Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1256: Tiger fights Xuanhuang, but so

"If I don't kill you today, it's hard to vent my anger!"

Cheng Yu roared, his whole body exploded with anger.

He was angry not because of the death of the Qingshan man, but because Yang Qingxuan ignored him and Yang Qingxuan killed the Qingshan man in front of him.

This kind of contempt made him, the genius of Sao Qianfeng, unable to bear.


Cheng Yu's figure shot out, "Tiger Ben!"

The space was crazily torn apart by the tiger shape, a touch of ocher brilliance, the powerful slap came, and hit a heavy wave!

Layers of light and shadow intertwined in front of Yang Qingxuan, and between the entire world, it seemed that only a tiger was running, stepping on the earth!

The Temporal Giant Spirit's complexion changed, and he clenched a fist with one hand, and the powerful spatial force spread out, forming a defensive circle around ten feet around his body, free from the influence of the terrifying tiger-shaped martial soul.

At the same time, the left hand pinches the tactics, constantly condensing the purple fire in the palm of the hand, burning more and more vigorously.

"Space reduction!"

"Endless catastrophe!"

The Space-Time Giant roared, and shot both hands at the same time.


The vacuum area about ten meters away was instantly filled with purple fire, and then burst open suddenly.

The terrifying Zi Yan pushed away in an instant, the power of the tiger was swallowed, and it was constantly being forced to shrink.


There was a trace of panic in Cheng Yu's voice, and he quickly pinched the tactics with both hands. Within a hundred meters of his body, yellow air currents rose, rotated rapidly, and continuously poured into his body.

"Tiger fights Xuanhuang!"

The yellow power flowing from Cheng Yu's body suddenly shrank, and its volume was more than a hundred times smaller. It gathered in the center of his palm and slapped away wildly!


The power of Thunder and Tiger Ben stood in front of him, resisting the impact of the spatial dimension reduction and the purple fire catastrophe.

The two forces were shaking the earth, converging and swallowing each other in the air, almost merged together, and merged into a terrifying sea of ​​air waves.

The battle between Lance and Bai Weiwei hurriedly separated.

It should be said that Bai Weiwei was so frightened that she fled back abruptly.

Yang Qingxuan and Cheng Yu fought in the central area, both of which were the most real strength, without any interference or influence.

"How could this be? Cheng Yu is in the mid-aircraft stage and possesses a terrifying martial soul——Xuanhuang Thunder Tiger!"

Although You Xuan gloated over the man in the blue shirt who was killed, but with the power of Cheng Yu, when he was suppressed by the ghost face man, his heart twitched suddenly, and his horror could not be added.

"Is it mid-aircraft? But so!"

Within the terrifying Qi Sea Vortex, Yang Qingxuan's awe-inspiring voice, a slender shadow, stepped forward in the waves.

"What? You, it's impossible! You are only the pinnacle of heaven, it is impossible to fight me across the realm!"

Inexplicably panic surged in Cheng Yu's heart.

Although I saw Yang Qingxuan kill the master before, it was due to the red tail of the Dao realm who joined forces, and although the master was fierce, but his IQ was not high, Cheng Yu didn't pay attention to Yang Qingxuan at all.

But I never dreamed that my strongest blow would only be a tie with the opponent!

"A draw?"

Cheng Yu's heart suddenly trembled, and he thought of this question inexplicably. Ties may be just a kind of self-comfort for his proud subconscious.

In fact, when the weather was full of waves, and the purple fire was constantly devouring Xuanhuang Jinglei, he was already struggling, but the other party was walking leisurely!

"who are you?!"

Cheng Yu gritted his teeth and said angrily: "You will never be unknown!"

"For the dying person, I have no interest in telling him his name. In the same way, you must never tell me the name, because I am not interested in knowing."

Yang Qingxuan stepped forward, pinching his hands continuously, and a huge phantom was formed behind him, standing upright.

"The sword is coming!"

Yang Qingxuan raised his hand, a sword mark was formed on the center of his eyebrows, and the mighty martial spirits scattered, the whole world seemed to be shattered, and countless tombs of swords whirled in the air.

As if the sword mound is going to dominate the earth!

"Huh? This is...!"

Except for Hua Qing Hua Ling and Lance, everyone was stunned for an instant.

Fatty Pan's eyes stared like copper bells, and his mouth was open enough to stuff a watermelon, "Ah, ah, this, this..."

"Yang Wuxin, you are Yang Wuxin!"

Cheng Yu yelled in horror, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I didn't know that it was you, I was offended, please Haihan, and forgive me!"

After Cheng Yu recognized the Supreme Profound Sword Tomb, his Dao Heart instantly shattered, and the Sky Profound Lei was instantly swallowed by purple fire, burning his defense to only two or three feet of defense.

In addition to the Taixuan Sword Tomb, there are also various magical martial arts performed by Yang Qingxuan, all of which are earth-shattering. Except for the Star Palace, even the top ten sects may not have such a background.

"Yang Wuxin? Cut!"

Yang Qingxuan snorted disdainfully, and said: "I said I'm not interested in telling you, and I'm not interested in knowing your name. You think my name is Zhang San, and Li Si is Li Si."

As he said, he raised his hand to pinch the Jue, the sword of the sky suddenly opened his five fingers, and a huge sword intent shot out from the palm of his hand, spreading down.

The whole earth was shrouded in sword rain in an instant.

Even the purple fire and Xuan Lei in the sky were swept away by the sword energy.

"No! Don't, don't kill me, I'm wrong, I'm wrong!"

Cheng Yu cried loudly. After Dao's heart collapsed, endless fear surged, and the whole person's emotions collapsed.

The last trace of defense was shattered by sword power, and the body exploded with a "bang".

All kinds of sword intent passed through and turned into ashes.

Yang Qingxuan's hand seal changed, as soon as the sword intent of the sea was collected, the law of heaven returned to the body.

The sky surging with purple fire disappeared in an instant, regaining clarity.

"No! Go away!"

You Xuan and Mo Cheng were so frightened that their legs were weak, and they fleeing far away in fright.

Bai Weiwei reacted a little slower, screamed, turned her head and ran.

The killing intent flashed in Yang Qingxuan's eyes, and he stepped out to catch up with You Xuan and Mo Cheng. With a grab with his right hand, the halberd emerged and swept away.

"Shocked to the sky!"


The halberd virtual light split the sky in half, and You Xuan and Mo Cheng were cut off at the waist on the spot. Four bodies fell from the sky, staring at them.

Bai Weiwei was left alone, just about to escape into her crystal enchantment, Lance flashed in front of her and stopped her.

"My lord, let me go. Pity me is not suitable for cultivation, looks a little beautiful, and is willing to be a cow and a horse to accompany the adults." Bai Weiwei cried and begged for mercy.

"Stupid, do you think I would be interested in human women?"

Lance's eyes burst out with cold light, transforming into the real Yasha, and flew over.

Bai Weiwei didn't have the mind to fight, but after a few fights, Lance was beheaded and died instantly.

Yang Qingxuan suddenly felt in his heart, took out the jade pendant, and saw a line of small characters displayed on it: Li Xuan, seven people were killed to kill the gods, one point reduced, the current total score: seven points!

//I wish you all a happy new year, a new year, good health, and all the best.

//By the way, don't forget the recommended tickets and monthly tickets in the New Year. I will keep changing four times until the end of the world. Everyone's tickets will be dropped:)

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