Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1250: Return to the wind and dance to the snow, fighting each other

Yang Wuxin smiled indifferently, raised his hand and slapped it on the wild **** halberd, suppressing the sharp aura.

Shi Yuyan held the halberd in both hands and stabbed forward desperately, but couldn't shake it.

Yang Wuxin did not grasp the halberd in the palm of his hand, but the halberd was trapped by the if there was no aura in his palm.

Yang Wuxin said calmly: "Yuyan, I haven't seen you for a long time, do you have to fight each other when you meet?"

Shi Yuyan exclaimed: "This is a discussion of martial arts in the sky, do you think it is a discussion of poems on tea?"

Yang Wuxin sighed, "I hope I'm in the Purple Mansion Garden, or the Starry Sky Mirage, and I can enjoy tea and poems with you."

Shi Yuyan was inexplicably irritable and shouted: "Let go!"

The halberd shook, the aura of the wild beast surged out, and it gave out a sky-shaking roar, the form of the wild beast condensed in the air, and it threw down its teeth and claws.

Yang Wuxin wore a purple dress with a smile in her eyes. She turned a blind eye to the stare of the wild beast. She greedily looked at Shi Yuyan's cheek, as if she could appreciate the peerless face through that layer of veil.

"Speaking of poems, I recently came up with a sentence: "The slender waist is Chu Chuxi, returning to the wind and dancing snow; the beaded and green brilliance, full of goose yellow", what do you think?"

Yang Wuxin whispered in poems, raised his hand and patted forward, and a flamboyant green silk shot away, making it difficult to move the wild beast into a shackle.

The movements are free and easy, smooth and extremely chic.

The anger in Shi Yuyan's eyes was even worse. She abandoned the halberd with both hands and stepped forward. Mu Hanxue slashed out with a sword, drawn a white training in the air, and slashed down at Yang Wuxin.

Yang Wuxin chuckled lightly, grabbed with five fingers, and the barren beast was suppressed and returned to the halberd, and then slapped forward, hitting the sword light, blocking the cut.

Shi Yuyan turned his sword intent and poured his whole body's true essence into the sword, instantly transforming into a thousand sword shadows.

Yang Wuxin didn't panic, using the palm as a sword, splitting horizontally, vertically cutting, and the top of the hand, all the simplest moves, blocking the sky full of sword shadows without missing a trace.

At this moment, Shi Yuyan suddenly stopped his sword power, turned his hand to put the sword away, turned and left.


Yang Wuxin was stunned, trying to catch up.

But Shi Yuyan had already stepped a thousand feet below her body.

Several people from Duye hurriedly chased them.

"Boss, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. I think Miss Yuyan doesn't seem to be in a good mood, so I don't want to feel bad."

Shouted a strong man behind him.

The brawny man had dark skin, a tiger-backed waist, and his facial features as sharp as a knife. He tattooed a rose on his left shoulder, and his whole body exuded a brutal breath of a beast.

Yang Wuxin frowned, then stopped.

Behind him, besides the brawny Xu Weilong, there are three other people.

Lu Yifan, half-black and half-white hair, dangled at will, although his facial features are beautiful, but his skin is pale and his eyes are fierce, and a hostile spirit lingers around him, as terrifying as a cold night.

Xiao Suyang, a thin, weak, pale and slender teenager, but with the appearance of a teenager, there are still some young people's shame and tenderness on his face.

There is also a young woman with Feng Yanran, equally beautiful, wearing a purple dress, but with a blooming rose flower tattooed on her face, which adds a touch of beauty to her face.

Xu Weilong and Feng Yanran's rose are exactly the same, like a pair of lovers.

Feng Yanran chuckled and said: "Girls have a bad temper. Coupled with famous backgrounds and talents, it is normal to have a personality. But with the boss's talent and family background, it is only a matter of time to catch up. Besides, I have heard about the boss. You seem to have a marriage contract with this girl?"

Feng Yanran's brows and eyes showed a clear and charming smile.

Yang Wuxin was expressionless, hands folded behind him, and said, "Weilong, go and push the crystal tower."

Xu Weilong clasped his fist and said: "Yes!"

About to chase Shi Yuyan five people, but Yang Wuxin shouted: "I mean our crystal tower."

Xu Weilong stunned: "This... boss... If we win this game again, we will win. Judging from the current information, no team has won."

Feng Yanran glared at Xu Weilong, and said: "The boss lets you go, hurry up, what do you know. This is called heroes make beauty. She can accept her personal love to Shi Yuyan, and she can accept it if she doesn't."

Xu Weilong smiled and said: "Haha, that's how it is, good!"

Suddenly, all five of them were taken aback, only to see a bright blue light in front, spreading out.

Yang Wuxin stunned: "This is..."

Feng Yanran looked surprised in her eyes, and murmured: "What a stubborn girl."

Yang Wuxin's face was a little gloomy, and he took out the jade pendant, and a line of information was displayed on it: Yang Wuxin, ten, congratulations on winning and entering the top thousand!

The next moment, the entire battlefield disappeared in a trance, and all ten people were sent out.


At the same time, all the jade pendants changed, and the number of winners went from zero to five.

"Someone has won!"

In the new battlefield, Pan Fatty took out the jade pendant and looked at the word "five" on it with surprise.

Hua Ling said: "If Brother Li Xuan didn't form a team, we would have won."

Hua Qing said: "Yes, the key is that this fat man dragged his feet."

Fatty Pan said depressed: "I can lie down with a gun? Anyhow, I took the lead with one ride, and I had a record of one against five. How about you?"

Hua Qing made a grimace and said: "You are so embarrassed to compare you with our girls, don't you be ashamed? Would you like a dress for you?"

Fatty Pan was full of black lines, turned around, stopped talking to Hua Qing, and fought with the girl, and lost.

Yang Qingxuan said: "I just won the first team, indicating that there is still enough time. I now have seven points, Huaqing has six points, and you three have five points. In this case, Hualing will push the tower. We all attack and we will not defend. "

The four people said in unison: "Okay!"

Because Yang Qingxuan had to send away a few people first, and sooner or later he would lose a few games and lower his score.

So even if the tower is stolen, it doesn't matter.

The five turned into escape lights, blasting away in the direction of the enemy.

Before the five enemy could react, they were quickly knocked out by Yang Qingxuan and Lance, and fell to the ground and passed out.

Fatty Pan said: "In fact, you don't need to deliberately lose points. The boss killed a few people from the public losing family before, and then cut these five people, you can get the title of'killing god' and automatically drop one point.

Yang Qingxuan glanced at the ground and fainted. There were only five people with the cultivation base of Xiaotian, frowning and said: "The public losers are looking for death by themselves and killing innocent people. How can I do it? Hua Ling, push Tower it."

Hua Ling nodded, desperately attacking the Daoyun Crystal Tower, and finally destroyed the tower after more than ten moves.

The scores of five people immediately become: nine points, eight points, eight points, seven points, and seven points.

The five quickly entered the next duel.

After entering the battlefield, Yang Qingxuan glanced at his Daoyun Crystal Tower, touched it lightly, and said to himself: "Push your own tower, it should be fine."

Yang Qingxuan suddenly shrank his pupils, sensing something, and said: "The enemy has entered the enchantment area, why is it so fast?"

Fatty Pan said in surprise: "Sure enough, I came in! Who is so confident in himself?"

Yang Qingxuan smiled suddenly, put his hand down from the crystal tower, and said, "I don't have to rush to push the tower by myself. I would like to see who came from, so confident and calm."

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