Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1165: Qingfang Guifang, the preliminaries begin

Yang Qingxuan asked, "Where did this mask come from?"

The guy thought: "I don't know who it came from. It seems to have been acquired from a high-level plane. From the time of creation, it should be something that has been in the past several hundred years."

Yang Qingxuan moved in his heart and asked, "Since it is a high-level meta tool, there should be information?"

The guy hurriedly said: "Yes, adults, wait a minute. However, there are restrictions on the information, and the spirit of ordinary warriors can't penetrate, but the popularity is extraordinary, and it must be no problem."

The dude quickly took out a box from the inside and wiped the dust from it.

It's obviously been a long time since no one asked.

Because the value of advanced metaware is very high, and this mask is still the most top of the advanced metaware. It uses all top materials and is even more expensive.

But who would spend the money of the top yuan to buy a mask that cannot improve combat effectiveness?

Therefore, the Burning Chamber of Commerce is only used as the treasure of the town shop for this branch, and it has not thought that someone will buy it.

The dude patted the dusty box, held up a white jade slip from it, and handed it to Yang Qingxuan.

Yang Qingxuan swept away his divine consciousness and gave a light "Huh". There was indeed a restriction on the jade slip, but it was not strong. With his emperor's cultivation base, he could easily penetrate in.

But what made Yang Qingxuan curious was that the prohibition was very clever, and after playing with it for a while, he couldn't put it down.

Yang Qingxuan's knowledge in the formation is not shallow, following the restriction and observing, he slowly fell into contemplation.

"My lord? My lord?"

The guy called Lian Huansheng and pulled Yang Qingxuan back from the meditation.

The guy smiled and said: "My lord is holding this jade slip, and it's almost an hour since I saw it."

Yang Qingxuan was slightly shocked, and he didn't expect time to pass so fast. Put the jade slip back into the box and said, "I bought this mask."

The guy was stunned, and said in surprise: "My lord really wants to buy it?"

Yang Qingxuan said, "Why, don't you put this for sale?"

"No, no, it's just too sudden, I'll call the shopkeeper." The guy hurried in behind.

After a while, Yang Qingxuan came out of the Blazing Chamber of Commerce.

I spent 30 million to buy a mask with the best spirit stone. This price may not be worth it to many people.

However, for Yang Qingxuan, the prohibition on the jade slip was very interesting, and the mask was far more valuable.

A few hours later, Yang Qingxuan removed the restrictions on the jade slip and obtained the contents.

This mask flowed out of the Golden Tortoise Island in the sea of ​​clouds. As for who made it, the jade slip was unclear, but he was surprised by the array structure inside. The first collector found a few arrays. Master Dharma came over and couldn't crack them one by one.

The name of this mask is Qingya Guifang.

Yang Qingxuan licked the pattern like "three" on it. Although he could not be sure, he had a strong intuition that made him think that the mask was from Zhang San's hand.

But Yang Qingxuan did not know Zhang San's identity.

Yang Qingxuan thought secretly: "With this Blue Tooth Ghost Fang and Ye Lin's art, it is much easier to hide your identity."

"At least before entering the top thirty, or even before the top ten, it is not easy to be exposed."

"As for the top ten, as long as you win the championship and let Qiyue's marriage contract expire, the rest is life or death, good or bad, it doesn't matter."

Yang Qingxuan put the Qingfang Guifang on his face and went straight to the teleportation area.

"Yongfeng City!"

Yang Qingxuan paid the spirit stone and entered the teleportation formation with a large number of young warriors.

Those responsible for teleportation looked at him with weird expressions and said: "Be careful yourself."

"Be careful? What do you mean?"

Yang Qingxuan frowned, but the teleporter did not explain too much.

There are more than fifty people in the formation, all young warriors.

It seems that a ban has been placed in the city, prohibiting non-participants from going to Yongfeng City. When Yang Qingxuan wanted to come, it should be to ease the congestion in Yongfeng City.

With the burst of light surging, a group of more than fifty people disappeared in the cloud city.

The person in charge shook his head and sighed, "I don't know how many people will survive this batch."

Yang Qingxuan closed his eyes quietly, allowing his body to be torn apart by space, moving at an unimaginable speed.

This kind of leaping transmission is already familiar to him.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and a very strong explosion occurred on his side, and the powerful spatial force was pressing straight down like a barrier.

Yang Qingxuan's eyelids twitched. This kind of spatial shock is nothing to him. It's just a surprise in his heart. Why is there a problem with the transmission?

Could it be that Yongfeng City has changed?

This idea was quickly ruled out. Who would dare to make trouble?

Yang Qingxuan didn't think much, raised his hand, and blocked the shock of the space.


The shock was like a sea wave, rushing in front of his palm, and then spreading out countless ripples, spreading around, and soon disappeared without a trace.

Many people around were directly vomiting blood and wailing and screaming.

Yang Qingxuan turned a few people to his side, their faces pale in fright, and they were shaking terribly, and they all gave him a grateful look.

Suddenly, Yang Qingxuan's heart moved, and he remembered what the person in charge of teleporting said before "Be careful with yourself".

Did that person already know there was a shock?

At this moment, more than fifty people were suspended in the void. It was not a simple spatial shock, but the transmission channel was forcibly cut off by an inexplicable force, which caused a spatial shock and blasted them away.

Yang Qingxuan's pupils contracted and golden light flashed across his eyes, and the space seemed to have undergone a strange change.

"What's going on? The transmission failed?!"

"Is there too many people entering Yongfeng City, so the space is collapsed?!"

"This is too ridiculous? Such an important contest, such a terrible mistake!"

All kinds of panic and angry voices were everywhere. In this endless void, if the space node cannot be found, the void may be buried forever!

Many people have faced such a situation wherever they are, and their faces pale in fright.

Yang Qingxuan was much more calm. Back then, Xuantianji used the candle dragon to forcibly cut off the transmission from the Xuantian Domain to the Star Continent, and even caused the former Qinglong Star Su Jiuqing to die to save him.

What worries Yang Qingxuan the most is not not being able to get out, but not being able to reach Yongfeng City on time, then he will really see the ghost.

"Hehe, a group of scum, looking at your panic, just like this, you still want to participate in the martial arts discussion?"

In the void of the broken passage, a young man carrying a sword sneered.

Seeing him lifted a support, a compass appeared in his palm, and then stepped on his feet, and a pair of strange shoes appeared with a contemptuous smile on his mouth, he wandered around laughing, and walked away.

Every time you take a step, the pattern of the shoes floats around, and the power of space spreads.

In one step, you can cross a thousand feet!

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