Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1214: Divine Wild Ancient Astral Body, Your Bargaining Chip

Yang Qingxuan revolved the Jue Seal to transform the Yasha Dharma body back into the deity.

Under hesitation, he pinched the Jue again and shouted: "Change!"

This time it became the body of the desert clan, and his figure was a bit taller than before.

Under the sandy surface, there are blue engravings, like stars connected one by one, emitting a blue light, and the breath exuding is like ancient and misty, and like the vastness of the deep sea.

Yang Qingxuan clenched his fist slightly, feeling the surging power in his body, he actually rushed straight into the Dao Realm, it could even be said that he touched the barrier of the Dao Realm, but was suppressed by an invisible force.

"Is this the ancient star body? It is indeed the strongest body under the Taoist body!"

Yang Qingxuan changed back to his deity, his eyes flickered.

As one of the eight great clans in the Middle Ages, the Huang Clan is not without reason.

This is also a huge advantage brought by ethnic talent.

The strength of a race, in addition to the most cutting-edge combat power, the realm of heaven is the mainstay.

However, the powerhouses of the Wild Clan are all one rank higher than the same rank, and even the peak of the heavens can compete with others in the early stage of the Dao Realm. It is strange that such a race does not seek hegemony.

After Yang Qingxuan turned back to his deity, he took out the jade pendant and took a look. There was no movement on it. After counting the time, half a month had passed.

All the items on his body were sorted out, and the disciples of the Kun He Temple also found two Xuanlong Pills. Now there are seven in total, which is enough to make his cultivation base go further.

It's just that Yang Qingxuan has some worries for the time being, because after reaching the emperor's heaven and reaching the Great Perfection, it means that the Qingyang Wujing has come to an end, and there must be the second half of the Wujing.

After the Wuqiang Wushu was over, he went to Tianhe to find the Banque Wushu.

It's just that the sky's theory of martial arts can be avoided?

If you get the first place, you must face the contemporary emperor. But if he had the number one status, the Emperor would also have concerns about killing him.

Yang Qingxuan eliminated the messy thoughts, now thinking about everything is superfluous, and it will be better to move forward.

He took out an exquisite bracelet and placed it in his palm to watch carefully. It was snatched from Lance. He could not break the restriction at the beginning. Now there is a yellow flag barrier, and he can safely break the law with force.

Yang Qingxuan covered the palm of his hand, and a group of golden light filled his palm, then slowly pressed down.

The twelve beads on the bracelet were all bursting with blood, making a hideous sound, and the mist surged in the middle, and the phantom shadows of the twelve monsters floated out and slaughtered Yang Qingxuan.

Yang Qingxuan snorted coldly, and the golden light shook under his palm, and endless flames spurted out, burning everything.

When the twelve monster phantoms touched the sea of ​​fire, they all screamed in pain, their bodies continued to melt, and finally dissipated into nothingness.

And on the bracelet, the twelve blood-colored beads burst open in an instant, and the entire bracelet seemed to make a clicking sound, and the tyrannical repulsive force completely dissipated.

A piece of void space slowly emerged in front of Yang Qingxuan.

"This spatial element is a bit interesting, it is so vast inside, I am afraid it is the top element."

Yang Qingxuan peeped his fiery eyes into the void, trying to search for objects.

At this moment, suddenly a loud shout came from inside:


The whole space was shocked, and it was Lance's voice.


Under Yang Qingxuan's fiery eyes, he saw a figure slowly condensing in that space, tearing the entire nothingness to pieces, and going to shuttle out, it was Lance with an angry face.

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback, and immediately felt the boundless murderous aura, the entire space in the bracelet collapsed and shattered.

Even in the enchantment of the Yellow Flag, the lines like a spider web were shaken out.

Yang Qingxuan's figure flashed away, and at the same time, he pinched the Jue, and put the Wuji Xinghuang Qi into his hands.

Lance's body has been completely shuttled, and the azure blue eyes burst into extremely cold.

But to Yang Qingxuan's surprise, the other party didn't even start.

Just a little surprised, Yang Qingxuan figured it out. This is in Tianju City. Since there is an enchantment guarding the Star Palace, naturally there are strong Star Palace masters.

If Lance acted rashly, unless he could be wiped out instantly, if it caused a fight, it would inevitably fall apart, and half of the city would be destroyed.

This is something that Xing Gong warriors will never tolerate.

Moreover, Lance is a foreigner, so maybe something will happen.

So after Lance broke through the air, he just stared at Yang Qingxuan, and did not move further.

Yang Qingxuan chuckled and said, "That bracelet is really good, and this secret technique is also very peculiar."

That is the space secret technique of the Yasha clan, the storage element devices they create are all three or five pieces, and they are connected to each other.

After losing the bracelet, Lance hurriedly opened the space from another elementary tool, took away all the items, and then left a strand of divine consciousness in it. After Yang Qingxuan broke the bracelet, he could shuttle in the first time. come out.

After waiting for half a month, it finally appeared.

Lance stared at him angrily, and said coldly: "Give me those three jade boxes!"

Yang Qingxuan sneered: "Jade box? What jade box?"

Lance's angry face was blue, and it was not to snatch, and it was not to snatch. Terrible power flowed through his body, and it took a while to suppress the inner anger, and the power on the surface of the body was also dispersed.

"The three jade boxes are very important to me. If you open your chips, I will redeem them."

Lance regained a calm attitude and said calmly.

For one thing, this is Tianyue City, and if you fight, it will inevitably cause Xing Palace to watch. Second, with Yang Qingxuan's strength, even if he really shot, he couldn't get it back.

Moreover, under careful observation, he was horrified to discover that the aura revealed in Yang Qingxuan's body at this moment was stronger than in the Doomsday Canyon.

"Did he break through?"

Thinking of this, Lance's heart sank even more, even a little bit unstable.

I originally thought that my strength was enough to sweep the younger generation of Human Race, but I couldn't think of it. As soon as I debuted, I was suppressed by an unknown junior in Human Race.

This made him extremely shocked, even a hint of panic.

Is Human Race really so powerful?

Yang Qingxuan didn't know Lance's thoughts, but whispered: "Those three jade boxes are good, I won't sell them."

Lance turned pale, resisting anger and humiliation, gritted his teeth and said: "I will give you all the money!"

Yang Qingxuan said in amazement: "Really? Then let's come first with the one trillion superb spirit stone."


Lance trembled with anger, and all the scales on his body exploded. If he held it back forcibly, he would have been violent long ago, "You, you take me!"

Yang Qingxuan said, "I didn't open the brush with you. For the sake of your sincerity, you can consider the transaction. But I can tell you that I broke one of the three jade boxes and I have used them. Now There are only two left, are you sure you want to redeem it?"

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