Heavenly Firmament Sword Emperor
Chapter 1229
澹 皌 errifying 镄 勫 Methods of Communication 鍝 嶏 纴 鍝 嶅 浜 嗘 暣 elestial Dragon 鍩 庯 紒
one after another terrifying
鑻 ヤ 笉 鏄 疌 elestial Dragon 鍩 庝 腑 锛 岄 兘 鏄 疍 ragon Race 锛 岃 韩 撶 礌 撶 礌 ル ㄥ ㄥ ㄥ 殑 殑 terrifying 锛 屽 惁 鍒 欑 殑 璇 濓 纴 浠 ian Yang 鍜 屽 ぉ Dragon Saint 涔 嬮 棿 瀵 镄 镄 ormidable power 锛 屽 皢 鍒 嘙 鍒 嘙 artial Venerable Realm 涔 嬩 笅 涔 嬩 汉 暗 囨 锛 岄 兘 姣 棤 闂 銆
Celestial Dragon race groaned aftermath
“die for me !!!”
澶 〥ragon Saint 乷 乷 ne move
杩 檕 ne fist 锛 岃 暣 钖 玹 errifying Saint Realm Dragon Force 锛 屾 洿 鏄 惈 ragon Saint 璧 栦 acred Dao 锛
绌 block € 忎 箣 阆 掳 紒
SaintDragon Saint 浠 ユ 姘 姘 Sacred Dao 锛 屽 锛 屽 庢 篺 ationoundation 锛 岃 笍 鍏 alf-Saint 涔 嫔 锛 屾 洿 鍦 ㄦ 涔 嬩 笂 鍗 囧 崕 锛 屾 渶 缁堟 鍏 aint Realm 锛
绌 blocks 绌 忎 箣 阆 掳 纴 姣 旇 Real Estate Sword Dao 锛 孲 aint Realm Pill Dao 锛 孲 aint Realm Array Dao 锛 娈 ao of Life
Formidable power is not weak.
I ’m going to do it right now, and I ’m going to errifying it.涙 墍 鍑 荤 牬 锛 涙 墍 鍑 荤 牬 锛
“Acred Dao”
佺 姸 锛 屾 湁 Dragon Saint 镒 d 綇 浜 嗭 纴 鐪 嫔 ぉ Dragon Saint 杩 欐 儏 鍐 碉 纴 浼 杩 欐 儏 鍐 碉 纴 浼 箮 骞 の 潪 鏄 垙, 狧 man race brat 鍟 娿 € 鍟 娿
濂 borrow the human race brat gallium
”O way 锛 屼 竴 eak Martial Venerable Key 屽 Peak Saint
塂 ragon Saint concealed Xinjiang 嚭 浜 嗛 毦 浠 ョ key ianian 锛 屽 垯 鏄 劯 鑹 蹭 笉 鍙 朴
鐪 嬬 潃 in the sky 闾 d 竴 阆 撹 繀 阃 熸 斁 澶 х 殑 terrifying fist seal 锛 宑 oldly snorted 锛 宱 ne sword slashing out 锛
Saint Realm Sword Dao 锛 娈 ao of Life 锛 娈 ao of Myriad Manifestations
锲 汼 acred Dao 锛 屼 竾 璞 $ 粷 鐏 紒
fist seal 鍜 屼 竾 璞 $ 粷 鐏 纴 fierce collision 鍦 ㄤ 简 涓 € 璧 凤 纴 immediately 锛 屾 暣 狢 elestial Dragon 鍩 庣 殑 earth 灞 灞
terrifying 寮 Coaching ぇ 镄 勮 兘 忥 纴 鍑 犱 箮 佸 寲 佸 寲 佸 寲 涣 after ne after another 寮 篿 nvincible €
屼 屼 鎴 鎴 弻 鏂 弻 鏂 纴 涔 熸 槸 鍦 ㄥ 悓 镞 讹 纴 spits out mouthful of blood 锛
 € ¢ Umbrella, Peak Saint Realm, ivine Medicine Sect Old Ancestor.
Tian Yang 鎶 格 幓 浜 哻 orner of the mouth 镄 勯 矞 琛
鑻 ラ 泄 Heavenly Fox Race 镄 凯 eak Saint 锛 岄 兘 濡 Effect 悓 澶 〥ragon Saint 杩 杩 埇 寮 埇 寮澶 Hydrogen
娈 Lou 笉 鐭 ワ 纴 澶 〥ragon Saint 锛 宩 ust now 鏄 渶 暗 囨 侪 镄 勯 偅 紒
“This Eminence is a good partner.
澶 〥ragon Saint 镄 勫 唴 蹇 冧 箣 璧 璧 简 Jane one after another stormy sea 锛 屼 粬 涔 熶 笉 瀹 屽 叏 鏄 毚 掍 箣 掍 箣 嬶 纴 now just now 瀵 筎 ian Yang 嬬 殑 姝 画Fall
YangTian Yang 鍜 孲 carlet Dragon Dragon Saint 浜 ゆ 儏 寰 堟 槸 Juan 浜 ゆ 儏 carlet Dragon Race 锛 屼 篃 姝 e ソ 娌 ℃ 湁 second 犹 Utah uota 镄 勫 悎 阃 备 汉 阃 夈 €
鎸 夌 收 涔 嫔 墠 Scarlet Dragon Dragon Saint 镄 勫 弽 搴 旓 纴 娌 “嗳 锛 岀 湡 镄 勬 湁 鍙 兘 灏 唖 cond uota 缁 橳 ian Yang 锛
杩 欐 牱 锛 屼 粬 璁 ╃ 槠 楣 忓 畤 涔 嫔 镄 凛 elestial Dragon race second 猤 猤 enius 涔 熻 繘 鍏 ョ 鍏 冩 礊 澶 ╃ 殑 鎯 虫 硶 锛 屼 篃 灏 卞 彧 鑳 mustard 姹 や 简 銆
Scarlet Dragon Dragon Saint 镄 勬 兂 娉 曪 纴 浠 ュ ぉ Dragon Saint
Yang 嗭 纴 浠 栧 彲 浠 敼 鍙 楾 敼 鍙 楾 Yang Yang
YangTian Yang 姝 tabs 锛 岄 偅 涔 堬 纴 Scarlet Dragon Dragon Saint 嶆 敼 锛 屼 篃 嶆 敼 锛 屼 篃 嶆 敼 锛 屼 篃 欙 纴 灏 欙 纴 灏 欙 纴 灏 欙 纴 灏 elestial Dragon race 镄 勬 drop 纴 澶 〥ragon Saint 涔 熷 彲 浠 ュ 嚟 熻 嚜 宸 熻 嚜 宸 殑 殑 殑 佷 竴 佷 竴 佷 竴 佷 竴 竴 浜 涗 竴 浜 涗 竴 浜 涗 竴 浜 涗 浠 浠 浠 浠 纴 灏 嗙 鍏 冩 礊 澶 ╃ 殑 纴 灏 嗙 鍏 冩 礊 澶 ╃ 殑 纴 灏 嗙 鍏 冩 礊 澶 ╃ 殑 a Span
鍒 版 椂 椂 欙 纴 second still uota 嶆 槸 浠 朇 elestial Dragon race 镄 勶 纻
How to Create a Dragon Saint Dragon Ballet
︼ 呖 鍏 € ︼ 呖 鍏
浠 朼 bsolutely didnâ 檛 expect 锛 孴 ian Yang锛 屼 笣 姣 笉 钀 絣 oosing end 锛
“Damn it !!!!”
澶 〥ragon Saint Pick 掑 惣 掑 惣 掑 惣 澹 澹 纴 鍒 氭 兂 缁 纴 鍒 氭 兂 缁 纴 鍒 氭 兂 缁 鏉 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍑 Monkey 鍑 carlet Dragon Dragon Saint 纴 鍙 ﹄ 笉 杩 囷 纴 杩 欐 椂 锛 孲 鍙 缁 堜 簬 寮 鍙
澶 aint Realm 鐣 岀 殑 pressure 锛 岀 垎 鍙 戣 € 屽 嚭 锛
鐬 棿 锛 屼 竴 偂 寮 偂 寮 偂 寮 偂 寮 偂 寮 偂 寮 偂 寮 ぇ 鍒 ぇ 鍒 ぇ 鍒 ぇ 鍒 ぇ 鍒 獟 鎭 殑 獟 鎭 殑 ura aura 锛 屽 皢 锛 屽 皢 € € € € 夌 殑 鏀 诲 夌 殑 鏀 诲 夌 殑 鏀 诲 鏁
钖 屾 椂 锛 孏 reat Saint True Origin 嵎 嵎 Tian Yang 鍜 屽 ぉ Dragon Saint 镄 勬 墍 chain
Scarlet Dragon Dragon Saint, angry!
Great Saint, angry!
“Oops!” Seeing this, Heaven Saint Saint ’s complexion changed greatly instantly. All his previous plans were in a situation where he could quickly kill Tian Yang and then play it first, making Scarlet Dragon Dragon Saint unreasonable.
But now, Tian Yang’s strength far exceeds his expectations.
As a result, it was impossible for him to kill Tian Yang at once, so, then, let him bear it himself, the fury of Scarlet Dragon Dragon Saint from the big Saint Realm world!
“Dragon Saint, are your ears dumb or are you deaf?”
Scarlet Dragon Dragon Saint cold and detached Start, sarcastic Dragon Saint by using words.
Hearing this, Dragon Saint’s face immediately unsightly rose up, “This Human Race …”
Scarlet Dragon Dragon Saint spoke in an instant, angry roar, if there is substance, burst out drinking!
Suddenly, Dragon Saint ’s pumps contracted, and I just wanted to run True Origin resistance. However, I was attacked by this terrifying, which directly smashed all defenses. The entire dragon was blown out!
“I don’t want to hear all your refutations. Every word you say I think you are farting, farting too much, you have to think about whether your brain is hard or my dragon claw is good.”
Scarlet Dragon Dragon Saint cold and detached opens, and at this moment, he really shows that the domineering belonging to Great Saint!
Scarlet Dragon Dragon Saint talking? It is really good to talk, even if facing the Peak Martial Venerable, for Scarlet Dragon Dragon Saint is just a mortal Tian Yang, can be treated in good faith.
At the Dragon God meeting, the Dragon Saint repeatedly provoked again and again without ever being angry.
However, this does not mean that anyone can ride shit on Scarlet Dragon Dragon Saint’s face!
“That’s it, Scarlet Dragon Race, two quotas, one red shadow sky, one Tian Yang.”
“The rest, you decide for yourself, if you have an opinion, come to my Scarlet Dragon City and fight with me.”
“Let you have one hand.”
Scarlet Dragon Dragon Saint rose into the air, looked at a quick look, shocked and incredible seven Dragon Saints, cold and detached.
Every injustice has its perpetrator, his anger is only directed at Heaven Dragon Saint, but for others who are sitting idly by, Scarlet Dragon Dragon Saint naturally cannot have any good looks.
And the remaining seven Dragon Saints are also embarrassed, and dare not even make a sound.
“Tian Yang, and mixed brat, come with me, don’t wave in this Celestial Dragon city.”
Scarlet Dragon Dragon Saint opened the mouth and said, hearing this, Tian Yang Wei slightly nodded, followed along.
If Scarlet Dragon Dragon Saint doesn’t take the shot, Tian Yang would like to continue to play against Sky Dragon Saint several times to determine the gap between himself and Peak Saint.
However, there is no chance now.
Hearing this, in the city of Celestial Dragon, a stream of light suddenly flew out, impressively is the red shadow sky.
“Let’s go and talk to you by the way, the matter of Shen Yuandongtian.”
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