Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1184: Lei Jun’s speculation, Mao family shakes

The two sisters of the Hua family were stunned.

They also saw Yang Qingxuan running to collect the pills, but in the blink of an eye, they saw Mao Xiaoshan's body flying up and then turning to ashes.

I didn't see clearly what was going on in the whole process.

The two sisters opened their mouths slightly and stood there blankly, not knowing why.

As soon as Yang Qingxuan's figure shook, he flew to the place where the Xuanlong Pill fell, picked up the pill, and said, "Let's go, someone will come here soon!"

After all, the place where a Xuanlong Pill landed, the jade pendant showed that it would inevitably recruit powerful people.

And Yang Qingxuan was injured at the moment, there is no need to fight hard with others.

As he said, he raised his hand to pinch the tactics and turned into a flash of thunder, directly covering himself and the two sisters of the Hua family, and then turned into a streamer and disappeared in place.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for a thunder light to shoot out, "cracking" in the air, turning into a man's figure.

The man was holding the jade pendant in his hand, his expression gloomy, and he hummed, "I was actually boarded first!"

The red dot displayed on the jade pendant just disappeared not long ago.

The man then glanced at the surrounding scene, his face suddenly changed.

The huge crater exploded by Mao Xiaoshan's corpse, like a pitch-black eye, appeared on the ground, staring at him like a silent stare.

The man's pupils shrank slightly, and he suddenly raised his head, staring in the direction where Yang Qingxuan was leaving, as if he could still vaguely see Lei Man's tail.

With a look of surprise in the man's eyes, he took out a white compass and opened it in front of him.

There are more than twenty cyan lights on the compass, which are converging in one direction.

"It's not a member of the family. But the tail just now really looks like a Wanlei magneto-optical disc."

The man groaned and said to himself: "However, there are too many imitations of the Wanlei magneto-optical disks in my Lei family, and a lot of them have flowed outside. Before in the Black Sea, Yang..."

The man trembled suddenly and was sluggish for a moment, then stopped directly when he reached his mouth.

"Could it be...could that person be..."

The man suddenly roared: "Yang Qingxuan! It's you, it must be you!" His mood fluctuated greatly.

This man is Lei Jun. He killed his ancestor Lei Zhan in the Black Sea and drew the opponent’s Xiao Wan Lei magneto-optical disc, and then concentrated on practicing, completely refining Lei Zhan's magneto-optical disc for his own use, and broke through to the emperor's position in one fell swoop. Mid-term.

Later, with the help of the family's five-color Thunderbolt and a large amount of resources, he successfully advanced to the late stage of the emperor's throne.

Become one of the best among Lei's juniors.

But in Lei Jun's heart, he did not forget to seek revenge against Yang Qingxuan for a moment.

The biggest failure and humiliation of his life was that he was beaten by Yang Qingxuan in the Black Sea like a bereavement dog!

Lei Yun put away his emotions and anger, flew down carefully, and began to observe the terrible traces of the battle.

"This level of energy fluctuation is the emperor's throne! Damn, this kid also hit the emperor's throne!"

Lei Jun's face was somber as if he was hit by a layer of frost, carefully observing every trace of battle.

"The opponent is not weak, there should be more than one person. About the two of them, they were destroyed after a few moves with Yang Qingxuan."

Lei Jun deduce step by step, and then made various judgments based on the energy fluctuations floating in the air.

"It's the person who controls the corpse Mao family! No wonder, no wonder you can fight Yang Qingxuan with a few tricks. The air is filled with the smell of corrosion, dragon gas, and flames. It is Yang Qingxuan, and only his terrible purple fire can kill There are no bones burned by the Mao family."

Lei Jun's face was gloomy, ten fingers clenched his fists, his nails almost pinched into the flesh, and said coldly: "This kid is really lawless. He doesn't put any top ten and twenty-four in his eyes at all! Whoever stands in front of him The end of being suppressed! Humph, **** it!"

Lei Yun thought of the humiliation he had suffered in the Black Sea, with a terrifying face, and said coldly: "Yang Qingxuan, I will return this humiliation to you a hundred times!"

As he said, a piece of thunder talisman flickered, and Lei Jun's figure flickered and turned into a streamer laser shot, chasing him in the direction of Yang Qingxuan.


On a piece of scarlet land, thunder light flickered from time to time, and soon more than 20 disciples gathered, all of them from the Lei family of the ancient domain.

Lei Jingyu stared at the white compass in his hand and said in a concentrated voice: "Twenty-six people, it's Lei Jun. Fortunately, it's because of this confluence, why did he go further and further?"

On the compass, more than twenty light spots are gathered together to form a huge light group, but one bright spot is constantly moving away.

Lei Xing said with a sullen face, "Undisciplined! Maybe he thinks he is great, so he disdains to be with us!"

Lei Jingyu was expressionless, put away the compass, and said: "Since Lei Jun can't come, let him go. It is open front and back, and full of wood elements, suitable for my Lei family's martial arts. We are stationed here. Come down. Unless someone can uproot us, otherwise, hum, our Ancient Domain Lei Family will all be promoted."

The people of the Lei family began to camp immediately and laid various enchantment formations around them.


"No! Impossible! How could this be?!"

In a gloomy dense forest, a large open space was opened up, on which was located a pitch-black and luxurious palace, and countless pale spiritual flags floated under the dim sky.

Inside a building shaped like a coffin, an old man screamed in anger.

In the center of the coffin, a ball of light appeared, which was the projection of the ball of light outside the Canyon of Doom. As long as you pay a huge fee, you don't need to wait outside the canyon. The Star Palace will send someone to project the light ball.

At this moment, everyone in the Mao family's complexion changed drastically in the lobby, staring at the ball of light in amazement. I saw the two names Mao Xiaoshan and Mao Jinsui slowly rising, then becoming bigger in the air, and finally dispersing.

"Is eliminated? This..." a thin-faced old man was surprised: "With the power of a small mountain, who can eliminate him?"

Another man had an ugly face and said coldly: "No matter who it is, find this person or the sect, they will be dead!"

The thin-faced old man said: "I'm afraid it's not the top ten? Elder Mu, what do you think?"

In the lobby, everyone quieted down, looking at the old man sitting upward, and seeing that the old man's face was extremely ugly, he didn't dare to say anything.

The atmosphere in the hall is particularly solemn.

Elder Mu's face was paler than anyone else, and even the arm placed on the armrest shook.

Elder Mu took a deep breath and said coldly: "Tianzong, you should check immediately if the hill has come out."

"Hey!" When the people in the lobby heard the words, they all trembled in shock, and their expressions changed greatly.

They just thought that Mao Shanshan would be eliminated, and no one thought about that.

After all, with Mao Xiaoshan's ability, coupled with the transmission of the Yellow Talisman, even if it is not against the opponent, it is still easy to get out of the Doomsday Canyon.

After being reminded by Elder Mu, all the people present were sitting on pins and needles.

//From Xuantianji to Mao Xiaoshan, do you think this corpse explosion technique is very fierce? Yes, it is very fierce. Tonight, Weibo (Taiyishengshui), WeChat and QQ public account (taiyiss) will push you the content-"Mao Family Corpse Blasting Technique Revealed!" 》

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