Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1203: The power of ancestors

"My lord, my man is merciful! I'm the one who is wrong. I have no eyes and offended my lord, please spare my life!"

Dao Jinghuan resisted the sword intent while begging for mercy.

"Born without eyes, just give you another chance to be born again."

Yang Qingxuan let out a cold voice, without the slightest sympathy in his eyes, the tactics in his hand changed, and the ten thousand swords in the hall rang, and all the sword intent on the sword soul locked Dao Jinghuan.


A piece of sword shadow exploded on Dao Jinghuan's body, and Wan Jian turned into sword energy, and he chopped him into pieces in a flash, and a large amount of blood was scattered in the air.

Afterwards, the sword shadows scattered across the sky and plunged into the boundless sword mound.

Those fresh corpses and the smell of blood added a few touches of color to this sword grave.

Yang Qingxuan waved his hand, the martial spirit between the center of his eyebrows retreated, the entire sword grave began to dissipate in the hall, and the sword graves turned away.

Not long after, the sword intent faded like a tide, and it all drew into Yang Qingxuan's body, leaving only some corpses, blood and minced meat on the ground.

The hall fell into a dead silence.

Both Lance and Yuan Kui were pale.

Yuan Kui naturally knew what martial spirit the Supreme Profound Sword Tomb was.

Although Lance did not have a martial arts spirit, he still understood the name and some characteristics of the ten most powerful human spirits.

Special Dao Jinghuan has already called out the Taixuan Sword Tomb.

Both of them looked at Yang Qingxuan with pale faces, desperate in their hearts.

At first he hoped that Yang Qingxuan would win, but unexpectedly it was so easy to win. After the disciples of Daoyu died, they also had to hang up.

Both of them also took out the transmission yellow talisman, and disappeared completely in this Yasha Ancestral Hall, both of them were extremely bitter.

Yang Qingxuan flew to the ground from the air, his eyes swept over the two, then put out his hands and slapped it.

Lance and Yuan Kui were shocked, and each dodged left and right. But Yang Qingxuan's palm wind had already controlled a space, and there was a flash of it.

"Boom! Boom!"

Both were shocked by a mouthful of blood and slammed on the wall.

"You...what are you doing?!" Lance yelled in anger, widening his eyes.

Seeing Yang Qingxuan's ten-finger virtual grip, a volley of power emerged, grabbing the storage elements on both of them.

Lance's storage element is a delicate bracelet, Yuankui's is three rings.

Where did the two of them have the slightest resistance, they could only watch as they were plundered.

Don't talk about robbing you, even if you kill you at this time, there is nothing to say.

After Yang Qingxuan collected the elementary implements, he waved his sleeves again and put away all the stored elemental implements of the knife domain disciples on the ground.

Lance's face was gloomy and terrible, and he let out a low growl, but he was helpless.

Yang Qingxuan smiled slightly and was too lazy to care about him, but headed towards the skyscraper that night.

"Stop! The external incarnation of the ancestor-sama can be contaminated by a lowly human race like you!"

Lance struggled, his eyes full of anger, hissing roaring exhaustion.


Without looking back, Yang Qingxuan shot Lance flying with the palm of his backhand.

Lance slammed on the wall with a "bang" and slid down, and the hall was quiet.

Yang Qingxuan stared at that night skyscraper for a while, and stretched out his hand to put this thing into the star ring.

But after a little power spread out from the palm of his hand, he suddenly convulsed and said secretly: "No!"

There was a strong backlash from Ye Motian's body, just like a silent volcano suddenly alive.

Yang Qingxuan was shocked and his face sank.

Thinking that Abao was slapped to pieces by this thing, he dared to stay, hurriedly turned into a escape, turned and left.

At the moment he rushed out of the hall, Yang Qingxuan felt the turbulent power of the waves coming from behind him, as well as the killing intent penetrated into his bones, making him cold.

Lance laughed wildly inside, "Haha, the power of the ancestors is the power of the ancestors! Kill you humble human!"

Yang Qingxuan didn't dare to delay, and the tactics in his hands were printed together, instantly turning into a Honghu, spreading his wings.


As soon as Yang Qingxuan left, there was an earth-shattering sound in the Yasha Ancestor Hall, and numerous cracks appeared in the entire surrounding space.

But Yang Qingxuan has already flown thousands of feet away, spread his wings again, and it is another tens of thousands of feet away, flying around in the sky.

A few hours later, he had already moved away from the Yasha Ancestral Hall, and after confirming that no one was following him, he changed back to the deity and flew down.

In the battle with Lance, he suffered some injuries, and urged the sword soul formation of Taixuan Sword Tomb to suppress the sword area, plus killing, looting, and fleeing, all the way down, it was extremely overwhelming.

Yang Qingxuan fell on a mountain and sat cross-legged to adjust his breath for a while.

Only then took out the storage elements obtained in the Yasha Ancestral Hall.

First, he took out the bracelet of Lance, which was dark gold in color, and was inlaid with ten brilliant red beads like blood drops. Clouds rolled in it, as if sealed with extremely powerful power.

Yang Qingxuan was quite surprised. When he got the bracelet, he felt it was not easy, but he didn't look closely. Now it seems that it is more complicated than expected.

After holding the bracelet in his hand and playing with it for a while, confirming that the prohibition on it could not be broken by himself, Yang Qingxuan split it out with a palm and suppressed it on the ten red beads.

But something unexpected happened. This restraining force was stronger than he expected. It shook his palm apart, and a crimson light lit up, projecting a boundless pattern in the air.

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback. Those patterns were filled with ancient secrets, and he recognized half of them. Because all the secret texts in the Middle Ages were all evolved from the ancient elves.

The small secret text seems to be a recorded technique for lifting the ban.

Yang Qingxuan flipped his right hand and put the bracelet into the star ring.

The movement made by the bracelet is too big, it is easy to be caught by the martial artists around, causing trouble.

Yang Qingxuan thought for a while, put the bracelet in the star ring first, and then tried to crack it after he got out of the canyon.

He took out the storage elements of Yuan Kui, Dao Jinghuan and Dao Yu Yigan disciples, and forcibly opened the space one by one, and swept through the divine consciousness.

The disciples of the top ten and twenty-four families are indeed worth a lot. They are the richest among the martial artists he has robbed. There are hundreds of heavenly artifacts, medicinal herbs, various treasures of heaven and earth, and even the secret arts of exercises. many.

What made Yang Qingxuan ecstatic the most was that in Dao Jinghuan’s storage element, three Xuanlong Pills were found, and Yuan Kui’s storage element also contained two!

"Haha, five Xuanlong Pills!"

Yang Qingxuan laughed ecstatically: "I don't know why these two brain-deads didn't swallow them directly, but now it's cheaper for me!"

With these five Xuanlong Pills, the assurance of impacting the emperor's heavenly position would be great.

When you turn into a waste body, you can cultivate into a waste **** ancient star body, the first person in the realm.

Even in the realm of Taoism, there is a power to fight!

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