Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1186: The power of Xuanlong Pill, being tracked

As the pill was lowered, a refreshing breath dissipated, and it instantly made people feel very comfortable.

The pill dissolves, and not only a powerful force flows into the limbs and hundreds of skeletons, scouring the meridians of the late emperor's position, but also in the dantian, there is a trace of dragon energy, like a real dragon circling, shaking out a powerful dragon Wei!


Yang Qingxuan was taken aback, and Dragon Power continued to spread from the dantian, pouring into his body, like a river rushing forward!

Yang Qingxuan was surprised and happy, and hurriedly ran the martial arts scriptures to dissolve the power of the dragon.

Changing to an ordinary martial artist, Dragon Qi can increase his cultivation level and enhance his understanding of Taoism, but for him, it is even more powerful and effective!

Under the guidance of the Qingyang Wujing, the power of the dragon Qi is expanding like a sea, oscillating the Qi, Blood and True Essence in the body round and round, the meridians of the whole body are widened a bit, and the realm of cultivation is like pulling the ground From there, it climbed straight up!


This process lasted for about three hours before the medicinal power of the Xuanlong Pill was exhausted, and it was completely absorbed by Yang Qingxuan and transformed into energy filled in the body.

Yang Qingxuan's cultivation realm was obviously improved, which was many times stronger than the pills Hua Xin gave him.

"Xuanlong Dan! Good thing!"

Under the excitement of Yang Qingxuan, he couldn't help but let out a long roar, a powerful aura exhaled, and a dragon chant came out in his mouth, and the violent sound wave rushed out of the cave in an instant.

The two sisters of the Hua family were guarding the Dharma outside the cave, and their complexions changed drastically when they heard the sound of the dragon chant.

In the mountain forest, a bird flew away in a hurry. Large swarms of animals fell on the ground and shivered, some of them were scared to death on the spot.

The two sisters rushed into the cave.

Hua Qing exclaimed, "Brother Qingxuan, are you okay?"

Only then did Yang Qingxuan accept his voice and laughed: "Haha. What can I do. The Xuanlong Pill is really extraordinary. With my current cultivation base, I can feel the obvious improvement after swallowing it. If I can eat it. If there are a hundred or eighty pieces, I'm afraid I can directly rush into the realm."

Hua Ling smiled bitterly: "A hundred and eighty... I am afraid that only the Star Palace and the Nine Martial Arts can get them."

Hua Qing looked at Yang Qingxuan affectionately, and said, "Brother Qingxuan, can you take off your mask and show me." There was a hint of tension in his voice.

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said, "Naturally." With his right hand, he removed the mask on his face.

Hua Qing's eyes lit up, and he stared blankly.

This is a clean and handsome face, with sword brows in the temples, eyes like stars, and an eternal smile at the corner of his mouth, perfectly blending with the slightly immature face in the memory.

Hua Ling also closed his breath, without blinking his eyes, looking at the man in front of him greedily.

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said, "Enough is enough." Putting his right hand on again, he put the mask on.

Both women felt dark in front of them, as if they hadn't seen them before.

Hua Qing said reluctantly, "Why use a ghost face to cover such a beautiful face."

Hua Ling said: "Sister, don't mess around. Brother Qingxuan's identity at this time, if anyone notices it, it would be a big deal."

Hua Qing swallowed his tongue and said mischievously: "I know it naturally, just talk casually."

Yang Qingxuan looked at the two sisters, slender, and exuding a pure fragrance of virginity. He couldn't help but think about it, but he quickly calmed down and put his thoughts behind.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes suddenly condensed and said, "I was careless. Just now, under the long roar, many flies were attracted."

Both sisters were shocked, and they didn't sense anything with their cultivation.

The three of them immediately came out of the cave, and there was still Wan Lai silent in the dense forest, without any abnormality.

The sun shines through the shade of the leaves, and it is peaceful.

The Hua family sisters each hold their swords and are vigilant.

Yang Qingxuan swept the golden light in his eyes and snorted coldly: "Let's go!"

As he said, with a wave of his hand, a ray of light enveloped the two sisters and rose directly into the sky, fleeing away.

The person who is hiding in the void is not weak.

Although Yang Qingxuan was not afraid, he did not want to argue with the other party either.

But after not flying for a long time, Yang Qingxuan's face sank, and he saw a red giant knife shuttled out of the void, with the power of slashing the sky and the earth, slashing towards him!

"Huh, Rats, did you finally make a move?!"

Yang Qingxuan flashed light, stopped in the air, and then grabbed the two sisters with his left and right hands, and took a step forward seemingly. The space was twisted according to a certain rule, just to avoid the knife!


The huge red knife flicked in the air, cut it down, and directly split the ground!

The shadow of the sword plunged straight into the ground, and the terrifying crack continued to extend forward, and there was no end in sight!

Yang Qingxuan took another step, and brought the two women to the ground, staring at the cracked eyes, giving birth to a touch of solemnity.

It doesn't matter if you are alone, but now that you have brought the two sisters of the Hua family, you have a lot of worries when you get started.

If the two sisters were included in the Great Gourd, it would be equivalent to leaving the Doomsday Canyon, and the direct comparison would be abolished.

Yang Qingxuan raised his head, and the originally clear sky suddenly became dark.

In the gloomy sky, trances and human shadows change, and the reality is uncertain.

Yang Qingxuan sneered: "Since I have done everything, why don't you dare to show up? Come out for me!"

He shouted and pinched the tactics with both hands, and the Nanming Lihuo Sword appeared instantly, and under the guidance of the sword tactics, it became a hundred times larger, whizzing towards the sky!

The boundless sea of ​​fire spread from the sword, spreading for thousands of miles.

There was a unicorn roaring in the sky, screaming for nine days!

At this moment, the clouds and mist in the sky were tumbling, and a huge black claw appeared from it, like a beast, not a beast, with a strong cloud, and snapped it down wildly.

A strong wind pressure formed under the claws, large tracts of mountains and forests were destroyed, and even the ground was lifted off.


The black claw was patted heavily on the Nanming Lihuo Sword, and boundless flames and clouds burst out, dispersing the world like steam.

The black claw kept pressing down and was cut in by the sword light.


The black claw finally couldn't hold it, burst into pieces, and dissipated into clouds.

The sword of Nanming Lihuo rushed into the clouds, and with a "bang", the clouds spread out and went straight into the sky.

The entire sky suddenly became clear.

After the black claw was broken, a figure slowly appeared.

He was an alien young man with a slender figure, wearing beast armor, handsome facial features, black hair like a waterfall, casually scattered behind him, looking a little weak.

However, its skin is dark, with fleshy spurs on the legs and elbows, a long fleshy horn on the forehead, and a long slender tail behind him. The breath is as vague as a mountain cloud, making people hard to recognize. .

The youth stood in a daze on the sky, a pair of dark blue pupils staring down, dyed in shock and horror.

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