When is the airborne wild pigeon?

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Hou Peidong is Ye Xiaonan's friend, Xiao Ye Nan is the brother of the Empress, and the Queen has no reason to help him.

"I think the Queen's idea is good, then I will try it according to the method that the Queen said." Murong Zhan said faintly.

Ye Haoyue gave a ceremony to the Queen Mother and Murong Zhan. "Chen Chen is late, ask the mother and the Queen to forgive."

Murong Chan reached out and lifted her up. "It's no problem, just to catch up with the wonderful time."

"The emperor was really in time." The Queen Mother snorted.

Ye Hao explained with the Queen Mother with a smile, "Yes, the courtier thought that he would miss it."

"The mourners heard that Hou Shizi did not learn without surgery. It was not easy to win. You have such a problem. Is it to show that your queen is fair?" asked the Queen Mother with a sneer.

"No!" Ye Hao's mouth floated a hint of light smile, and the voice was not high and said, "Chen Chen is a very short-sighted person."

The Queen Mother listened to her words and showed a mockery in her eyes.

"Before the test begins." Fu Gonggong's words screamed loudly.

Ye Hao looked at the front and said with a smile. "After the mother, we still have to see who will win."

Hou Peidong and Yan Tuo have a bow and ten arrows in their hands. They see that they say that the arrows are shot quickly. Whoever shoots the most pigeons will win.

The face of General Meng of the Xishan Camp has been unable to hold a smile. In his view, Hou Peidong is not an opponent of Yantuo.

"Hou Peidong is growing up with your brother?" Murong Chong whispered in the ear of Ye Hao.

"Return to the emperor, yes." Ye Hao looked back at the ink-filled head, and his mouth slightly tilted.

Murong Zhan smiled and smiled at her. Ye Hao Nan’s martial arts was so good. It was impossible to learn in Dongqing’s country in the past few years. It must have been rooted since childhood. If Hou Peidong and Ye Yinan grow up together, it’s impossible A wine bag rice bag.

At least Ye Yiqing will not let his son be with such people.

"Put the pigeons!" General Meng was loudly ordered.

Yutuo quickly took out an arrow and aimed at the sky.

Hou Peidong grabbed the bow with one hand and the other hand on the quiver.

A group of wild pigeons flew out of the cage and rushed to the sky.

The arrow in the hands of Yutuo shot quickly and a pigeon fell.

Some people around him shouted loudly, but the sound was still not finished. They saw Hou Peidong grabbed three arrows and put them on the bow.

Crazy! Hou Peidong thought who he was!

call out--

Hou Peidong closed his eyes when the three arrows shot at the same time. He recalled the time when he was practicing archery in his youth...

His archery has always been inferior to Ye Yinan. At that time, he thought that the days of his life would be very leisurely, and Ye Yinan became the most self-contained family in Kyoto. Later, he knew that there was no later.

For many years, he has contacted archery every day, no one knows.

Just to one day want to avenge your friends.


His three arrows only got two arrows, and two pigeons fell from the air.

Yan Tuo shot the second arrow because he saw Hou Peidong missed two wild pigeons and missed it.

Hou Peidong shot three more arrows.

This time every arrow did not fail.


Everyone was shocked. Do you suspect that Hou Peidong was instantly lost? Is this the smashing Hou Shizi that all Kyoto knows? How do you turn into an archer?

Hou Peidong shot ten arrows in the eyes of everyone, and there were ten wild pigeons on the ground, one of which was Yutuo and the other nine were Hou Peidong.

The victory and defeat will be seen at once.

Although Murong Zhan had long guessed that Ye Hao had made Hou Peidong change the test method, he was sure, but he did not expect that Hou Peidong’s arrow method was so good.

"The emperor, Hou Peidong won it." Ye Xiao smiled and looked at Murong Zhan.

"Impossible!" Yan Tuo shouted, can't believe he actually lost to Hou Peidong.

Ye Xiaonan asked with a smile, "The deputy general, is it true that these pigeons are themselves hitting the arrow of Hou Peidong?"

The people in the light camp sneered out.

Ink Murray said faintly, "The winners and losers have been divided, there is nothing to dispute."

It was only after I saw that there was the emperor present here. He did lose to Hou Peidong. He was not too slow and accurate, but he could not do three arrows and ensure that every arrow can shoot.

"The emperor, his subordinates are willing to gamble and lose, and all the prey captured today will be given to General Ye." Yan Tuo kneeled on one knee and said with shame.

Murong Zhan looked at Ye Xiaonan, "Ye General, what do you think?"

Ye Xiaonan naturally has nothing to do with it. Anyway, he wants everyone to dare not look down on Hou Peidong.

"As for some small prey, it is better to give it to the subordinates of the light camp. The end will be able to hit the mountain tomorrow." Ye Yannan said with a smile.

He is not the rare prey of the extension, but he wants to take away his harvest today and let him know that it is a taste to be poked.

Murong Zhan smiled and nodded. "Okay, then according to General Ye."

Ye Yinan bowed his hand and said, "Thank you for the emperor."

"Hou Peidong, you have a good archery, is it to learn?" Mo Rongzhan asked Hou Peidong.

"Returning to the emperor, when he was a child, he went to Yejia to find General Ye, and he got the guidance of Ye Daren, so he understood such a little arrow." Hou Peidong said quickly, how can he say that he is good at playing wild pigeons, or used to eat pigeon meat. Only learned.

Murong's thin lips floated a little lightly, and as he guessed, Ye Hao had already known Hou Peidong's arrow method, otherwise he would not ask him and Yu Tuobi to test the wild pigeons.

"Yu Tuo, do you lose?" Mo Rong Zhan looked faintly.

"Subordinates...constrained." Yan Tuo looked depressed. If he was not shocked by Hou Peidong’s arrow, he would not lose his wrong hand. This time he lost his heart and reluctantly, but he could not show it, otherwise he would It seems that he is not at all tempered.

Murong Zhan smiled and told Fu Gonggong, "People go to wash those wild pigeons and send them."

Ye Yinan and Hou Peidong returned to the position.

Ye Haoyue took a glass of wine and took a sip of wine. He heard the sound of the Queen’s taunting sounding. “The Queen has long known that Hou Peidong is good at archery.”

"After the mother, isn't the minister of the party not talking about it? Chen is a very short-term person." Ye Yan said with a smile.

"Does Hou Peidong have a relationship with you, or how do you protect him?" The Queen Mother asked coldly, though the voice was not big enough, but it was enough for Chen Rongzhan to hear.

Ye Hao's twilight floated a layer of frost, and the Queen Mother in front of her eyes, in order to make Murong Zhan hate her, actually became so vicious, even this kind of misunderstanding can be said.

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