Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1097: Battle of Gu Yao (19): Soldier solution, time and space torrent

Gu Yao sank inexplicably, and shouted angrily: "I am the one who died? Ha ha, are you crazy. Could it be that before dying, because of the huge fear, caused a nervous disorder?"

Xuantianji did not answer, but raised his head with a smile in his eyes, and said to himself: "The time is up."

Gu Yao shouted: "It's your time to die!"

I don't know why, Xuan Tianji's expression and words gave him an extreme anxiety. This anxiety seemed to come from the depths of his soul, and then spread to his whole body, wanting to swallow him little by little.

There was no reason for this uneasiness, it was just inexplicably coming upon Xuantianji's words.

"what are you going to do?!"

Gu Yao suddenly shook his whole body, staring at his palm in amazement, golden light burst out from Xuantian's fuselage, and accompanied by a silver knife cut out, splitting the flames surrounding him.

Xuantian's body began to become transparent, the golden armor and blood melted away, and he slowly walked out of the flame.

Midnight and others were also shocked.

Lie Jifei said in amazement: "Solution?! Xuan Tianji, what are you going to do?"

The so-called military solution is to dissolve oneself according to certain rules, while being able to obtain the power of the great power corresponding to one's own realm.

In other words, only the strong in the realm of the realm can perform military solutions.

After the soldiers are resolved, they fall.

Zhang Sanxi said with joy: "Haha, Master Xuantianji is mighty, sacrificed himself for justice, and rescued us with his own soldiers!"

Although the rest of them were shocked by Xuantianji's military solution, they all contained extremely strong expectations, their eyes shining brightly.

The elder Xing Gong also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, looking forward to it.

Gu Yao was furious, and roared: "Fool! Even if you get rid of yourself, you can't kill me!"

On Gu Yao's palm, vortexes surged, turning into countless light blades, slashing away. Want to slay Xuan Tianji before the soldiers' solution.

With Gu Yao's current strength, although he was not afraid of his military solution, once Xuan Tianji made a full blow with his full strength, his plan would be completely destroyed, fearing that he could only leave in anguish.

Those ancient light blades passed through Xuantianji's body, as if entering a place of nothing.

Gu Yao's face looked ugly, Xuan Tianji's body had already dissolved.

"Master Gu Yao, I misunderstood. I didn't intend to kill you. Someone else killed you."

Xuantianji smiled suddenly, pinched the tactics with both hands, and a martial soul formed behind him. It soared continuously and stood in the Milky Way. It was the Fa Tianxiang and Earth that reappeared yesterday.

Within the galaxy of fire, it suddenly darkened. In the surrounding area that reappeared yesterday, countless bright lights flashed, like lightning and thunder, coming from far away, as if to break through layers of regular barriers.

Even outside the boundary, Dongxu and others were shocked. Looking at the sky above the fire galaxy, a nebula-like white mist suddenly appeared, slowly rotating.

There is a strong light shining in the fog, constantly shaking into the Milky Way.

The whole world was roaring and vibrating, and waves of light appeared on the cloud bar.

"Is it time..."

Somewhere in the world, the star rod swayed, emitting a sonorous sound.

Xi Da looked at the rotating nebula above the Milky Way with a serious face.

Ni Ba had already been shocked by the mighty power of the heavens, and he trembled, "Time? What time... My lord... Then... what is that nebula?"

Xi Da stroked his beard and solemnly said: "Time and space torrent!"

"Time and space torrent?!"

In the Milky Way of Fire, Gu Yao also looked horrified, staring at the terrible nebula that was suppressed in the sky in disbelief, stretching for thousands of miles without seeing the end.

On Gu Yao's palm, the strong men who were wrapped in the light ball were also stunned.

Space-time torrents are not the same as space-time storms. Space-time storms are just small storms blown up in the torrent, just like a wave in a river, but this time-space torrent is the entire river, even if the powerhouse of the realm is involved. Within it, all will die.

Gu Yao roared: "Are you crazy? You actually called the torrent of time and space! No, it's impossible, what is going on?! Even with the existence of the peak of the realm king, it is impossible to summon the torrent of time and space!"

Under the huge shock of the mind, the light ball in the palm was difficult to control, bursting open one by one, and more than a dozen powerful people were all out of trouble.

But at this moment, everyone is ashamed.

Out of the cage, he entered a larger prison. And this prison is more terrifying than the previous one. Under the nebula, enveloped the entire Milky Way, there is no escape.

Yun Xinglie roared: "Xuan Tianji! Stop it!"

His jade swords were cut in the air, and passed directly through Xuan Tianji's body without leaving any traces.

Yun Xinglie was like dead ashes.

The process of military solution cannot be reversed, and Xuantianji is using the power of military solution to lead the torrent of time and space.

Zhang San was crying and sobbed: "This time is really going to be over. I knew I didn't call you for help just now, so I saved everyone directly."

Xuantianji turned a deaf ear to the voices of the people, looked up at the torrent of air at that time, with a look of amazement, and praised: "Heaven and earth are furnaces, and good fortune is work. Yin and Yang are charcoal, and everything is copper."

He lowered his head, took a step forward, and crossed a distance of several tens of feet, came to Yang Qingxuan's side, and said with a smile: "My king, are you ready?"

Yang Qingxuan was staring at the nebula dullly, with countless brilliance tearing through the galaxy like thunder and lightning. When Xuantianji suddenly called, he was startled and said, "Prepare? What are you preparing?!"

Yang Qingxuan's gaze saw Xuan Tianji's eyes, and his eyes were facing each other. If there was an electric light flashing, Yang Qingxuan's body trembled, his mind burst like an earthquake, and his consciousness exploded, and a scene followed.


Above the sea of ​​clouds, the mist is heavy, like a fairyland.

The black-robed man handed out something and said, "After I leave, you open this box. There is something that suppresses the heaven and earth."

The white-clothed man hesitated for a moment, inserted the box into his hand, rubbed the lines on the treasure box with his thumb, and said calmly: "You have left a way to suppress the Venerable Heaven and Earth, so who can suppress me in this world?"

The black-robed man said: "He who suppresses you has his own way of heaven."

"God? Don't forget, I am the one who walks the way for the sky." The white-clothed man sneered.

The black-robed man fixed his eyes on him and said: "If Heaven can't kill you, I will come back."

The white man said: "Is it worth it for a woman?"

The black-robed man said: "It's worth it."

"Cut, it's really boring. Suppress Venerable Heaven and Earth, I'll be enough. This box, go to hell."

The white-clothed man threw the jade box down the sea of ​​clouds, turning around with indifference and contempt for the world.

The black robe man frowned, and saw that the box fell into the sea of ​​clouds, and suddenly a silver light flashed, as if being swept away by the torrent.

The black pupils of the black-robed man suddenly shrank, **** light.


Yang Qingxuan was shocked, awakened from that memory, already in a cold sweat.

He suddenly raised his head, his eyes flashed with golden light, and his face was pale and staring at the torrent of time and space above.

In the center of the vast nebula, there is a small white dot, like a jade box, coming in and out!

//Mom, after playing for so long, the protagonist is finally about to appear! Look at the protagonist every second and every second universe!

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