Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1192: Massacre, airdrop

Yang Qingxuan took the two girls and ran for a while in the Doomsday Canyon. On the way, he encountered a lot of martial artists, all of them grabbed the light, and only sent the yellow talisman to them.

As a result, a man with a ghost face with blue teeth and two women robbed in the canyon soon spread, and it was terrifying.

Unlike Yang Qingxuan, several evil stars appeared in the canyon, perhaps because they were too slow to eliminate them, they began to clear the field in the valley, and all they saw were obliterated, and they were not even given a chance to escape.

Therefore, the warriors who are trembling in the canyon would rather encounter the ghost face of the blue tooth, as long as the money is broken, they can eliminate the disaster, if they encounter a few others, they will die.

And Yang Qingxuan has also poured in a lot of resources, and his cultivation base is increasing day by day.

His body is tyrannical and he is not afraid of all kinds of poisons, so there is no problem with swallowing pills into the body.

The two women followed him, and under his guidance and training, the combat effectiveness continued to increase.

On this day, the three of them rushed into a dense forest, and suddenly a strong smell of blood came, and the three of them were shocked.

Following the smell of blood, I flew for a while, and saw the center of the dense forest, completely in a vacuum. More than a dozen corpses were lying in the mud all around, covered with plum blossom-like blood spots. The whole scene was terrible.

Hua Ling said in shock: "It's the Blazing Fire Sect, and the whole army is destroyed!"

Hua Qing said: "Although the Blazing Fire Sect does not belong to the twenty-four schools, it is considered a famous sect in the Central World. Who is so cruel? This is the third massacre that has been discovered."

Yang Qingxuan turned over several corpses and said, "It was a pure slaughter. The storage elements of these disciples were all there, not snatching. Moreover, they were very similar to the previous two encounters in terms of killing moves. There has been a murderous perversion in this area."

Hua Ling said: "Looking at these corpses, it shouldn't have been long before. Could the murderous perversion be nearby?"

As he said, he was shocked, and hurriedly leaned towards Yang Qingxuan.

Hua Qing smiled and said: "There is Brother Qingxuan here, what are you afraid of? Didn't you take the opportunity to stick to Brother Qingxuan?"

Hua Ling's face blushed and said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about, Xiao Nizi?!"

At this moment, Yang Qingxuan flipped his hand to see that a large number of cyan photoelectrics appeared on the jade card, spreading across the entire range of the Doomsday Canyon.

"Airdrop heaven weapon!"

"Oh my God! One hundred heaven-level profound artifacts!"

The two women were born in the Chamber of Commerce and were accustomed to seeing all kinds of natural treasures, magical medicines and precious treasures, but they were still stunned at the 100 heavenly artifacts.

Yang Qingxuan's reaction to the heavenly weapons was not strong, and the Xuanlong Pill was not as attractive to him. After all, he was the one with the sacred objects.

Even if it is a heavenly weapon, there is also the top heavenly weapon halberd Bai Yuan.

These airdrop weapons are basically low-level.

But Yang Qingxuan squinted his eyes, staring at one of the cyan light spots, then raised his head and looked towards the west.

Hua Qing was also surprised: "That's it, do we want to grab it?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "Go, but don't appear openly this time, just hide in the past."

Hua Qing was puzzled, and asked, "Why?"

Yang Qingxuan looked around, his eyes were a little hazy, and said, "These people have just died."

Hua Qing was stunned, there was a sudden flash in his mind, and he understood, and said in shock: "Brother Qingxuan meant that the evil star will also pass?"

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said: "That evil star is in this area, and there is a heavenly weapon in front of it. Whether it is to grab something or kill, it is an excellent opportunity."

Hua Ling was a little worried: "Then shall we go?"

Yang Qingxuan grinned and said, "Of course! And since it is a evil star, there must be a lot of good things on his body, maybe we can find the Xuanlong Dan! He is a evil star, why are we?"

The two sisters looked at each other and smiled. They only felt that with this man, there would be no difficulty in climbing.

The three of them immediately hid their breath, lurking in the direction where the heavenly weapon fell.


"One thousand ninety-three people, more than half are eliminated."

Outside the Canyon of Doom, the Star Palace man stared at the jade sign, then glanced outside again, frowning and said: "It seems that a lot of people have died these days."

The old man said: "It's normal for people to die if it is natural to make trouble."

The man said solemnly: "I mean...could it be the one who had the problem?"

The old man shook his whole body, his eyes widened suddenly, and said in surprise, "Isn't it? If there is a problem with that person, it will be a big deal!"

The man lowered his eyebrows and groaned: "Who knows, the seal on his body should be very strong."

Quietness was restored in the void, both of them were silent, but there was a worrisome expression between their eyebrows.


Yang Qingxuan and the three sneaked for a while before they came to the location of the weapon, while Hua Qing Hualing put a hidden talisman on his body and hid in the dark to observe the situation.

The shape of the instrument was like a ruler, and the whole body was dark green, exuding the waves of the blue sea.

From time to time, he was thrown into the air and was contested by everyone.

The strength of these contenders is not very strong, there are only a few super talents. It's just that people join the battlefield from time to time.

Soon, someone bleeds the sky, and once severely injured, they immediately sacrificed the transmission yellow symbol and disappeared from the place.

At this time, Huaqing suddenly exclaimed in a low voice, "It's Daluo Xianshan!"

More than a dozen figures rushed in the distance, it was the people from Daluo Immortal Mountain, and they spread out immediately, surrounding the fighting people.

The corners of every disciple of Daluo Xianshan raised a scornful smile, a sense of superiority spontaneously emerged.

The fighting in the field stopped immediately, and everyone looked extremely ugly.

Even the warrior holding the heavenly weapon had the same gloomy face.

You Yan glanced at the dark green ruler, and said in admiration, "It's really a mid-level artifact. It's amazing. I thought it would be a low-level one."

The warrior holding the heavenly weapon gritted his teeth and said: "The first one will take it. Your Daluo Immortal Mountain is one of the twenty-four bridges and moonlit nights. You won't do anything to grab it!"

You Yan smiled slightly and said, "Naturally not."

The warrior was stunned, then ecstatic, and his heart suddenly dropped.

You Yan said again: "Because the other party gave it up and we don't need to take action, how can we **** it? I think this friend also makes sense, and will not let us make an exception to **** it?"

"Hahaha!" The disciples around Daluo Xianshan laughed wildly.

Ling Fei, a disciple who had pleased Huaqing before, even threatened: "If we make an exception, it will be more than just snatching!"

The martial artist was trembling all over, and the hand holding the ruler was trembling.

You Yan smiled and said, "My friend, you are still young and the road to the future is still long. Don't lose your life because of a ruler."

The warrior was furious, but he didn't dare to attack, and slammed the ruler to You Yan!

At this moment, the void suddenly "boomed" and opened a gap, and a dark crack appeared frighteningly.

A strong storm surged in, and set the ruler in the air.

Immediately, a thin, pale hand reached down and grabbed the ruler. Then the void cracked open, and a terrible breath came.

//Some readers ask, what happens when Yang Qingxuan and the Emperor summon a sword at the same time? At 22:00 tonight, WeChat and QQ public account (taiyiss) tweeted at the same time-"Sword Controversy" to answer this question for everyone.

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