Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1240: Broad Avenue, the pinnacle of life

As soon as the public was killed in Tibet, the three-headed **** dog stopped moving, and was hit with a hammer on the head by the woman and knocked out.

Gong Shuqing glanced at the location of the three-headed dog in hell. This vicious dog is a good thing, but he dared not take it. Instead, he turned around, sullen his face, stared at the shadow stone, and said all his debts.

Facing Gong Shuqing, Hua Ling looked at his gloomy eyes, feeling a little frightened in his heart, and couldn't help shaking his hand holding the sound shadow stone several times.

It wasn't until the recording was finished that it was handed over to Yang Qingxuan, before he breathed a sigh of relief, and found that his clothes were soaked in cold sweat.

People like Gongzuqing are like poisonous snakes. Ordinary people encounter endless disasters. Only a strong dragon can suppress him.

And Yang Qingxuan has the talent to suppress an era powerhouse.

Any genius evildoer must bow his head in front of him.

"Brother Qing, congratulations."

Yang Qingxuan put away the sound and shadow stone, and stepped forward to enthusiastically hold Gongshuqing's hand.

Gong Shuqing's face twitched, and he said blankly: "Why is it so happy?"

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said, "Yixi is alive. Is there anything more pleasing in the world than being alive? Erxi has eliminated the enemy of public transport and Tibet, and has since embarked on the broad road to marry Bai Fumei."

Gong Shuqing's face looked slightly better now.

Both of Yang Qingxuan's words came to his heart.

Surviving is the most important thing, and the public transfer to Tibet died, the remaining cousins ​​are not to be feared at all.

The mood of Gongluqing eased a little, and he clasped his fist and said, "From now on, Master Li Xuan and Zai Xia will be together. If I lose in the future, those things will be hard to cash out."

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said, "Naturally, I wish Brother Qing a map of Pingchuan on the way to the Patriarch."

Gongzhuqing nodded.

Next, Yang Qingxuan swept the battlefield to the end, and naturally the puppets and items that the public lost to the imperial government and the public to Tibet would not be let go.

Then he asked Huaqing to destroy the opponent's Daoyun Crystal Tower.

Hua Qing tried his best to strike, leaving only a shallow mark on the crystal.

Hua Qing smiled bitterly: "Even if I let me attack, I can't move this tower."

She stabbed with one sword, and hundreds of swords were shot in an instant, all of which were chopped on a crack, and the sound of "bang, bang, bang" was endless, and then the crack was torn open, and a large number of cobwebs were broken and spread around.


Finally after a sword, the entire blue Dao Yun crystal tower shattered, and countless blue lights flickered, covering everyone.

Gongzuqing looked at Huaqing Pushing Tower blankly, and didn't know what it felt like inside.

The next moment, Yang Qingxuan five people appeared in the matching space.

Yang Qingxuan took out the jade card and saw a row of numbers on it: Li Xuan, win, add one point, win a game in a row, add another point, and the current total score is four points.

Huaqing's jade pendant also showed four points, and Pan Haixing, Lance and Hua Ling all three points.

Yang Qingxuan said: "At this speed, you can win in a few games."

Pan Fatty said: "With the strength of the boss, as long as you don't meet such a perverted family, it will basically be a matter of seconds."

Yang Qingxuan said: "I hope to meet a few more families, so that I have the resources to cultivate all the way to the Realm King Realm."

Hua Ling said worriedly: "Brother Li Xuan, there are too many families who have offended this way, I am afraid that it will be against you in the future."

Yang Qingxuan said: "It's okay, as long as you have a firm heart and go forward courageously, you can ignore the rest. If you are afraid of wolves and tigers, how can you cultivate this martial arts?"

Fatty Pan exclaimed excitedly: "That's right! As long as you go forward, these scum will offend if they offend, let him go!"

Hua Qing said sarcastically, "It seems that you know it well, why is there only the early cultivation base of Taitian? Humph, it's similar to our girls."

"I...I..." The fat on Pan's face was flushed red, and he was speechless. He sighed a long time later, "Hey." He looked old-fashioned through vicissitudes of life.

Pan Fatty said: "Don't gossip, take a good rest, the match will be completed soon."

Hua Qing calmed down, watching Yang Qingxuan's body anxiously, his chest pierced by the public transport Tibetan Mo Juchun thunder, and thick blood scabs formed.

But looking at Yang Qingxuan's appearance, there was nothing serious about it.

After swallowing some pills, Yang Qingxuan directly sat cross-legged to adjust his breath.


The outside of the spiritual heart was bright, and the Xing Gong warriors sitting in the void, their eyes widened in shock.

Even Bauhinia couldn't look confidently.

It is impossible for the picture displayed on the crystal-like ancient tree to be wrong.

Li Xuan's team won, and the five were intact.

The public loses and the family loses, leaving only the public to celebrate in the matching space.

Gongluqing then entered a random team.


There were swallowing sounds one after another from high altitude, and the "whooping" wind whirled back and forth, as if it had petrified everyone.

After a while, someone said solemnly: "The geniuses of the public losers are not lost, right?"

As soon as the words came out, the atmosphere above the clouds suddenly seemed a bit depressed.

In fact, everyone knows the answer, but it doesn't feel real.

The other person hummed: "What you see is the truth, is there anything to doubt?"

The previous humanity said: "This is a big trouble. The ancestor who lost the family to the family is afraid that he will kill someone."

The humanity at the back: "Skills are not as good as people, and death deserves it. In the past years of martial arts in the sky, the dead people do not know where they are. We participated in the competition, which one did not survive the nine deaths?"

The previous humanity said: "Nevertheless, too many of the public losers have fallen this time, and the first public losers died in it. Haha, I'm afraid the storm will not be smaller."

The human being behind said: "Follow him. The other forces in the twenty-four family have also died a lot. Even among the top ten, there are also cases of group destruction. If you are afraid of the dead, don't come. Only those who have experienced martial arts Those who are truly strong will have the future."

Bauhinia turned a deaf ear to several people's comments, but stared at the figure in the ancient tree, trying to see through the face behind the blue tooth ghost, but it was still unavailable.

Soon, that face disappeared into the matching space together with the four teammates.


Yang Qingxuan and the five people only felt that their eyes flickered, and they came to the battlefield.

The surrounding scene is the same as the first time I entered the battlefield. The round platform is surrounded by a vast virtual image. A tall stone statue stands on the platform with its head down to pinch the tactics, but the robe is blue, and there is a huge crystal in front of it. tower.

Their Tao Yun crystal tower is also blue, and the transparent crystal emits a thin light blue light, covering everyone.

Hua Qing said with concern: "Brother Li Xuan, your injury is not healed. Adjust your interest rate for a while. When the opponent comes to push the tower, we will see you again."

The blood scab on Yang Qingxuan's chest is so conspicuous that Hua Qinghua Ling has been worried.

But in fact, the flesh and blood inside has healed more than half.

Coupled with the enchantment power of the Tao Yun crystal tower at this moment, the healing speed has become faster.

//At 12:00 noon today, Weibo, WeChat and the QQ public account (taiyiss) tweeted at the same time-"The Taixuan Sword Tomb is an enemy in the world, who is stronger? ! 》

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