Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1135: Muyang Town, where flowers bloom

"What? She bid up the price herself, is this a foul?!"

"The rules don't say that you are not allowed to coax the price. Anyway, the Chamber of Commerce charges a proportional commission, and she has to pay proportionally when she shoots it herself."

"That's what it said, so the Chamber of Commerce will not control it."

In a sigh, the masked woman in the palace costume slowly walked onto the auction stage. Only then did Yang Qingxuan carefully observe the woman, her eyebrows were delicate and beautiful, her apricot eyes were as clear as a cold pool, and her heart was very calm.

And with every step, a peculiar field energy can be formed in the whole body, like clouds and mist, which shows that Wu Yi has a very high comprehension.

The grey-robed man's eyes were red, and he unabashedly shot out two murderous auras. Under those deadly silent eyes, there was more and more uncontrollable anger.

The host laughed and said, "My friend, what do you think of this deal?"

The woman in the palace costume stretched out her hand, her skin was like snow, and she touched the imitation of the Pagoda of Ten Thousand Tribulations. At half a foot, blue light spread on the tower, blocking the woman's hand.

The palace-dressed woman retracted her hand and said softly: "As the three masters have tasted, this imitation has 20% of the power of the genuine product, but it has cracks, but it is enough to replace this bottle of pure liquid. "

The host said: "The friend agreed?"

The palace-dressed woman nodded, waved her hand, put the imitation of the Tower of Thousand Tribulations in her sleeve, turned and returned to her seat.

The whole process is as light as water, and the ancient well has no waves.

The gray-robed man stepped forward, almost rushing to the auction platform, taking away the pure liquid, the flow of true essence on his body was accompanied by emotional ups and downs, which made the space slightly distorted, and a pair of cold eyes stared firmly. The woman in the palace costume has tortured her a hundred times in her heart.

The members of the Xuanming Wei family stared at the gray-robed man nervously, for fear that he would suddenly violent.

The host smiled and said: "A very interesting transaction. Congratulations to both of you for getting what you need. The battleship Feimeng is going to be auctioned. This battleship also has a good reputation in the Central World. It is known for its speed and enchantment. , With more than 30 attacking circles, it can be offensive and defensive."

As the host's voice sounded, the Jingyunye incident was revealed, and the crowd soon began to shoot Feimeng.

Although the competition between the gray-robed man and the palace-dressed woman was exciting, it was only a small wave under the big auction. After all, this top-level auction involved all corners of the world. In the entire 33 days, there were countless strong men and countless treasures.

Yang Qingxuan got up and left the fifth auction area after the gray robe man got the pure liquid.

Zhao Wei looked at his back and frowned. Although he was very interested in the black dragon man, his immediate task was to keep an eye on the gray robe man.

Yang Qingxuan walked straight to the teleportation point in the hall.

The place he and the gray robe man agreed to trade was in a small town named Muyang in Zhongdu, which was a hundred thousand miles away from Vientiane City.

The area of ​​the Central Great World is endless, even if the celestial power is strong, if you only rely on flying in the air, you will not be able to spare a whole life.

There are countless cities and towns in the world, and many places don't even have a teleportation array. Most mortals stay in the place where they were born all their lives, and they can only go out if they practice martial arts.

Muyang Town is an inconspicuous town. A small teleportation array was built only because it was in the radiation area of ​​Vientiane City, but it only established a teleportation connection with Vientiane City.

After Yang Qingxuan entered the teleportation area, he could not help but sneer secretly as he felt a few killing intents coming from behind him.

Because the interests and conflicts involved in the auction are too great, in order to avoid conflicts between warriors, the top auction venues have set up teleportation arrays, which can even be teleported across planes, leading directly to 33 days to avoid tracking and killing. .

And the teleportation array can be used alone, as long as you can afford it.

Generally, if you get the item you want, if it is of high value, you will immediately leave the auction room to avoid right and wrong. At the moment the auction is not over, and there are not many people in the teleportation area.

After Yang Qingxuan paid enough spirit stones, he immediately disappeared in the formation after enclosing a teleportation formation.

Soon after, they appeared in Muyang Town.

In order not to attract attention, when he came out of the Muyang Town Teleportation Area, he changed back to the human deity.

The town is peaceful and peaceful, the houses are just like, the rice paddies are traffic, and the plain-dressed crowds are walking on the bluestone paved road.

Yang Qingxuan found a wine shop to sit down, drank a little wine slowly, and waited for the gray-robed man.

The town is not big, with a population of about 100,000, and Yang Qingxuan walked out all the way and saw a lot of martial arts practitioners, but most of them stayed in the martial realm and ground level, and they were almost out of sight.

He gently released a trace of heavenly aura, with the power of a man in gray robe, it was easy to find him in such a small town.

At the same time, Yang Qingxuan developed a trace of jealousy towards the gray robe man, so he didn't transform into a blue-horned bull for the time being, intending to act by chance.

Just after drinking a few sips of wine, Yang Qingxuan's hand holding the cup stopped in mid-air and frowned slightly.

He put down the wine glass and looked out the street.

Several powerful divine consciousness came from the direction of the teleportation area, unscrupulously searching in the town, and their strength was not weak.

In the blink of an eye, three men entered the wine shop and surrounded him.

It was in the Hall of Four Seas and Eight Directions that after tracking him into the teleportation area, the three men revealed murderous aura.

One of them had a square face with cross-brows and cold eyes; one had oily noodles; the other had a burly figure; three of them were in the middle of the emperor's position, and their cold appearance was full of extremely uncomfortable chill.

The guests in the wine shop were scared and ran away in an instant, and even the boss and the buddies ran away.

Yang Qingxuan secretly scolded the Four Seas and Fengyin Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce must have leaked his whereabouts, otherwise the three of them would not be able to follow him.

Unexpectedly, the top chambers of commerce would do this kind of thing, selling customer information!

The square-faced man, expressionless, stared at Yang Qingxuan, and cried stiffly: "Get up!"

Yang Qingxuan drank the wine in one cup, and continued to pour a cup without anyone else, and drank it again.

The oily man with a grinning grimace, "Haha, looking for death!"

As he said, he was flexing his fingers into claws, grabbing Yang Qingxuan's shoulders, his hand was filled with a cloud of black air, and the air was corroded by a belch, which was obviously a poisonous thing.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes were cold, and a cold color flashed, and he shouted: "You are the one who is looking for death!"

With a slap on the table top, a layer of vigor emerged, and it shook out directly from the table top, blocking the middle-aged man's claw, and the whole table burst open.

Yang Qingxuan waved his hand again, and the wine glass burst into pieces with a "bang", and the wine inside was frozen and turned into sword energy.

"Chih! Chih!"

The three were shocked, all dodged.

The noodle man bears the brunt. Yang Qingxuan slapped him directly after turning his sword into alcohol.

The palm is soft and soft, like frost flowers blooming in the air, like the other side flowers blooming on the grave, to save the souls of death!

//Starting tomorrow, the third shift will be at five o'clock in the morning. That is, there will be three shifts at five o'clock tomorrow morning. I have posted the summary at the end of the month on the WeChat and QQ public accounts. Both public accounts are: taiyiss. Friends who haven't followed it please pay attention to it. Starting next month, all kinds of exciting content will be posted.

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