Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1103: Immortal beginning, avoidance

At the same time, the arrow that shot through the first sun disintegrated in the sky, turned into two streams of light, and shot towards the boundless void.

An invisible arrow force does not disperse, and it shoots on the cloud barrier barrier!


The whole sky was trembling. Since ancient times, the largest formation under the starry sky was hit by the residual arrow power of the Shattered Sky Arrow, and it broke directly into endless starlight.


The hole spit out a bit of blood, flying upside down like a kite with a broken wire.

He was the person of the main formation, and his entire internal organs and the eight channels of the odd meridians shattered under the shock, and he passed out directly.

The rest of the stars, including Feng Jinyu, vomited blood, all of them flew away.

Only Yun Xinglie, who had been dealing with injuries because of a broken arm, did not participate in strengthening the enchantment and escaped the catastrophe.

As soon as the cloud pressure virtual column broke, the whole world merged with the outside world, the cloud gas dissipated, and the starlight disappeared. The scene in front of me is more real.

Under the afterglow of the early sun, Yang Qingxuan's figure stood in the heavens and the earth, dominating the world like a king. Although the true energy fluctuations on his body disappeared, there was a kind of sudden death that people did not dare to approach.

Not far away, Ziyuan and Midnight finally couldn't support them, they dispersed separately and fell to the boundless earth.

In the distance, no one's figure swayed, and then teleported to him. A force rose out of thin air, dragging both Midnight and Ziyuan.

Lie Jifei stood a thousand feet away, and didn't even dare to approach him. He swallowed his saliva and asked Yang Qingxuan, "Are you all right?"


The Liuyun Hidden Linyu in Yang Qingxuan's hands suddenly burst into pieces, once again turning into the phantom of the Heavenly Dragon and Ancient Phoenix, and under the screams, it turned into dust between the heaven and the earth.

The power of the sacred artifacts burst violently.

None of the columns were horrified, and they wrapped the two girls with evasive light, and then turned into a fairy jade garment.


The aftermath was shaking on the jade clothes, Lie Jifei's expression was a little weird, and then he was surprised.

The explosion of sacred artifacts can generally shock a world, while Liuyun Hidden Linyu ranked tenth on the list of sacred artifacts, and the power at the time of the explosion was much smaller than expected.

It proves that the power in the divine bow has been completely exhausted and it has been scrapped by itself.

Everyone in the distance also thought of this, one by one in shock.

Three top-level sacred artifacts were used, the broken air arrow, the pupil of the dark night, and the Liuyun Hidden Linyu, and with the combined efforts of Yin Wu and Vera's divine minds, they tried their best to kill the Chuyang Gu Yao.

"Look! That's...!"

Wu Xian looked after Chen Huan with blue eyes, staring forward in horror.

On Yang Qingxuan's body, two transparent figures flew towards the end of the sky hand in hand.

The man is heroic, the woman is pure and beautiful, and in the pride of the world, there is even the eternal gentleness.

Like a phoenix, soaring in the sky.

Suddenly, it disappeared completely.

Dao Haojun said in shock: "Wang Yin Wu and Vera?"

Bei Bing said in a deep voice, "Is it the imprint left by King Yin Wu and Vera in the world, has it finally gone with the wind?"

Shi Yuyan looked at the sky blankly when she heard the words. She wanted to cry inexplicably, and finally couldn't help crying.

She didn't know why she was crying, but she couldn't help it. Tears kept blurring her vision, and she soon wetted her clothes.

Fortunately, everyone's attention was on Yang Qingxuan, and no one noticed her.

Shi Yuyan wiped away her tears secretly, looking at the figure standing in the sky, she was inexplicably heartbroken, she really wanted to hug him in the past, just like Vera and King Yin Wu hugged together.

She worried about Yang Qingxuan's comfort, and didn't know his current situation.

She secretly wiped away the tears and asked, "Father, is everything over?"

The voice fell, and suddenly an abnormal change emerged in the sky ahead.

The ancient Yao, who had fallen far to the sky, suddenly reignited, and the dim light suddenly lit up, bursting with dazzling white light, and continued to grow.

In the end, with a buzzing sound, it turned into an aurora and disappeared between heaven and earth.

Everyone's face changed drastically.

Zhang San's face was extremely pale, and he said in shock, "Isn't Gu Yao still dead!?"

Jun Dao Hao said: "Impossible! The cloud pressure virtual column has been shot through! The sound just now is the power of the artifact, it is a holy artifact!"

Bei Bing Shan raised his hand and played a magic trick. The golden light flashed in the void, transforming into the sacred instrument list.

Everyone hurriedly looked. Above the list, Fragmenting Arrow and Liuyun Hidden Linyu disappeared, and the pupil of the dark night is still there, but moved from the eighth position to the ninth position, and at the moment, the eighth row is clear It reads: Immortal Beginning Heart!

Wu Xian was horrified: "Before Gu Yao died, his unyielding immortal will will directly evolve the Sun after his death into a sacred weapon!"

Shi Yan raised his head, looked up at the sky, and said: "The evolution of the heavens has returned to the beginning, the catastrophe has passed, and everything is over. But what is the meaning of this battle? Who can have the real answer? Gu Yao transforms the first sun and returns to the Tao. In itself, the original intention is not extinguished, and it can be regarded as the best ending."

Everyone was indecisive, and the three million years of cause and effect had come to an end, and the top ten of the sacred instrument list had one more immortal original aspiration, and I didn't know whether it was good or bad.

Suddenly Shi Yuyan exclaimed: "Yang Qingxuan! Where is Yang Qingxuan?!"

The void that Yang Qingxuan had set up before had become empty and there was no trace.

"How could this be? Impossible!"

Wu Xian stepped forward and came to the location where Yang Qingxuan was before. At the same time, his blue eyes lit up and he looked in all directions.

However, Yang Qingxuan was completely absent from the sight of the pupil technique.

Dao Haojun said in shock: "It doesn't make sense! It's impossible to disappear out of thin air under the eyes of so many of us!"

Lie Jifei was even more anxious, saying: "The moment I looked at him just now, it seemed that I was still in a coma and had not recovered my sanity. It is absolutely impossible for me to disappear for no reason. Who actually took him away!?"

Shi Yan frowned and said, "There is a problem with this. Nowadays, even the emperor can't quietly get people away under our noses, right?"

Lie Jifei said, "You mean, Yang Qingxuan left by himself?"

Shi Yan frowned deeper.

It might be possible to say that King Yin Wu's brand is still there. But now Yang Qingxuan was already weak to the extreme, he didn't even have a sober will, and it was absolutely impossible for him to leave quietly.

But to talk about being hijacked...

None of the people present will believe it.

Because no one in the world has the ability to steal people in front of so many powerful realm kings.

Wu Xian said: "Mr. Xi Da, did you see how Yang Qingxuan disappeared just now?"

Xi Da stroked his beard and said, "I only saw a black glow. Don't worry, if I guessed it correctly, it should be the self-protection of the sacred artifact."

"The self-protection of the sacred artifact?" Everyone was puzzled.

Xi Dadao: "Just now, the broken air arrow, the pupil of the dark night, and the Liuyun hidden Linyu combined forces to kill Gu Yao. And Gu Yao turned into an immortal heart, unleashing the power of powerful artifacts. The night pupils in Yang Qingxuan's body sensed When I reached a strong hostility, I avoided it by myself. After all, Liuyun Hidden Linyu was destroyed in the first battle, and I am afraid that the Eye of Dark Night was also hit hard."

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