Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 822: Let the Queen accompany the mourner

Murong Zhan originally intended to persuade the Queen Mother to return to the city of the province, so she would not intervene in the draft, but did not expect the Queen Mother actually refused to agree, and still remember to hang the draft.

"It seems that it is not easy to persuade the Queen Mother to leave Kyoto." Murong Zhan took Ye Hao's hand and walked back. His eyebrows were slightly condensed, thinking about how to make the Queen promised.

"The Queen Mother has worked hard to make the Emperor Yulu even." Ye Hao smiled, how she could not see the Queen Mother's intentions, and did not leave Liu Zhi painting in the palace, she should not be reconciled.

"Whether the Queen Mother stays in the palace, the draft will not have any effect." Murong Zhan said faintly, even if the palace has added a flaw, it is still the same for him.

Ye Hao grabbed his hand and lifted a pair of clear and bright eyes to look at him. The eyebrowed man in front of her eyes is that she loves to control herself. How can she be willing to let him touch other women? Digging her heart? "I can only be one after another in my life."

"I heard that the Queen of the former dynasty is also a shackle." Murong Chan said with a low voice.

"But...the Queen Mother and the courtiers will have opinions." Ye Hao smiled, and Murong Chan had no children. Now no matter who wants to give birth to the emperor, he can't help but find out, at least he can take advantage of the long emperor's quota. Many people in the court want to send their daughter to the palace, and then give birth to a half-female for the emperor.

Murong Zhan sighed. "How do they have opinions? Do you want to ask which woman to ask them? Don't think too much."

Ye Hao got up on his chin and kissed him. "Well."

"So I want you to agree to bring the little wolf into the palace?" Murong Zhan smiled at her.

"Who is a small color wolf, you are a big color wolf!" Ye Hao did not sigh.

Murong Zhan bowed her earlobe. "If you are not a big color wolf, how can you eat this little white rabbit?"

Ye Hao listened to his low, hoarse voice, his cheeks red, and his heart beat faster.

Looking at her blushing face, Murong Zhan bowed her head and kissed her lips.

The moonlight is gently spread on them, pulling their figure long, the man is tall and straight, the woman is petite and slender, just softly snuggling in the man's arms, whenever and wherever, see this scene They can't help but regard them as beliefs in love.

Liu Zhi painting hides in the corner, his eyes are full of tears, the original indifferent man is so gentle to the Queen, so embarrassing and envious.

If she can get the attention of Murong Chong one day, how good it is.

"Liu girl, the Queen Mother is looking for you." Jin Ping did not know when he came to Liu Zhi's painting and said to her in a low voice.

"Oh, well, I will go right away." Liu Zhi painting wiped the tears from his face and turned back to smile at Jinping.

Jinping did not see what she was doing here, and said with a smile, "The Queen Mother just returned to the camp and is looking for you."

"I know." Liu Zhihua lowered his head and went to the camp of the Queen Mother.

After a few steps, she looked back and saw that the emperor was holding the queen's figure and gradually went away.



Tian Weiliang, Murong Zhan took Ye Hao back to Chengde Villa, Ye Yannan and Tang Yan still stayed in the camp, they are very rare to relax and hunt, so I still want to be here for a few days, the right to rest.

"I thought you wanted to stay in the camp for a few more days." Ye Hao looked at Murong Zhan, and some couldn't understand how he returned to the villa so soon.

"When hunting, you can play." Murong Zhan said faintly, "Do you still want to stay there every day to face the Queen Mother?"

Ye Hao smiled and shook his head. "In any case, I am not facing the Queen Mother in the past few days. Can I avoid it when I go back to the palace? Now at least there is news of the Xiliang Wuwang, maybe it will make the Queen wake up."

Ink Murray smiled faintly. "The relationship between Xiliang Wuwang and Ye Yaoyao is not known. Let's go back to Xiliang people."

"Yeah." Ye Hao gently nodded.

"Come to the hot spring pool." Murong Zhan said lightly.

Ye Hao said, "You can't go to the hot spring pool, and the wounds on your body haven't healed yet."

Murong Chan said helplessly, "Hey, this is a little injury."

"It seems to me not to be small in my opinion." Ye Hao said firmly. "Since you have returned to the villa, you should raise your body."

She just took this time to continue to give him a spring, and then he thoroughly raised his appearance.

The face of Mo Rong Zhan Qing’s face changed slightly. If he could not go to the hot spring pool, why should he bring her back to Chengde Villa?

Ye Haocai did not care what he thought in his heart. He let him live in the same place in the village, and he passed the big half of the month.

Ye Yinan and Tang Yin and others returned to Kyoto a few days ago. Only the Queen Mother is still at Chengde Mountain Villa, but she is no longer following Liu Zhihua. I heard that Liu Zhihua has returned to Kyoto.

"After the mother, do you really want to go back to the city of Youcheng?" Murong Zhan accompanied the Queen Mother with dinner, and inadvertently took out the things mentioned before.

"The mourner wants to think about it or decide to go to the spring next year." The Queen Mother said faintly, "What if the old murderer is on the road in the winter?"

Old disease? Is it the old pain of knee pain? After the last treatment by Ye Hao, hasn't it been a disease for a long time? Murong Zhan’s heart is clear, but there is no point to wear. “What is so difficult, let the female officer follow you.”

"The sorrow of the family has been so many years, if the female faculty is cured, it will be cured." The Queen Mother said with no anger.

Murong Chan heard something in the words of the Queen Mother. "After the mother, what do you think?"

"Is the Queen not proficient in medical skills? If she is walking with the mourning family, then when the mourners can save the family," said the Queen.

She originally thought that she could not leave, lest the draft was held by Lu Hao, but she was later given a few words by An Lao Wang. Instead, she felt that she could find a way to open Lu Hao. The emperor will see other women in the eye.

The smile of Murong Zhan’s mouth is not diminished, but the twilight is cold. “I was injured only a long time ago. I am afraid that I will not be able to leave the Queen for a day. If so, my mother will wait for the winter to save the pro.”

The Queen Mother laughed. "It is better to ask the Queen to decide."

"The Queen is afraid that she will not be able to come over to her mother for two days. She is somewhat uncomfortable." Murong Zhan said faintly.

"No problem, it is the same after two days." The Queen Mother said with a smile, she thought that Lu Hao would really agree.

In the heart of Murong Zhan, there is some dissatisfaction. How can the Queen Mother think of Ye Hao to accompany her back to the provincial relatives?

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