Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1208: Tianju City, Twelve Heavenly Monarchs

Wu Lin was stunned, and said: "So you want to marry my cousin."

Yang Qingxuan frowned, did not say anything, but waved his hand to collect all the storage elements left by the disciples of the Kunhe Temple, and then turned away.

Wu Lin hurriedly said: "By the way, I don't know your name yet. If I see my cousin, how can I tell him?"

Yang Qingxuan's figure became extremely small in an instant, and there was only one voice, "Tell her, if you tell her, she will understand it with a little bit of spirit."

In the blink of an eye, Yang Qingxuan disappeared.

Wu Lin stayed in place, suddenly feeling a little empty in her heart.


After leaving Wu Lin, Yang Qingxuan wanted to take advantage of the last moment to find a few more sect families to find something.

But suddenly the body was stagnant, and it was suppressed by a force of space.

That power is not very strong, it can be easily broken, but Yang Qingxuan did not move, seeing the space in front of him flashed, the transmission yellow symbol assigned to everyone suddenly activated by itself, and a transmission force enveloped it.

Yang Qingxuan sighed, the good days of getting rich are over.

The next moment, he appeared in a busy city, standing straight on the street, and there was a stream of warriors coming and going on both sides.

For his sudden appearance, the martial artists around were shocked, and looked at him weirdly, showing admiration and envy.

At this time, Yu Pei reacted again. Yang Qingxuan opened it and looked at it. Three lines of information were displayed: 1. Li Xuan, a competitor of Cangqiang Lunwu, passed the Doomsday Canyon Mixed Tournament and advanced to 5,000; 2. Rested one in Tianyue City Then start the battle of the thousand strong; 3. Within this month, you must not leave Tianyue City, or you will be treated as a waiver.

Yang Qingxuan put away the jade pendant and was about to leave, but found that more and more people were watching him.

An old man with a red face and brocade clothes stepped forward and said with a smile: "Old Hu Hancai is the head of the Dihutang of Tianju City, and sincerely invites friends to come as guests."

Seeing that Yang Qingxuan was a little suspicious, Hu Hancai said: "Three days ago, the whole city got news that the top five thousand of Cangqiang Lunwu will come to Tianjue City for a month. Haha, I hope my friends can be a guest."

The sky star field, the thirty-three planes, is vast and boundless, and the population is unknown. Even the martial artist is hundreds of millions. In the eyes of ordinary sects, the top five thousand are already the existence of the sky.

"Hu Hancai! Don't think that I don't know your thoughts. I let your two daughters go out of customs three days ago, specially looking for someone to dress up, just to get a golden turtle son-in-law today!"

Another old man squeezed out from the crowd, pointed at Hu Hancai and yelled at Yang Qingxuan and said, "The old man Tian Hongbo, the head of Tianlongmen, has more than a dozen daughters under his knees. Each is worse than Hu Hancai's two ugly winter melons. Come to my Tianlongmen as a guest."

Hu Hancai suddenly exploded and roared: "Tian Hongbo, how many of your daughters are yours? That third daughter, Tian Lanhua, got a big belly before she got married. Huh, it can be seen that the other daughters are also the same! !"

Tian Hongbo's face was swollen and purple, and the two quickly tore each other.

From time to time, there are big bosses from local sect forces to invite out.

"My lord, the girls in my family are well-known and well-behaved in the city, ranging from eight to eighty years old, let the adults choose."

"My lord, come to my cleavage gate. Not only do I have three daughters to marry, but also the elders, law protectors, and families in the gate have several daughters. There will be adults who will be satisfied."

"My sire, my sire, I'm all women in Cuiyan Valley, whoever sings for the grown-ups, even if they fancy the old ones, they will follow."

"My lord, my wife was one of the four beauties in Tianyue City back then. I asked her to leave and talk to the adults."

"My lord, my lord..."

There were more and more enthusiastic warriors around, all of them squeezed up, grabbing Yang Qingxuan with all hands and feet, trying to drag him into his door, striving for a higher relationship.

Yang Qingxuan's face was covered with black lines, gently spinning the true essence, shaking everyone away, and then disappeared in place with a shake of his figure.

This situation is happening everywhere in Tianjue City.

Tianyue City is in the middle capital of the Central Great World. It belongs to a third-tier city. There are few top warriors in the city. Even if there is an existence like the peak of the emperor's position, it is still a large number of old monsters who have lived in retreat on weekdays. of.

Suddenly there were 5,000 more powerful young men, and all the sects and warriors were boiling. Thinking of various methods, they tried to send their daughters out to build relationships.

Even female warriors were being chased by a large number of young men.

Wu Lin flees desperately on the street, followed by a large group of handsome, gorgeously dressed young men.

"Miss sister, don't run. I am the son of the dean of Tianwai Academy. I have ten houses in Tianjue City. I only love you."

"I am the eldest son of the Deputy Sect Master of Yuchan Sect. I practiced male Yang Gong since I was a child, nine times a night effortlessly."

"I have everything they said, the house, male Yang Gong, and I'm so handsome!"

Wu Lin blushed and purple, her eyes were full of shame, and she quickly got into the crowd and disappeared.

Yang Qingxuan was sitting leisurely in a tea house and sipping tea, watching Wu Lin run by the street outside the window, couldn't help laughing.


In the sky above Tianju City, thousands of miles away in the void.

Suddenly the space shook, and five figures appeared, all with agitation.

One person was holding a jet-black cane with silver bells and white sails hanging on it, and his face was gloomy and dripping.

All five of them were dressed in large black robes with white skulls and spirit flags tattooed on them.

"It turned out to be the elder Mu who controlled the corpse Mao's family. I am lucky enough to meet."

A voice came from the front, and then a man walked out, clasped his fist and said: "Xiaxinggong Xiangling."

All five of them have slightly changed faces. They have all heard of Xiang Ling's name. They are the characters in the Twelve Heavenly Monarchs of Xinggong, second only to the existence of the three immortals and two elders.

But the five were still gloomy and cold, and even the killing intent was aroused, and their emotions were extremely unstable.

Elder Mu said coldly: "Xiang Ling, what does it mean that Jue City is covered by barriers this day?!"

Xiang Ling said: "This is the rule of martial arts. The top five thousand winners are all in it. The formation of this barrier is also to protect them."

"Protection?" Elder Mu's face was distorted and hissed: "Then who will protect the disciples of my Mao family? The first day of my Mao family, Mao Xiaoshan, fell in the Doomsday Canyon. This murderer must be found out!"

Xiang Ling didn't change his face, and said calmly: "Lun Wu's rules don't say that you can't kill."

"Haha! Killing? I don't care about killing others, but killing Mao Xiaoshan. This is the descendant of our Supreme Elder. If the Supreme Elder goes out, we can't explain this matter!"

Elder Mu said angrily, his face full of anger.

Xiang Ling's eyes were slightly cold, and he said softly, "This is your Mao family's business. If you can't afford to lose, you shouldn't have come to the competition."

//A reader asked, the fighting power between the realm kings is a bit messy. In fact, it is not chaos, but a lot of variables, especially the sacred tools, which brings great variables to the battle between the kings of the world. Tonight, Weibo (Taiyishengshui), WeChat and QQ public account (taiyiss) will push in-depth good articles-"The relationship between the saints and the king of the world!" 》

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