Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1154: Destroyed with all my hard work, ask to explain

So the seven began to want to relocate Tian Cong Academy to the intermediate or even advanced planes.

Qing Buli has greater ambitions.

In the past, he traveled around the world, visited the Central World, and even watched battles in the sky.

After breaking through the heavens this time, I was full of confidence, coupled with the resource supply of the Daluo Chamber of Commerce, so I had an idea and planned to move the Tian Cong College to the Central World in one step.

After the seven people discussed, they were all very excited, and they were implemented soon.

In the Cangnan Kingdom of Xuanye Continent, Tian Cong Academy is like the royal family. After going to the Central Great World, only the transmission fee can not be collected. It is still relying on the assistance of the Daluo Chamber of Commerce to reluctantly transfer the core members to the central. Big world.

But Da Luo Chamber of Commerce's assistance to them is not endless, especially with the retreat of Huaqing Hualing, the people of the Chamber of Commerce have become less and less good about them, leading to not to mention rebuilding the college, even if they want to return to Xuan The night continent is not enough for spirit stones.

At this time, the college couldn't be built, so I had to build a martial arts gym. After all, the Central World, billions of mortals, have the heart to martial arts.

After the establishment of the Tian Cong Martial Arts Hall, the embarrassment of the embarrassment was finally relieved, and the face of the Daluo Chamber of Commerce was slightly better, at least not for nothing.

Just when everything was going well and prospering, Huang Yun suddenly appeared.

Huang Yun was originally a disciple of the outer sect of Yuxuzong. Because he was too old to enter the inner sect, he gave up his road of martial art and began to plan for future generations, so he was within the jurisdiction of Yuxuzong. Dreamling City also built a martial arts hall.

However, Huang Qi himself had no experience in educating people, so his business had not been very good, and he naturally became hostile to these foreign monks in Tian Cong Academy.

After repeated provocations and confrontations, the contradiction finally got bigger and bigger, leading to death and death.

So when Yang Qingxuan came to the martial arts school and told You Ning that he wanted to meet Jiang Yi, You Ning thought he was the one who opened the mountain martial arts center, so he started to do it if he didn't agree with him.

You Ning blushed and buried her head in shame.

Yang Qingxuan said, "Then why should the martial arts hall be built outside the city? Was it also forced out by Huang Yun?"

Qing Buli said embarrassingly: "This is not because we are going to move out. In Dreamling City, an inch of land is worth a lot of money. If you buy it, you will need more than one hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones. It can't be afforded by the financial resources of Tian Cong Academy. Lease is also unbearable. Even with the relief of the Daluo Chamber of Commerce, it is difficult to maintain. Besides, you can't rely on other people's subsidies to open a martial arts gym."

Yang Qingxuan sighed a long sigh, and couldn't think of the situation of Tian Cong Academy, becoming so embarrassed.

Qing Buli sighed: "It's all to blame for me. I didn't know how to measure my own strength. I took everyone to the Central World and ended up in such a state."

He still hasn't said anything, that is, now that he wants to go back, he even has no travel expenses.

You Ning obediently sat on Qing's side and murmured: "Master, how can you blame you, it's the Kaishan Martial Arts Center that they messed up."

Chen Zhen excitedly said: "Now that the boss is back, we don't have to be afraid of Yuxu Zong!"

Lu Jiangpeng worried: "Qingxuan, although your cultivation is already terrifying, it is completely beyond our imagination to be able to display magical abilities such as heaven and earth. However, the supreme Emperor Shen Xu is also a powerful emperor. If we can't offend, let's try our best not to offend."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Elder Lu, why does the Tian Cong martial arts hall appear as it is today?"

Lu Jiangpeng was taken aback, and then fell silent.

Yang Qingxuan meant that he understood that blindly bearing it down was not the solution.

Yang Qingxuan said: "If you can fight, you will fight, if you can't fight, you will leave. I am tolerant and can only repeat today's mistakes." He sneered: "Furthermore, the emperor's position, I really don't put it right now. In the eyes."

Everyone was shocked. Although they knew that Yang Qingxuan was not what he used to be, he didn't expect him to ignore the existence of the emperor.

Yang Qingxuan's cultivation at this moment is the late stage of the emperor's position, after transforming into a waste body, he can reach the emperor's position great perfection, and he is almost invincible within the same rank.

Yang Qingxuan stood up and said: "I will come as soon as I go, let Yuxuzong give an explanation!" There was an indisputable murderous in his tone!

Chen Zhen stood up excitedly, clenched his fists, and shouted: "I will go too! Although I may not be able to help, I don't want to miss such a wonderful battle!"

Lu Jiangpeng yelled: "Naughty! You sit down for me, you are not allowed to go! You can't help me if you go, even if we are hacked to death, we don't care, but I'm afraid to add chaos to Qingxuan!"

The other elders all nodded, and said: "Yes, it doesn't matter if you die by yourself, don't drag Qing Xuan."

Chen Zhen blushed and cursed: "You really..."

Yang Qingxuan smiled and held Chen Zhen's shoulders, and said, "I will come as soon as I go, it won't take long."

As he spoke, there was a breathtaking chill in his eyes, and disappeared into the secret room in a flash.

Everyone had just been photographed by his gaze, and their hearts were shocked. They disappeared in the blink of an eye. They all looked at each other. No one saw how he left.

Lu Jiangpeng worried: "I hope it's all right."

Qing Budi said: "Don't worry. When did he act recklessly? Since he said it was okay, it must be okay!"

Lu Jiangpeng nodded, but still couldn't restrain his worry.

You Ning hurriedly pulled Qing to leave, and muttered: "Master, tell me about this Qingxuan senior."

Qing Buli smiled bitterly: "Aren't you always disgusted with the name Yang Qingxuan?"

You Ning was anxious and stamped his feet: "Where is it! Master, you must not talk nonsense!"

Qing Buli and others laughed.

In the secret room, there were two beautiful figures, and they looked at each other, and both saw the helplessness and wry smile in each other's eyes.

When I was at Tian Cong Academy, I was attracted by the heroic youth of the youth, leaving a shadow in my heart. Later, the gap got bigger and bigger, although it was difficult to catch up, but I always had a glimmer of hope. When I saw the figure again, I found that it was even more distant, and that trace of hope was completely shattered.

Especially Su Ying, thinking of going home to regret the marriage back then, and now...

The mixed feelings in my heart are even more difficult for ordinary people to understand.


Yuxuzong is located in a long mountain range, underneath is one of the two spiritual veins of Mengling City.

The originally steep terrain was directly flattened by Yuxuzong to build a pavilion and palace. Looking down from the sky, it looked majestic and majestic.

Suddenly there was a flash of thunder in the sky, and with a "bang", the void was shattered, and countless lightning bursts out, blasting in all directions.

Then the space stagnated and twisted slightly, and all the thunder mans were gathered in again, revealing a young figure, with a thunder disc in the palm of his hand, spinning rapidly.

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