Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 998: My brother is coming.

After talking with Murong Yu in the study room for a long time, Murong Zhan ordered Anhe City to be attacked five days after the next day. The soldiers of Xiazhou appeared to be morale high because of the return of the emperor. These days, they practiced in the military camp. Everyone in the heart wants to play the arrogant North Ming Army out of Anhe City as soon as possible.

The news was blocked in Xiazhou City. He was not able to find out in the Lulu capital of Anhe City. He is still waiting for Murong Cham. He believes that Murong Chong will receive his letter and will definitely want to commit suicide.

"Mr. Hey, you said that Xiazhou will send troops in the past few days. This has been going on for a few days. How can you still have a little movement?" Chen Jun personally came to Lu Yuzhi, since he had the opportunity to attack Xiazhou last time. He is already ready to move into the palace of Xiazhou again.

Lu Yizhi did not tell Chen Junxia who is there now. If Chen Jun knows that Murong Chan has returned, he will definitely not send troops to fight. Maybe he will be afraid to give up Anhe City directly.

"The last time Wang Qu was defeated by you, this time he naturally has to be cautious, don't worry." Lu Yan said faintly, "Do you have the generals of the sea suppress the civil strife?"

Chen Jun said, "I have already told the generals about what you said last time. I heard that I have caught two people who took the lead in rebelling. It is indeed someone who is behind the scenes, but I have not caught the people behind them. I am afraid that they have already Ran away."

Lu Yizhi nodded unexpectedly. He had already guessed it. All the time, the people sent by Murong Zhan must have left the North Ming Dynasty.

"Mr. Hey, do you really want to stay in the North Ming Dynasty? General Hai can recommend it for you, whether it is a Wenchen or a military officer. As long as you are willing, our emperor will definitely reuse you. The emperor is an emperor who loves to be talented." Said the army.

"Isn't Jin Dajun not going to be?" Lu Yanzhi asked like a smile, "He seems to be awkward to die."

Chen Jun stunned and said, "Golden General is... that is an accident."

accident? This explanation is novel.

Lu Yi’s whispered, “Chen General does not have to advise again. I have already thought about going to the road, and I will leave when Anhe City is settled.”

"It seems that Mr. Qi has already decided." Chen Jun was somewhat disappointed.

"General Chen, since you have time, it is better to train soldiers. Next time you are not so easy to defeat Wang Qu." Lu Yi said.

Chen Jun immediately straightened his chest. "What you said is that I immediately went to the military camp to have a look."

Lu Yizhi looked at Chen Jun with some sarcasm. His slender fingers gently rubbed the gem of the hilt. It seems that he will soon meet with Murong Cham.

"This person is stupid!" Guan said suddenly in the corner.

"Stupid people can use it." Lu Yizhi smiled. "A-Guan, is your injury good?"

Turn your hands and force your hands a few times. "It's all good."

"That's good." Lu Yan looked at him with a smile. "Is everyone else coming?"

"Come on, they are in the inn, brother, what are you going to do?" Guan Guan asked curiously.

Lu Yizhi looked down at his sword and said, "Go back to the water."

"Who are you going to kill, I will kill you." Guan said, "My brother should not be hurt."

"The person I want to kill is not so easy to kill, you don't have to shoot, I have to deal with him." Lu Yi said softly.

The warning was somewhat disappointing. "I know."



Knowing that Murong Zhan is about to go out, Ye Hao has changed his way to eat him for the past two days, but it has enriched her life in Shuaifu. However, Murong Chan does not like her always going to the kitchen. I am afraid that she is tired of herself.

However, Ye Hao always had a way to let him promise, so she went to the kitchen to cook for him today.

"The goddess, the sea cucumber has been soaked." Lin Zhi said with a smile.

"Well, today, I will do the duck-striped sea cucumber." Ye Hao took the prepared sea cucumber and checked it. While telling the dishes made today, "I seem to have fresh crabs today, and then make some fat dumplings for the emperor." ""

Cao, who is preparing duck meat, listened and laughed. "The goddess is very good for the emperor."

Liu Auntie, who was next to the chopping kitchen, glanced at her. "Do you want to say this?"

Cao seems to be a person who is not good at talking. She was glanced at Liu Auntie and looked at Ye Hao slyly. She was afraid that she was blamed for saying the wrong words. She was very ill before, and she was asked by the lady to give her the doctor. Seeing the doctor, so she will be the queen of the queen to save the life, the two days to see the goddess peace and close, unconsciously will let go of the awe of the heart, if not Liu Auntie reprimanded, she did not know that she said the wrong words.

Ye Hao did not find everyone's nervousness. She smiled and said, "Who is this palace not good for the emperor?"

Lin Zhiran bowed her head and smiled. She was grateful to Ye Hao in her heart. If it wasn't for Empress, she wouldn't dare to ask her to ask her doctor. Therefore, Queen Empress is their savior.

"Anniling!" Fu Gonggong came in from the outside.

"Fu Gonggong, the emperor is looking for this palace?" Ye Yiyi saw him, thinking that another is Murong Chan looking for her.

Fu Gonggong smiled and said, "The maiden is the general of Ye, and the emperor let the slave come to you."

"Brother?" Ye Hao's eyes lit up. She put down her hand. "Is your brother coming?"

"Yes, General Ye came over the wasteland and was talking to the emperor in the study." Fu Gonggong laughed.

Ye Hao immediately turned around and told Liu Auntie, "Prepare a few dishes today."

In the study, Ye Xiaonan is returning to the wasteland with Murong Zhan. When Wan Ziliang was injured and left the wilderness, he seized the city on the north side of Xiliang. His look dignified. "The emperor, if we don't stop Wan Ziliang, Xiliang is afraid that it will be swallowed up by the North Ming Kingdom sooner or later."

"Indeed, the ambition of Beitang is the whole Xiliang." Murong Zhan said with a deep voice, "If it wasn't for civil disturbance at this time, he would be unhappy, I am afraid that Xiliang can't keep it."

Ye Yinan said, "The emperor, then we want to help the West cool."

"Wan Yanxi sent messengers to Pingjing to find Yuezhang to talk about, and hope that Yuezhang can take troops out of Xiliang." Murong Zhan said faintly.

"Ha? Is this Xiliang Wang too naive?" Ye Xiaonan was teased, how can the meat that has been eaten in his mouth be spit out again, Donglai and Wells are now Jinguo, and Yan Yanxi still counts on them. It’s ridiculous that the benefits are not returned to the bottom.

Ink Murray smiled faintly. "It’s not the end of Yan Xi’s innocence. It’s that Tuoba Xuanyuan is too confident.”

Ye Yinan said, "The emperor, you let me come to Xiazhou, is it because Xifeng?"

"This is one of the reasons." Murong Zhan smiled. "Don't you want to see you?"

"Think!" Ye Xiaonan grinned, and of course he wanted to see his sister.

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