Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1211: Underground exchange

Yang Qingxuan nodded, not paying too much attention to Mao Xing's matter, and instead said, "I have something. I would like to ask Master Hua Xin to help."

Hua Xin said hurriedly: "Young Master Qingxuan is too polite. If I have something to say, as long as I can do it, I will do my best."

His words were not polite, but the strength and potential shown by Yang Qingxuan, which were already worth his all-out friendship.

As long as Yang Qingxuan does not fall, he must be a figure standing on the top of this sky in the future.

For such a prospect, Hua Xin is willing to gamble with all his strength.

Yang Qingxuan smiled slightly, and said: "I picked up a lot of good items in this Canyon Mixed Race, and I want to exchange some resources."

Hua Xin immediately understood, and said with a wry smile: "Don't worry, there is no problem at all. It's just that it's still in the competition, and a large number of talented disciples have fallen, and the major sects are tracking down the murderer. Taking things at this time is afraid that it will cause some trouble."

Hua Xin said, with a sudden stop, his eyes lit up, and he said with joy: "Why did I forget! I just have an excellent opportunity! The next competition is January, and the major chambers of commerce plan to jointly hold one in Tianyue City. The auction, take the opportunity to make a fortune. It’s just that Tianyue City was blocked too quickly. When the major chambers of commerce knew that the rest place was Tianyue City, it was already sealed by the barrier, and now mosquitoes can’t get in. So. The supplies of the major chambers of commerce in Tianjue City are extremely scarce."

Yang Qingxuan said, "My lord meant to let me take a shot at the auction? Wouldn't it be more obvious?"

Hua Xin smiled and said: "Don't worry, as long as there is money to make, some people dare to take this risk. There is light and darkness in this world. There is a chamber of commerce, and there is an underground exchange. There is a lack of top materials in Tianjue city. Recently, the underground exchange has There is action. As long as you can get something, even if it comes out of the star palace, they dare to eat it."

Hua Ling said: "Yes, I just got the news. The underground exchange in Tianyue City is intensively collecting all kinds of materials, regardless of the source, they will all be purchased at high prices. I intend to make a fortune at the auction."

Hua Xin said: "Hua Ling is responsible for the affairs of the Daluo Chamber of Commerce in Tianyue City. You can take care of the matter of taking Master Qingxuan to the underground exchange."

Hua Ling smiled and said, "This is natural."

Hua Qing said hurriedly: "I want to go too!"

Hua Ling and Yang Qingxuan both smiled softly.

Hua Xin said: "Young Master Qingxuan, what else does it require? As long as the Daluo Chamber of Commerce can do it, it will definitely support it."

The smile on Yang Qingxuan's face gradually diminished, and he said in a condensed voice, "One more thing, I need the best secret room. One month later, I will rush into the emperor's heaven for great perfection!"

"Hey!" The three of the Hua family, father and daughter, all changed their expressions, and there was even a trace of horror in their eyes.

Yang Qingxuan's talent is really terrifying. It took only a few years from Tian Cong Academy to the present.

There are very few of the great people who have grown up so quickly.

Hua Xin looked solemn, and said: "I let people spare all resources to build a top-quality training chamber in the shortest time."

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said, "Thank you very much."

After a few more polite words, they left the wing room.

When the disciples of Daluo Xianshan heard that Li Xuan was coming, they all hurried out to greet him, thanking him.

You Yan was extremely curious about Yang Qingxuan's identity, but in a few words, he couldn't get any information. Instead, Yang Qingxuan took away a lot of the secrets of Daluo Xianshan.

Youyan knew how powerful this person was, and didn't dare to speak any more.

After that, Sister Hua Ling Huaqing took Yang Qingxuan to the underground exchange.

The three of them are wrapped in a special black robe, embroidered with a large number of patterns with gold thread, like clouds, connecting each other back and forth, which is a strange formation method for isolating the detection of spiritual sense.

Yang Qingxuan was quite surprised that this kind of formation pattern is extremely rare among human races.

Yang Qingxuan and Ning Jiazi exchanged voice transmissions, and they all agreed that this was an alien formation secret technique.

But it was indeed very effective. Even with such a powerful sense of consciousness as Yang Qingxuan, he could not see through the Hua Ling sisters in the black robe.

Even if he uses his fiery eyes, even if he urges him to the extreme, he can only see some outlines and cannot see the truth.

Yang Qingxuan sighed secretly, first, sighing the mystery of this black robe, and second, sighing that his strength is still too low, and the magical powers of the fiery eyes and golden eyes can't show much power in his hands.

The underground exchange is in a simple house.

After the three of them entered, Hua Ling took out a strange token, and was led into a secret passage by a black robe wearing the same costume.

It took about half an hour before he came to an empty building, which was full of people with black robes and gold patterns, about forty or fifty people.

Hua Ling said: "In the past, this underground exchange could not be opened several times a year, and there were not many people. In just a few days, the number of people has increased rapidly, and many new people come in every day."

The person who led the way in front quickly led them into a side room.

The inside is very simple, with only a table and a recliner.

Soon after, an old man opened the door and entered.

The old man crouched, with a dead skin on his face, looking wrinkled, very disgusting and uncomfortable.

As soon as the old man lay down on the recliner comfortably, he cocked his feet.

"I heard that you have a lot of good things to do?" The old man said in a strange voice, apparently doing sound processing.

Yang Qingxuan couldn't sense the old man's cultivation, because he was afraid that there were other hidden artifacts on his body.

Moreover, this place is not suitable for using fiery eyes, if the other party notices that he is peeping, then right and wrong are born out of thin air.

Yang Qingxuan just wanted to take things out, then calm down, and use this month's time to hit the emperor's heaven and achieve great perfection.

Without saying anything, Yang Qingxuan threw a storage bag over.

The old man took it in his hand, swept away his divine consciousness, and suddenly, the old man jumped up violently, and the shock of the deity's face was directly printed on the dead skin on his face.

But then it passed away in a flash, and the dead skin face was restored again, without any expression.

But the unbelievable look in the old man's eyes has revealed his heart.

"These things...hehe...hanging to heaven!"

The old man laughed twice, the shock in his eyes slowly condensed into a brilliant glow, full of complexity.

Yang Qingxuan said, "You can eat it?"

The old man swept over with his spiritual sense, then lay on the chair, closing his eyes lightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a while, the old man opened his eyes again, took out a saber from the storage bag, and then another... soon, he took out 67 things and piled them on the table.

"These things belong to Dao Yu and Kun He Temple. I dare not eat them. I want the rest."

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