Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1199: Avatar outside, third person

"Ye Motian! The outer incarnation of the ancestor, Ye Motian!"

Lance flew in front of the colossus, bowed in the sky, knocked his head a few times, and said loudly: "Lance, the heir of the royal blood of the Yacha clan, is here to see the ancestors. I implore the ancestors to give strength to revitalize my Yacha clan."

After finishing the etiquette respectfully, Lance stood up and flew forward slowly.

Ye Motian seemed to be induced, and his huge body retracted and returned to his previous standing posture. At the same time, with his right hand turned over, the three jade boxes appeared in his palm again.

"Haha! The treasure of my Yasha clan, only the noble Yasha clan can inherit it!"

Lance laughed wildly and snapped at the three jade boxes.

As soon as the finger touched the jade box, a cold voice came, "The border burst!"

"Hey!" An arc of light, like electricity, shuttled and exploded directly between Ye Motian and Lance!


Furious, Lance waved his dagger left and right, and a cold light shot out, collided with the arc light, and the huge shock wave spread and shook both of them back.

The three jade boxes in Ye Motian's hands shook into the sky and whirled over the ancestral hall.

"Damn it!" Lance roared sharply, suddenly spread his wings, and shot towards the sky above the Ancestral Hall.

Unwilling to be left behind, Yuan Kui grinned, "Without the colossus trap, this treasure is worth seeing!" As he said, the beast suddenly expanded, and the same figure rushed over.

A Bao lay quietly on the ground, staring at the three jade boxes swirling in the sky above the hall and the two fierce fighting.

The jade box varies in length, and I don't know what it contains, but it must be extremely important.

In the entire Yacha Ancestral Hall, only Yin Wu Hall is more mysterious than it. And the giant skyscraper that night is even more terrifying. Naturally, there will be nothing in the jade box.

Under the starry night outside the ancestral hall, among the cracks in the earth, Yang Qingxuan slowly opened his eyes, and the fiery golden eyes directly penetrated the ancestral hall forbidden, seeing the scene inside.

Then he took a breath, and a large number of the best spirit stones around him turned into ashes.

The last wound in the body was completely healed. As soon as the figure shook, it burst out of the ground and flew towards the ancestral hall.

Lance and Yuan Kui were fighting each other.

Lance completely lost the previous calm and graceful posture, and roared: "Hold me in every way. If you don't kill you today, it will be hard to dispel the hatred in my heart!"

With that, the facial features began to become extremely ferocious, the scales of the whole body turned up, covering the whole body. The body is like a bamboo shoot emerging from the ground, more than doubled under the "crackling"!

Yuan Kui's face changed drastically, and he secretly said, "Not good!"

This Lance's strength suddenly increased with the transformation, and it rushed to the peak of the emperor's position!

Yuan Kui did not dare to stay for a long time and rushed to the dome of the ancestral hall to get the jade box.

"court death!"

After Lance's transformation, there was a long whistle, and the terrifying sound waves spread directly, squeezing the space into cracks and dispersing like a spider web.

Yuan Kui's body received great resistance and stagnated in the air.

Then a more terrifying force swept over, as if to shatter the sky and shatter everything!

"Ghosts roar!"

Clouds gushing out from the palm of Lance's palm, instantly dispersing the entire hall, the dense cloud gas is like gelatin, making it difficult for the people in it to move.

Immediately he patted it out with a palm, and the cloud gas turned into a snake-like monster, with a hideous ghost face and full of anger, biting Yuan Kui away.

"Impossible! How could it be so strong, it turned out to be the pinnacle of Emperor Heaven!"

Under the crisis of life and death, Yuan Kui also reddened his eyes and roared like a beast in his mouth. The beast turned into a gluttonous appearance, but it was three heads, wailing.

It was the grievances of the three gluttonous subspecies, condensed in the body of the beast, and it burst out at this moment, exuding an aura of ruining the world!

Yuan Kui pinched the tactics with both hands again, and circles of bright light spread from his sleeves, like ripples.

"Border burst!"

"The universe is in your sleeve!"

The two strongest moves were simultaneously stimulated to meet Lance's ghost mythical roar!


Both of them played the power of the peak of the emperor's position, and the terrifying power instantly filled the entire hall.

The three disciples of Zhan Lingzong swiftly fled outside the hall in terror, but they were still a step slower, and were swept in by the aftermath, and screamed to pieces.

The entire hall is full of terrifying power.

Only around the skyscraper that night was not affected at all.

And the three jade boxes on the dome of the ancestral hall seemed to be in another space, with a breath of fresh air flowing around him, dispelling the aftermath.

Lance and Yuan Kui both shook their bodies, and then each retreated.

But Yuan Kui spouted blood, obviously his injuries were heavier, and his eyes were full of panic.

Lance was also shocked. The blood in his body rolled, and a mouthful of blood poured into his throat. He forced it down and said with a grin: "The humble scum of human race, being able to die in this ancestral hall is the greatest glory of your life!"

After all, the black wings spread, and a huge shadow enveloped the entire hall.

Yuan Kui's heart sank suddenly.

Suddenly, Lance yelled sharply, and the eardrum of the piercing voice shattered, full of extreme anger and murderousness, "Humble man! Put down the jade box!"

Yuan Kui's heart was shocked, and he suddenly looked up.

I saw a slender figure above the towering dome, with a ghost face with green teeth, volleyed in the air, and took three jade boxes into his hands without any effort, and disappeared after turning his hands over.


Lance opened his mouth wide, and the moment the three jade boxes disappeared, as if his heart had been dug out, he roared and charged up.

What made Lance anxious most was that this blue-toothed ghost-faced human had fought him, and the difficulty of the opponent was still higher than Yuankui. He took the jade box away, and it was extremely difficult to vomit it out again!

But these three jade boxes are related to the secrets of the ancestral hall and the inheritance of the power of the Yasha tribe. Even if they die, they must be recovered!

Yuan Kui had doubts in his eyes. He only felt that the blue-toothed ghost-faced man was very familiar. He subconsciously glanced at the corner of the hall, and the panda Abao was gone.

It suddenly became clear in his heart that the panda puppet was released by the blue-toothed ghost-faced man to explore the wind. After breaking the trap on the Ye Motian, he was taken back.

Yuan Kui's heart was extremely shocked, proving that this blue-toothed ghost-faced man had been following them all the time, otherwise it would not have been such a coincidence. Then what kind of cultivation level is needed to prevent him and Yasha Lance from discovering?

Just as Yuan Kui was shocked, Lance had already rushed to the top of the dome, and another ghost roar shot out, and the cloud turned into a terrifying snake shadow, biting.

Yang Qingxuan raised his hand and grabbed it with five fingers. A dazzling light condensed in his palm, turning into six blazing suns, shining the entire Yasha Ancestral Hall like daylight.

The colossus of Ye Motian clearly manifested, and it seemed to be extremely uncomfortable under the scorching sun, and anger appeared on his hideous face.

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