Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1254: After all Nirvana, kill the master

"Kill him! Kill him!"

You Xuan looked at the tyrant who was hiding in the darkness and the ruler who descended on the earth, trembling with excitement, and there was endless murderous aura in the eyes of a pair of evil birds.

The anger of revenge burned in his eyes.

The two strange beasts seemed to obey his call, both turned and stared at Yang Qingxuan, and rushed over with a roar. The sky and the earth, which were originally shattered, became more fragile under the aura of the two monsters.

Yang Qingxuan's expression became extremely solemn, the two strange beasts were both the existence of Taoism, and the big dragon had the cultivation base of the mid-stage divine transformation, that is, the mid-air technique.

Lance was also shocked, holding daggers in both hands and about to step forward.

Yang Qingxuan shouted: "It's enough for you to protect the three of them!"

Lance frowned slightly, and under hesitation, Yang Qingxuan had already stepped forward with a halberd.

A Bao followed Yang Qingxuan closely, one person and one puppet, and withstood the huge impact and pressure, he killed him.

Yang Qingxuan's pace keeps accelerating, he wants to lead the battlefield to the front.

Since the Daoyun Crystal Tower did not suppress these two strange beasts, the closer you were to the Crystal Tower, the more troublesome it was.

After Yang Qingxuan stepped a few steps, he displayed the steps that were close to the end of the world. With a sway, he went outside the crystal tower enchantment, appeared in front of the tyrant and the ruler, and slashed at the ruler with one halberd.

A Bao's eyes burst with jewel-like brilliance, and he raised his hand as a finger.

The only martial skill imprinted on A Bao's body is this one, but it is very powerful. It merges the entire Taoism into one finger and blows out!



Two against two, two terrible fluctuations spread in the center of the battlefield.

A Bao and the tyrant fought a close match.

However, Yang Qingxuan retreated more than ten feet away with a blow from the master's claws. The powerful wind cut around Yang Qingxuan, and blood stains were cut on his body.

"Is this the power of the mid-stage divine transformation?"

Yang Qingxuan's two arms were a little numb, and suddenly the master in front of him shook and disappeared.

"not good!"

Yang Qingxuan shouted in a low voice, how could this level of sneaking escape his fiery eyes, and his figure disappeared in place when he shook.


A dark green claw shot out from the void, shattering the entire earth, and the terrifying wind spread from where Yang Qingxuan stood, sweeping everything.

The dominating pupils shrank and seemed surprised.

At this moment, the void behind it split open, and a halberd stabbed out, "Hell Fight!"

The master sensed danger, roared, and patted behind him with one claw.


The five dark green fingers hit the halberd, blocking the imaginary light of the seven-cutting style that day.

Yang Qingxuan transformed into an ancient celestial body, holding the halberd, forcibly resisting the power of the master.

"Boom! Boom!"

Circles of true essence exploded between the halberd and the claws, turning into powerful waves and scattered.

"Hey, the power of the mid-stage divine transformation, but so!"

Yang Qingxuan smiled sullenly, and pushed his hands again, shouting: "Prison fight!"


Another piece of true essence exploded, and the powerful phantom light was inextricably threaded, circling around the armor-like body that was spinning and cutting around the dominator, with traces.

However, the power of the dominion remained undiminished, and he did not shrink in the slightest, and a deep roar continued from his mouth. The powerful force seems to be drawn from the void, constantly replenishing the consumption of the body.

"What?! He can actually contend against the monsters in the middle stage of the transformation, my God, who is he?!"

You Xuan in the distance looked horrified, fear inexplicably surged in his heart, and even a hint of panic.

Mo Cheng was also very scared, but soon calmed down, and said coldly: "This person is too terrible. We offend him and we must get rid of him, otherwise there will be endless troubles!"

You Xuan nodded heavily.

Both of them were shocked by Yang Qingxuan's strength. If they could not get rid of this time, they would dare not leave Sao Po Qianfeng again.

Just when Yang Qingxuan and the overlord couldn't help but screamed, under the power of one person and one beast, a terrifying aura appeared again.

The Chitail Phantom pupil didn't know when it was on Yang Qingxuan, and rushed up with a "swish", opening his mouth to bite the master.

"What? He still has contract beasts?!" You Xuan looked silly.

Both puppets and contract beasts are extremely energy-consuming and time-consuming things, requiring a lot of energy to be spent on them to achieve something.

But the person in front of him was not only the pinnacle of heaven, but also puppets and contract beasts in the realm, which caused You Xuan and Mo Cheng to be hit hard.


When the master saw a big mouth with blood basin, he was also panicked, and the strength in his hand was weak, Yang Qingxuan shouted again, another attack from the prison fight, breaking the master's defense.

"Shocked to the sky!"

After the prison fight, he immediately took the strongest move of the Seven Heaven Slashing Techniques, and the true essence and power of the whole body were poured into the halberd.

Bai Yuan endured tremendous strength and couldn't help but tremble, exuding the power of excitement.


The white practice transformed from the halberd hit the master fiercely, smashing its armor-like body, and shooting out scarlet blood.

At the same time Akao snapped a bite, and his sharp teeth penetrated.

The master roared in anger and grabbed Akao suddenly, tearing it in half.

But Yang Qingxuan slashed again, "After all, Nirvana, go to bliss!"


Bai Yuan fiercely slashed the dominator's shoulders and chopped off half of it.


Dominator's body trembled in pain, and the hand holding Akao was suddenly released.

With a sudden sway of Akao, he broke free from the dominator's restraint, and then struck the dragon with his tail swinging, patted the dominator on his body, and flew it out.

"Take advantage of its illness, kill it!"

A murderous look flashed in Yang Qingxuan's eyes, holding the halberd forward, one step away from the horizon.

The master shook his whole body, and only felt a dangerous aura rushing toward his face, and he saw a white practice cleaving in the air!

It subconsciously stretched out its one arm to block it.


Yang Qingxuan's halberd was blocked, and the powerful force exploded, but the dominator's aura fell so badly that he shook his arm and took a few steps back.

Yang Qingxuan stepped forward again.




After making five moves in a row, he finally smashed the other arm of the dominator.

Both Yang Qingxuan's hands were numb, and his heart felt extremely shocked at the flesh body in the mid stage of the transformation.

The few halberds he connected just now, even at the pinnacle of the heavenly position, would be deadly in one move, and in the mid stage of the transformation, only by relying on the flesh, it blocked so many times.

After the two arms were smashed, the figure of the master became a little trance, as if it was about to fade away.

It was originally a map that had absorbed infinite power. At this moment, the power was dissipated, and it was afraid that it would return to heaven and earth.

Yang Qingxuan didn't wait for it to disperse on its own, but swept it again with a halberd, sending it back to the west with a loud "bang".


You Xuan and Mo Cheng looked at them from a distance, and they all felt like falling into an ice cave, with no trace of temperature all over their bodies.

From the appearance of the dark tyrant and the overlord, to the death of the overlord, it took just a few blinks of an eye.

Great fear came from all directions.

//Last day at the age of 17, I wish you all a happy New Year's Day. At 22:30 tonight, Weibo (Taiyishengshui), WeChat and QQ public account (taiyiss) tweets year-end summary, in-depth and good articles-"Immortal original heart, forge ahead! 》

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