Ye Yaoyao lived in the supervision hospital for a dark life. She was locked up in a small house. In addition to giving a small door to food every day, she suspected that she was living in hell.

She underestimated the beauty of her hand and overestimated her existence.

The Queen Mother did not come to save her. She spent so much thought on the Queen Mother, so that the Queen Mother hated Lu Yu and loved her as a daughter. She is now locked here by Murong Zhan, but the Queen Mother has a little news. No, maybe she has forgotten her.

"Let me go out! I said, I said everything, I don't want to be in this ghost place." Ye Yao Yao is a gossip, almost can't speak, she regrets, she does not want to be locked here, she no longer thinks Murong Chan will hate Lu Yi.

Even if Murong Zhan dislikes Lu Hao, will he still like her?

Unfortunately, no matter what she said, no one has heard it.

Suddenly, the sound of unlocking was heard outside. Ye Yaoyao looked and opened his eyes to look at the tight iron gate.

The door slowly opened, and she saw the face that made her hateful. She was so inferior to death in the supervision institute that she was taken care of!

Then she saw another face that she would never forget in her life, the beautiful face that made her mad.

"You..." Ye Yaoyao blinked slightly, and the look of the eyes was filled with resentment. She had already fallen into this way. Why Lu Hao was so bright and beautiful, or she appeared in front of her like a fairy.

"The niece, here is filthy, if you want to ask her, there are other places to arrange." Shen Wei whispered.

Ye Yaoyao eats and drinks Sarah is here, this place is indeed dirty and smelly, so people don't want to stay for a moment.

"Okay." Ye Hao cover his nose. I can imagine that Ye Yaoyao’s life here is almost impossible to die.

It seems that sometimes life is not as good as death.

Shen Shen let the two women in the back go in and put Ye Yaoyao out.

"Where do you want to catch me?" Ye Yaoyao asked hoarsely, "Let me go!"

Ye Hao waited in a bright and clean room. She believed that after so long, Ye Yaoyao would not be as hard as it used to be.

Ye Yaoyao was taken to the grooming. Her hair was all knotted. The woman in the supervision hospital was impatient to wash her clean. She simply twisted the scissors and changed her clothes. It was clean and sent to see the Queen.

Even after the grooming, Ye Hao saw that Ye Yaoyao almost didn't recognize it. He didn't see it clearly in the dark room. Now it was discovered that Ye Yaoyao's face was actually destroyed.

"Are you looking at me how sad it is?" Ye Yaoyao straightened his waist and still refused to bow in front of Ye Hao.

Ye Hao smiled faintly. "Who can have a good life in the supervision, but you are worse than I thought."

"You don't need to be proud, can you live in the palace very well?" Ye Yaoyao is still not convinced of Ye Hao, she can not wait to use all means to retaliate this woman who lost her.

Looking at Ye Yaoyao, who is still proud and refused to bow his head, Ye Hao’s eyes floated with mercy. "Ye Yaoyao, I can let you leave here."

Ye Yaoyao’s look changed. “What are you talking about?”

"Who is the Witch King? Why did he save you in the first place, why should he save Lu Yan? You hypnotized Lu Shide to Kyoto, would rather lose his memory for so long, what is it for?" Ye Hao asked.

"There are a lot of problems." Ye Yaoyao laughed. "What do you think I will tell you."

Ye said with a smile, "Ye Yaoyao, do you think you are still proud of yourself? You don't seem to know your situation very well, I can let you leave a place to let you leave the hospital, can make your face look... don't be so It’s awkward, you don’t say anything, what help for you?”

"I don't understand what you are talking about." Ye Yaoyao said with a cold face, "I and you are not lost in identity. If I met Mo Rong Zhan in the past, do you think he will still look at you?"

"Bring the outside mirror in." Ye Hao smiled lightly. It seems that Ye Yaoyao is also hypnotizing herself. She can't forget the fact that she was disfigured.

The sinking people moved in a silver mirror with a height of half a person, directly in front of Ye Yaoyao.

Ye Yaoyao glanced and almost screamed, who is that ghost?

"Ah--" Ye Yaoyao squinted at her face. She couldn't believe that she had become like this. The hypnosis moments of these days were sober, and she remembered that Murong Chong had ruined her face.

Ye Hao asked Shen Shen to take the mirror out and said to Ye Yaoyao faintly. "You see, you have become like this. If you continue to be in the supervision, you have no chance to heal your face. If you leave here, that The omnipotent Witch King may be able to restore your beauty? Right?"

"What do you want?" Ye Yaoyao screamed hoarsely.

"Who is the Witch King, the purpose of saving you and Lu Yizhi?" Ye Hao asked softly.

Ye Yaoyao hesitated for a long time, she said, "The Witch King... The Witch King is a very powerful person. I have never seen her true look. She saved me, taught me hypnotism, and didn't let me do it. What, she hypnotized me, let me be brought back by Lu Shide, as for why she wants to save Lu Yan, I don’t know, she is a ghost, no one can guess, do you ask me? It’s useless.”

It turned out to be the Witch King Hypnosis Ye Yaoyao! Was the Witch King thinking about it at the time to let Ye Yaoyao enter the palace?

"Would the Witch King want you to be hypnotized?" Ye Hao immediately guessed the idea of ​​the Witch King.

Like a beautiful woman like Ye Yaoyao, any man who sees it will be heart-wrenching. Was the Witch King thinking that if Murong Chan saw Ye Yaoyao, would she let her go out?

Was the witch king countless and counted, and her appearance of Ye Hao?

Ye Yaoyao’s face was mocking and sneer. “Murong Cham is the most determined person I have ever seen.”

"The hypnotist is not the best, do you hypnotize the Queen Mother?" Ye Hao asked coldly.

"I... I didn't have hypnosis, I said it a few times, just to let the Queen reveal its nature. Why, do you think that the Queen Mother is so soft and gentle?" Ye Yaoyao sneered and asked.

Ye Hao’s face was so heavy that she suspected that the Queen Mother was not hypnotized, but she refused to admit it.

"What if your words are a few fake?" Ye Yan asked with a smile.

"You believe in it, don't believe it, this is what I want to say." Ye Yaoyao said.

Ye Hao looked at the sinking, "let her go."

"Anniling?" looked at Ye Hao in a distressed way. "Is this the first thing I have to ask the emperor?"

"The emperor there will go to the palace to say, let her go, it doesn't make sense to shut it down." Ye Hao said faintly.

Do not let Ye Yaoyao leave, how can I see the Witch King?

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