Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1206: Suddenly waved up, dancing around

As soon as Yang Qingxuan's figure shook, she appeared in front of that Lolita, holding her hands in front of her.

As Loli rushed wildly, her anger gradually waned and she slowed down.

The seven people behind them were all in green bamboo and green robes. They chased in a flash, and the head of them grinned and said: "Hey, Wu Lin, now it's up to you where you are running."

Wu Lin trembling, scolded: "Xu Yanyu, you are mean!"

Xu Yanyu sneered and said, "Winning is winning, and losing is losing. Why is it mean to say?"

"Hey!" The other six people also followed with a grin.

Seeing Wu Lin's speed slowing down, Xu Yanyu flashed a cold light in his eyes, took out a folding fan, and patted it in the air.

A radiance in the fan lights up and rises in the wind.

Countless wind blades shot out from the fan, turning into a tornado, splitting layers of air, and blasting away at Wu Lin.

Wu Lin heard the sharp piercing sound behind her, her face pale, and tears were about to fall.

She stopped abruptly, then turned around, pinched with both hands, her eyes glowed, and a round of blue light condensed in front of her, blocking her front.

It's just that this blue light is particularly weak compared to the huge wind blade.


The wind blade slashed on the blue light, Wu Lin screamed, red lips spit out a mouthful of blood, stumbled back more than ten steps, still fell to the ground, tears fell on the ground.

I was in peace with the same door, just because I was playful and ran away alone, but I met the true light of the magnetic pole and escaped lifelessly. I finally escaped, and I met the Kunhe Temple at the weakest time. people.

Kunhe Temple and Xuanxiao Jiangque are both one of the top ten, and have never been in harmony.

Before the two factions met in the valley, they fought and killed three people by the Wu family disciples. Xu Yanyu seven people ran away with their tails sandwiched between them.

Now suddenly encountering Wu Lin, who is alone, naturally will not let it go.

Moreover, Wu Lin consumed a lot of physical energy in avoiding the true light of the magnetic pole, and it was when she was the weakest, she directly confronted Xu Yanyu.

Without two strokes, he flees desperately.

Seeing Xu Yanyu the seven people approaching with a grinning grin, and vaguely hearing some words such as "fullness", "satisfaction", and "sweetness", it gave rise to despair in my heart and couldn't help crying in a low voice.

"Abolish the cultivation base of this loli first, and then the brothers will be happy, "fuck" this girl, it is regarded as revenge for the dead brother!"

Xu Yanyu shouted sharply, jumped up, and with the folding fan in his hands, a sharp and fierce brilliance shot down and pointed towards Wu Lin's Dantian.

Wu Lin screamed and closed her eyes in despair and waited for death.


Suddenly an explosion sounded, and Wu Lin only felt that the temperature rose, and her whole body was indescribably warm.

Astonished, I saw a flame exploded in the sky, and the fiery waves of fire swept the wind blades away, magnificent, like fireworks.

Wu Lin opened her eyes wide and stared in shock.

In the flames, a slender figure emerged, with a ghost face with blue teeth, standing with hands behind it.

Just now when she ran away, her blue eyes could see this person in front. But he was only alone, and Xu Yanyu and others were disciples of the Kunhe Temple. Ordinary people didn't dare to provoke her at all, so he never thought that this ghost-faced person could save her.

"Bold! Who dares to care about my Kunhe Temple!"

Xu Yanyu was furious when he saw someone shot.

The other six people were coveting, and when they saw someone doing sabotage, they were even more furious, and hurriedly shouted: "Brother, just kill him, what's the point of asking!"

Xu Yanyu was more stable than the other six, and felt Yang Qingxuan's extraordinary, but he didn't think Yang Qingxuan would be his opponent. He immediately stretched out three fingers and said grimly: "Give you three breaths of time. dead!"

Yang Qingxuan stood with his hand in his hand, and said calmly: "Yu Noise, are you adding drama to yourself?"

"court death!"

Xu Yanyu roared, and when he raised his arm, the folding fan ignited, swimming like a long snake in the air, while dozens of tornadoes rose up accordingly and went through the world.

Yang Qingxuan's figure moved slightly, his hands were printed, and the emptiness of heaven was circulated.


An immense barren aura rushed out in a flash, flooding the entire world, and in an instant there was the meaning of old and desolate things.


Where the waste air was swept away, the tornadoes were all broken and scattered.

The powerful attack was so disintegrated in one breath.


Xu Yanyu's expression was shocked, and he couldn't believe it.

He was a strong player in the early stage of the Emperor Heaven. Although he didn't use his full strength in the first blow, it was definitely not something an ordinary heaven could follow.

As for Yang Qingxuan's cultivation base, he never thought that he might be the Emperor of Heaven.

Because apart from the top ten and twenty-four, he didn't think there were any outsiders who could enter the emperor's position so early.

Yang Qingxuan made a move, with his left hand behind him, and his right hand grabbing in the air, the sword light flickered, and the ghost fighting spirit appeared.

Yang Qingxuan took the sword forward and stepped forward, and his weird body skills flashed before disappearing in place.

Afterwards, a loud poem sounded among the disciples of the Kunhe Temple.

"A thousand hectares, all mirrors are clear, and Bifeng is down."

Accompanied by the sound of poetry, there was also a fierce sword light. When it swayed in the air, it shot out a burst of blood. A disciple didn't react, and his head rolled down.


All the disciples of the Kunhe Temple were sluggish there, a little unconscious.

Obviously I saw that this disciple died, but because the death was too random, even too incredible, it gave them a sense of trance and felt that it was not real.

But the sound of the poem that sounded immediately pulled all six people back from their dreams.

"Suddenly there is a wave, dancing a leaf of white-headed flower."

Once Yang Qingxuan's sword was in force, the Ghost Fighter drew across the air, dancing a circle of sword light, and pushing it toward another disciple like a wave.


The disciple shouted angrily, and the same sword struck out. However, upon contact, with a "bang", the entire man with the sword was shattered by the sword of Douguishen and turned into countless pieces of meat.

That sword seemed like water and tenderness, but it contained a fierce sword intent, which was not something this disciple could stop.

"Huh? Junior Brother Fan!"

Only then did the remaining five people react, and they all took a breath, knowing that they had encountered the evil star!

Yang Qingxuan turned around indifferently, his footwork shook, and then cut a sword, "Looking at the son of Lantai."


The sound of the wind hissing sounded, and the two disciples did not respond, and they found that their throats were cut open, and blood was shot out, sounding like the wind hissing.

"Huh? This...!"

The two disciples hurriedly covered their necks, but there was no way to stop the blood, and said in horror: "Help, help me, brother!"

After speaking, his head rolled down, and two headless corpses fell.


This incident made Xu Yanyu and the remaining two disciples fall into the abyss.

"Emperor Heaven! He is Emperor Heaven!"

Xu Yanyu roared, with a crazy expression on his face.

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