For the Queen Mother’s involvement in Lu Xiang’s family, Ye Hao’s heart was very angry. For a moment, she even thought of thousands of ways to deal with the Queen Mother. In the end, she still restrained herself from calming down. The Queen Mother did this, but she just wanted to force herself. She promised to leave Liu Zhi painting in the palace, but unfortunately, the Queen Mother still did not know enough about her, and she did not know enough about Murong Cham.

I was still thinking about the draft, and I was very happy with the Queen Mother. Now Ye Hao doesn’t think so. Oh, if she continues to be indifferent, she really wants to be a soft persimmon.

"I hope that the showgirl will teach half a month to make the best choices?" After leaving the house, Ye Hao called Pan Aunt to ask.

Pan Aunt said, "Go back to the goddess, today is the first round of selection, the House of Representatives will send the unsuccessful showgirl out of the palace, leaving behind the training and training, and then the picking out of the emperor to the emperor Go through the eyes and make a book."

Ye Hao heard a faint nod, so she still has time to slowly come.

"I heard that I went to see the show girl in the Queen Mother today and took one of them away." Pan aunt whispered.

"Liu Zhi painting." Ye Hao showed a mocking smile. In order to leave Liu Zhi painting in the palace, the Queen Mother was really trying hard.

Pan Aunt looked at Ye Hao and said, "The goddess originally knew."

Even if she doesn't want to know, someone will tell her about it.

Ye Hao asked people to call Hu Yueer over and hand over the things she showed to the showgirl. If she couldn't solve the problem, she would go back to the Queen Mother.

Hu Yueer didn't think that the Queen would actually give her such important things to her. She couldn't react to it. "The Niangni, the Chancellor... The Chancellor has never taken such a heavy responsibility, and I am afraid that I will disappoint you."

"You are out of the showgirl. Many things are clearer than this palace. If you don't know how to deal with it, you can ask the palace, or ask the Queen Mother, don't worry too much." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Let Hu Yueer do this thing, the Queen Mother will think that she has no intention of interfering with the show girl, maybe she will think she is afraid, afraid she really wants to do something to Lu.

Let the Queen Mother think so, she can still have some quiet days to do her business.

The matter of Ye Hao’s confession of Hu Yueer was quickly passed to Ci Ning Palace, and the Queen Mother was in a good mood after she learned it.

"The Queen Mother, the Queen, this is... what do you want to do?" Liu Zhihuai looked at the Queen’s knees and looked at the Queen Mother with a suspicious look. She has been very embarrassed since she entered the palace as a showgirl, fearing that the Queen will deliberately marry. She even sent her out of the palace at the first pass. Fortunately, there was no such thing happening. She was still in the palace, and she was deeply valued by the Queen Mother.

"What can she do? Isn't it just showing softness? Hey, people like Lu Hao, this palace has seen it. In the past, there were more people like her who didn't know what she called. Now you have already Into the palace, as long as you learn the rules well with your aunt, when the emperor is a book to show off the show, the mourner will not treat you badly." The Queen said.

Liu Zhi painting should be down.

She wants to expect the emperor to suddenly see her. It is impossible. When she was in Chengde, she did not care about dancing in front of the emperor. The result was not very useful. The emperor still didn't look at her more.

If there is no queen, the emperor will definitely notice her, but she is not able to say anything like this.



Before she went to Chengde Villa, Ye Hao had been preparing to set up a medical clinic. Now she is going to have a winter. She hopes to implement the medical clinic as soon as possible. In the past two days, she has been writing various arrangements and systems for the medical clinic. Some are her own ideas, some are seen from the information found in the library tower.

Qi Qi will be called by Ye Hao in the two days as long as they enter the palace. The two will discuss how to let the medical workshop not repeat the same mistakes, and also come up with many new opinions.

"Mother, if the medical workshop is completed, then who do you want to manage?" Qi Qi asked in a low voice.

"This palace wants to let the beggars work outside the palace." Ye Hao said softly. "She was originally a bureaucrat, she was a good man, and she lived in a military camp. The most suitable candidate."

Qi Hao nodded, she is not familiar with the 蒹葭, but since it is the Queen's maiden, people want to come from is not bad, "When is the girl planning to build a medical clinic?"

“The palace has already made people look for a suitable location in Kyoto, and it will start construction soon.” Ye Hao said, “There must be at least two doctors in the medical clinic. As for the medical doctor... can the medical officer have a suggestion? Ye Yi asked with a smile.

"In the medical workshop, we must make bold and careful choices. The lower officials think that Xia Yaohua and Chen Jinru are good." Qi said.

They are all Ye Shu’s former classmates, and Ye Hao is familiar with their personality. “They are indeed good, the medical officer, the matter of picking the doctor and the doctor is sent to i.”

Qi Yan said with a smile, "The lower official must not bear the mission."

Ye Hao smiled and glanced at her, and now she finally decided the matter of the medical clinic. "Qi medical officer, do you have the news of Master?"

Ever since she said goodbye to Dongqing, she did not know the news of Huangfu. Murong Zhan also asked people to look for him. I hope that Huangfu can know about hypnosis, but it has been so long, or not. Message.

"He has always had no place to live. Sometimes there is no news for a few years. The lower official recently did not know where he went." Qi said helplessly.

"I really have no place to live." Ye Hao shook his head and sighed. He didn't know how Huangfu had developed such a habit. He liked to go everywhere.

Qi Xiao smiled. "If there is news from him, he must come to tell the Queen."

"Okay, then there is a medical officer." Ye said with a smile.

"If there is no other command from the maiden, then the lower official will leave." Qi Qi stood up and said.

Ye Hao gently decapitated, "If the palace does not understand, let people ask you to come over."

Qi Qi quit and left, she also went to the Ci Ning Palace, and the morning after the Empress was passed to her, I thought it was the old disease and committed.

Not long after Qi Wei left, Ye Hao also planned to read the book for a while. As a result, someone came to talk outside, and the side of the Five Kings House came to see him.

Five princes' sidelines? Ye Hao picked up her eyebrows. She thought of Lu Jinger. Besides her, she really couldn’t think of which Wangfu’s side squatted and dared to cross Wang Hao to the palace.

"Go and ask Lu Jinger, if there is nothing to be done, let the five kings enter the palace to say to the palace." Ye Hao faintly told.

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