Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1161: The voice in the purple pupil, Liao Shenya


The black flames in Yang Qingxuan's body instantly expanded, pouring out from the dantian, igniting him.

The black flower bud behind him moved suddenly, and the layers of petals stretched out, a deep black vertical pupil was determined in the center, suddenly opened his eyes, like a poisonous snake hiding in the night, swallowing Yang Qingxuan all Go in.

At this point, Yang Qingxuan's shadow was completely lost in the secret room, only a huge purple pupil, suspended in the air, with a strange light shining from his eyes.

Zitong's eyes were cold, staring at the front with awe-inspiring cold aura. Suddenly, her eyes flickered, and she was surprised.

Right inside his eyes, Yang Qingxuan had passed out into a coma, but a white light that was as warm as a jade covered him, preventing the power of the dark night from invading his body.

Within the white light, the scriptures flickered, as if Sanskrit sounds were singing.


In the void of Zitong, an extremely surprised voice came with a hint of shock, "The Four Truths of Cause and Effect?"

The voice trembled, and the endless night fell silent again. I don't know how long it had passed before the old voice sounded again, "It turned out to be just one of the Four Noble Truths."

"This man is not from my elves, why is the night pupil on him? Where did the girl go before midnight?"

The voice was leisurely and full of confusion.

The power of countless dark nights surged around Yang Qingxuan, and after finding that they could not be corroded at all, they finally dispersed by themselves.

Yang Qingxuan just suspended quietly in the purple pupil space, shrouded in the brilliance of Mie Diyu.

A little bit of time passed, and I don't know how long it took.

When Yang Qingxuan woke up again, he found himself lying in the secret room.

He opened his eyes, looked at the ceiling of the secret room, frowned, and after thinking about it carefully, he remembered the previous event, and suddenly got startled in a cold sweat, and hurriedly jumped from the ground.

Yang Qingxuan immediately sat down cross-legged, running his true essence, and checking the state of his body.

After a while, he slowly opened his eyes, revealing a trace of doubt.

His body at this moment is unprecedentedly powerful, without a trace of abnormality, and his true essence is not as if he has just stepped into the late stage of the emperor's position, as if he has existed in this realm for a long time.

Not only that, the four major fire sources in the dantian seemed to have grown a bit.

And the four fire source forces are growing in unison, as if they can drive each other.

In fact, the four fires are basically the same, coming from the evolution of one element.

Yang Qingxuan groaned for a while, but he was puzzled. He carefully checked the Eye of Dark Night again, and found that he was lying quietly in the middle of his eyebrows, as if sleeping, without any abnormality.

He once again performed the night approaching technique, invaded in with divine consciousness, and communicated with the holy artifacts.

It was found that this time was abnormally smooth, and it quickly matched the frequency of the night pupil, slowly drawing out the power inside.

Yang Qingxuan is also a very brave person, changing to another person, after experiencing the catastrophe just now, I am afraid that he will be more cautious. But without thinking about it, he continued to try to perform Ye Lin. Because the time left for him is running out.

The power of the dark night flows throughout the body along the meridians, and the black fire in the dantian "pounces" and jumps very vigorously. The entire body is filled with this dark power, but within the spiritual consciousness of the Lingtai, there is abnormal clarity, without any distracting thoughts or depravity.

Around Yang Qingxuan, small black flowers bloomed, quickly covering the entire secret room, burning the spiritual energy to the sky. On the wall of the secret room, the material enough to withstand a blow from a powerful Dao realm began to melt.


"It's not good!" Just when Yang Qingxuan's cultivation night came, the disciple in the Yunzhong City cultivation area who was responsible for managing the flow of aura suddenly shouted.

The disciple's eyes widened, looking at the aura flow scale in one of the secret rooms, the eyeballs were about to fall out, "How can it be consumed so fast? Quickly, notify Master Hao!"

Immediately a disciple rushed to report.

In a short while, a gray-robed old man flashed out in a hurry.

"Master Hao, look! It has reached the limit of the Spirit Gathering Array. The consumption rate in this secret room..." The disciple pointed to the scale, cold sweat rolled down his forehead.

The old man surnamed Hao was also shocked, with a look of horror, "Such a huge aura consumption speed, I am afraid that it can be done by a strong person in the real world. Who is inside?!"

A disciple has long read the lease records and said, "It's a young man named Li Xuan."

"Young people?" The old man surnamed Hao coldly snorted, and said: "Mostly it is the secret technique of disguise, you can't see through it. What young people can cultivate to the real world?

The old man surnamed Hao was extremely unhappy, but after another thought, he muttered to himself: "Could it be that the children of the family are practicing the secret technique of great supernatural powers in it, so they are extremely consuming aura? Now is the time when the sky is talking about martial arts, young people in the world It's fair to say that Junjie gathered in Central Capital."

The disciple in charge said: "Master Hao, what should I do now? If it continues to consume like this, not only will this single transaction lose money, it will even affect the spiritual energy supply of the entire cultivation area."

The old man surnamed Hao said solemnly: "Fill it with top-quality spiritual stones!"

"What?" The disciple was taken aback, and said, "My lord..."

The old man surnamed Hao sank, and shouted: "Didn't you hear me? Do you want me to repeat it? Since the other party has paid for the rented room, we must be responsible and give the best service. Even if it is a loss-making business, since If you take it, you have to do it!"

The disciple hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, the subordinates understand. This is the gun he made, and I have to finish it with tears."

After finishing speaking, the disciple immediately gathered a group of people to carry the best spirit stones, and specially set up a spirit gathering transportation array to transmit the spirit energy to the secret room alone.


In the southern region of the Central Great World, somewhere above the sky and below the stars.

With white mist rising and purple air floating, it is like a fairyland.

Under the purple light and white mist of Xuanxiao, there is a bottomless mountain cliff called Liaoshen Cliff.

Legend has it that the bloodline power of the Wu Family originated from within this cliff of God, and the surrounding cliffs are all forbidden, and no one can enter.

Wu Xian dressed in his blue clothes and stood on the cliff with his hands in his hands. He looked at the clouds and mist on the cliff with a look of worry. His robe was hunted by the wind, but he was stuck in his own contemplation, completely unaware.

"Patriarch, let's go back. The sphere of martial arts is about to begin, and there is a jade book from Xinggong, inviting us to discuss matters."

An old man behind Wu Xian, Wu Shan, the chief steward of the Wu family, had a face full of years, and he could no longer see his age, standing quietly in the wind, and said respectfully.

"Isn't Yang Yunjing angry with me because of Yun Xinglie? Why did you call me to discuss the matter again."

Wu Xian spoke indifferently, without any expression on his face.

//Many readers responded to the question of "Xuanxiao Danque". They made a mistake two days ago, but Taiyi checked it carefully and found that they had also made a mistake before. The correct one should be "Xuan Xiao Jiang Que", not "Xuan Xiao Jiang Que". I hereby correct it, and all use "Xuan Xiao Jiang Que" in the back, Jiang! ! I have also modified everything that has appeared before, and it will be automatically corrected on the genuine channel.

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