao snorted, and Lu Lu was counted, the emperor had never seen her niece to stand her, and later waited for the painting to enter the palace. See how Lu Hao is going to be arrogant.

Liu Zhi painting is pretty and blushing. "Auntie, I will definitely stay."

She must stay in the palace, and when she reappears in front of the emperor, she will certainly attract his attention.

An Lao Wang Hao nodded with satisfaction. "We will go back and be ready to enter the palace."



Ye Yinan is still talking to Ye Hao about what happened recently.

"Those people know that the deputy around me is a woman. Even if they talk about it behind the scenes, they ran to me and fell down. They met on the road two days ago. Jin Shanshan stumbled them. They were not convinced by the people in Xishan Camp. I want to challenge us." Ye Xiaonan said with a smile.

Ye Hao reluctantly asked, "How does Jin Shanshan hit someone on the road, and she will get into trouble sooner or later."

"It is those who first humiliate her, I agree with her shot." Ye Xiaonan's mouth twitched a little smile, "put the Xishan Daying deputy to play the dog, and after seeing him dare to say that our light riding camp is soft-footed shrimp. ”

"Although this is the case, you can't let Jin Shanshan take the shot. She has no foundation here. It makes people know that her true identity is more troublesome. If others don't dare to treat you, don't they dare to clean her up?" Ye Hao sighed in her heart. Dao, her brother is so good, sometimes it is too careless, he wants to protect the good and good, but can't find a way, only tired of her.

Ye Yinan sat up straight and looked at Ye Xie with round eyes. "How come I didn't think of this?"

"That's because you are careless!" Ye Hao said with no anger.

"You are right, those people will definitely not give up, I have to go back and see." Ye Yannan stood up and went outside.

Ye Hao has never seen his brother so nervous. "Brother, you care about Jin Shanshan."

"Of course I care about her, she is my deputy." Ye Yannan said of course.

"Brother, I thought she was your prisoner of war." Ye Hao said with a grin. "Are you so good for Ge Kuan?"

Ye Hao said, "So you care about Ge Kuan?"

"That's not the same!" said Ye Xiaonan. "I went back. Hey, if you have anything, let me tell you that my brother staying in Kyoto is a backing for you."

"Know it! You still have to find me a big bang." Ye Hao smiled.

Ye Yinan didn't know what to think of, and his face was uncomfortable. "What is big, it will naturally be there."

"Well? You want to be a relative? Why didn't you listen to you before?" Murong Zhan came in from the outside, just to hear the words behind Ye Xiaonan.

"The emperor." Ye Yannan sneaked a sigh of relief. "You don't listen to nonsense, the minister has no desire to be a relative."

Ye Hao couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Chen first retired." Ye Xiaonan looked at Ye Hao and said to the ink-filled ceremony.

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