Ye Hao stepped forward to remove the belt for Mo Rongzhan, looking at his handsome and clear face, she said with a smile, "Auntie sees you every time you are like a frightened bunny, you can't be kind to him." ?"

"If you are not strict with him, he should be insatiable." Murong Chan reached out and squeezed her earlobe, and the eyes flashed a smile.

"It seems that you are so serious about your children in the future." Ye Hao said with a smile, handing the belt to Hong Ling and pouring him a cup of tea.

Murong Zhan’s eyes gloomy and faintly looked at her lower abdomen. “The child of sly... It’s natural to be strictly disciplined, but the queen can be a kind mother.”

Thinking of her and Murong Cham's children, Ye Hao's mouth couldn't help but also floated a sweet smile. "There is no shadow yet."

"Is this blaming for not working hard enough?" Murong Chan whispered in her ear.

Ye Hao didn't give him a sigh of relief, but he really didn't do anything. He used to think that he was both majestic and indifferent, and he didn't want to enter.

Murong Chong likes her cute look, holding her in her arms and laughing.

"Right, don't you say that the six princes are going to the West Wu Wang? Can you hear the news?" Ye Hao remembered that Qi Tai said that the Queen Mother was not sick at all. They all knew that the Queen Mother was well, but her temperament was not. The same is true, there is no disease, and they do not believe it.

"Xiliang Wuwang's whereabouts are uncertain. Someone said that he went to the wasteland. He has sent people to the wasteland, but there is still no news. There is no news from the king." Murong Zhan whispered, he knew that Ye Hao was very I hope that the Queen Mother will be awake, and now the Queen Mother is like this, she is actually not comfortable in the palace.

Ye Hao sighed in disappointment in his heart. "I hope to find the Xiliang Wuwang, he can help the Queen Mother."

Murong Zhan smashed her palm. "I am going to be an autumn hunt. Would you like to go to Chengde Villa with you?"

"Autumn hunting?" Ye Hao's eyes are slightly bright, she remembered, there will be an autumn hunting every year, the emperor will bring the imperial court officials to the Chengde Mountain Villa to hunt, in order to highlight the harvest of the country, "can Take me with me?"

"When you want to leave Kyoto for at least half a month, don't you need the Queen to wait around?" Murong Zhan whispered with her earlobe.

Ye Hao shrank in his arms, and looked at him with a pair of burning eyes. "I heard that there are many beautiful people in Chengde, who can accompany the emperor to hunt and serve the emperor hot springs."

Murong Zhan took a serious nod. "I thought about it. When I went to Chengde Mountain Villa to hunt, there are indeed a lot of beautiful people waiting to serve..." He smiled and looked at her small mouth. "Unfortunately, I met that night." To an unforgettable fairy, from then on, the other souls became a vulgar thing. What do you say?"

"What kind of fairy?" Ye Hao looked at him doubtfully, and soon remembered the first time she met him after her rebirth. At that time, she was releasing her sorrow in the hot spring. He suddenly appeared, she was rushing. When I left, I kicked him awkwardly... "You are nonsense."

"How do you talk nonsense?" Murong Zhan asked with a funny smile.

Ye Hao pointed his thin lips. "The emperor also warned me at that time, thinking that I entered the palace with ulterior motives."

Murong Zhan whispered, "That is afraid of being tempted."

"Cheat." Ye Hao whispered.

"What do you do to fool you?" Murong Chan pressed her under her body. "At that time, I had to say that, so I could restrain myself... Don't leave you alone."

Ye Hao raised his head and bit it in his chin.



Cining Palace, sleeping hall.

The Queen Mother was very happy to see her younger son and asked him to accompany him to dinner.

"How do you feel when you take office on the first day of the military today?" The Queen Mother asked with a smile. Compared with the eldest son who is already the emperor, the Queen Mother prefers Murong, who is always around her, and most importantly, she thinks that the younger son will listen. Her words.

Murong took a sip of tea. "It's very good, but after the mother, I think the military is not suitable for me."

The Queen sent a banquet to prepare for dinner. When he heard the words of Murong, he asked in confusion. "What happened? Is there someone in the Ministry of War who bullies you? It doesn't matter, the mourner goes to your emperor and says, you are the prince, who? Dare to bully you."

"After the mother, no one bullied me, I am not saying this." Murong hurriedly said, "I prefer to go to the light camp. After the mother, you did not see it. The general martial arts of Ye General can be powerful. The Ministry of Military Affairs and Xishan Camp There are no opponents, and his female deputy..."

Murong 沂 excitedly said to the Queen Mother after what happened in the light riding camp today. "... After the mother, I thought of the light riding camp to follow Ye General, definitely more interesting than in the military."

The face of the Queen Mother has already turned black. "You said Ye General is Ye Yannan?"

"Yeah." Murong nodded, and then remembered that the Queen Mother had a knot on Ye Family. Ye Yinan was the Queen's brother. The Queen Mother would certainly not like it. "After the mother, the general of Ye is very hearty, very Not bad."

"Is he asking you to go to the light camp?" asked the Queen Mother with a calm face.

Murong shook his head and said, "No, it is what I want to go."

The Queen Mother snorted. "Where is the light riding camp comparable to the Ministry of War, you don't listen to some people's jealousy and you are tempted. The light riding camp is in the aftermath. Do you want to go out and fight later?"

“Why not?” Murong whispered, if he really needs to fight, can he not go to the battlefield to kill the enemy?

"Do you want to suffocate your sorrow?" the Queen Mother asked with anger. "Where is the battlefield, it is going to die, how can you go to such a place?"

Murong frowned and looked at the Queen Mother. "After the mother, why can't anyone else go to the battlefield?"

"Because you are a prince." said the Queen Mother.

"The emperor is the emperor, he also went to the battlefield. If it wasn't for the emperor's battle on the battlefield, we can't enjoy it now." Murong replied that he doesn't like being a busy prince, not even I like to be bored in the place of the Hanlin Academy. He wants to do something meaningful.

The Queen Mother was refuted and could not be said. She snorted and yelled at Murong. "You are not coming to the mourner to ask for peace today. I want to ask the mourner to agree to go to the light camp."

Inkor gently nodded. "After the mother, you promise me."

"Hey, the mourners look at the Ye family brothers and sisters are simply uneasy and know that you will go to the important position in the military department, so I will lead you to the light riding camp. You don't have to think about it, the mourning family will not agree." The queen said with anger. .

What does this have to do with the Queen? Murong said helplessly, "After the mother, you don't want to misunderstand the queen in everything, she didn't do anything at all."

The Queen Mother couldn’t listen to it, and firmly believed that this was the Queen’s intention to swear.

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