Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1261: Excuse me, is there any marriage?

Yang Qingxuan said in surprise: "Ancient relics?"

Hua Qing rushed and said: "I have also heard some legends about this ruin. In the vast world of the sky star field, such ancient ruins are not rare, but the ancient battlefield of Qingqiu is quite famous."

Fatty Pan nodded and said, "Since we are in Asuka City, it is very likely that the place of the end of the competition will be Qingqiu Ancient Battle. I will ask someone to collect some information about this battlefield."

Yang Qingxuan said, "Is it the same as in Tianju City, the Bird City has been blocked?"

Fatty Pan pondered: "It's possible, but don't worry, I have my own way. Even if it is really blocked, Flying Bird City is one of the main cities of Zhongdu, with a population of hundreds of millions of people. It is very vast. And it is adjacent to the ancient battlefield of Qingqiu. , The information in the city should be more complete, as long as it takes more time."

The five were about to leave the yard when suddenly a middle-aged man came to meet him.

The man looks almost middle-aged in appearance, has a large forehead, deep eyes, a beard, and a silver robe. His whole body exudes a bitter air, giving a sense of majesty, and there are four warriors behind him, all strong.

Yang Qingxuan's pupils shrank suddenly and said in a low voice, "Be careful, it's Dao Realm!"

The breath of the man was as far away as a mountain, walking towards him, causing a kind of oppression to the five people.

"Congratulations to the five friends who have entered the top thousand list. From now on, we will meet the dragon in the field."

The man smiled and clasped his fists, and shook his head at the five people one by one. When he saw Hua Qing Hua Ling, he couldn't help but was stunned, but the stunned expression flashed past, which was not noticeable.

Yang Qingxuan said suspiciously: "Your Excellency?"

The man said: "Don't go to Tianchi in the next."

Fatty Pan was startled, and said rushingly, "Flying Bird City City Lord Do not Tianchi?!"

The man smiled and said, "It's right here, with a terrible name, I didn't expect this friend to know it."

Fatty Pan hurriedly clasped his fists in return, saying: "Your honor is polite. Flying Bird City is one of the sixteen main cities in the capital. The main cultivation of the other cities is the master of the world, the Taoism is the sky, and the admiration for a long time."

When Yang Qingxuan saw that Pan Fatty flattered each other so much, it seemed that the other Tianchi had some abilities.

Bie Tianchi smiled and said: "A few who can be killed from the countless powerhouses of thirty-three days are the ones who have truly cultivated the world and have the power to reach the sky. I don't know how many surnames and names, and what school?"

All five of them were silent for a moment without saying a word.

Don't look away from Tianchi, and chuckled softly: "If five people feel inconvenience, it doesn't matter if you don't say anything."

Yang Qingxuan thought for a moment and said, "Li Xuan, there is no school or school."

Don’t Tianchi was taken aback, looked at Yang Qingxuan a few times, and said in surprise: "No school or school?"

Although Yang Qingxuan's aura was weak, he didn't deliberately hide his cultivation base. With the eyesight of other Tianchi, he naturally saw that Yang Qingxuan was in the early stage of the sky.

And for the other few people, Lance was only the peak of the emperor's position without completely transforming. As for Pan Fatty and Hua Qing Hua Ling, they are even less worthwhile.

It can be seen that these five people rely on Yang Qingxuan and Lance to pass the customs.

The ability to rank with two wins and three wins is evident in the combat effectiveness.

The most surprising thing is that this blue-toothed ghost-faced man has no school or school?

Yang Qingxuan nodded.

Don't Tianchi's eyes brightened, and suddenly light came out, as if he had seen some treasure, and he was pleasantly surprised: "Brother Li Xuan can have such cultivation skills without any discipline and no school, he is really a worldless genius!"

Most people don't deny their masters, at most they hide their masters and keep them secret, like this, if they say no directly, they will definitely be gone.

Even Fatty Pan was surprised and glanced at Yang Qingxuan.

Hua Ling hurriedly took Hua Qing, holding a fist and said: "Our sister is a disciple of Daluo Xianshan, and Hua Xin, the president of Daluo Chamber of Commerce, is our father."

Bie Tianchi nodded and said: "It turned out to be a high disciple of Daluo Xianshan, long up."

Hua Ling smiled awkwardly. I really didn't dare to use the term "long Yang". In terms of seniority, status, and cultivation base, I am afraid that only the top of Daluo Xianshan can be equal to this other Tianchi.

Pan Fatty chuckled and said: "Well, I'm just an ordinary martial artist, there is nothing to introduce."

Lance put his arms around his chest, his face was cold, and he ignored what other Tianchi said.

Don't mind Tianchi, he laughed, he also saw that Yang Qingxuan was the leader of several people, and asked enthusiastically: "I don't know where the old brother Li Xuan lives, and who is there?"

Yang Qingxuan frowned and said, "Do you check your household registration?"

Don't Tianchi smiled and said, "Haha, of course not. I wonder if Brother Li has been married? The little girl Lianyun is just eighteen this year. She is beautiful and has a fair cultivation level, but she can be married to her brother. I wonder if you want to? By marriage, all my brother’s family can move to Asuka City. The cultivation resources here are no worse than the 24 families."

Fatty Pan cried, "Huh? Is that Lianyun your daughter?"

Don't Tianchi said: "I must have seen both of you, hehe, my daughter, she knows fun all day long, fortunately she has a good talent and good cultivation skills. But she is not too young anymore, so I won't find a wishful man. If you say you, you will become the remaining fighters. Those of us who are parents, this heart, alas."

Don't Tianchi shook his head and sighed, stepped forward to hold Yang Qingxuan's hand, and said enthusiastically: "Brother Li, come, let's talk in detail, the beauty of my baby girl, I dare not say the number one in Flying Bird City..."

Yang Qingxuan was full of black lines, and hurriedly retracted his hands, clasped his fists and said, "Sorry, I'm already married."

"Huh?" Don't start Tianchi, and said hurriedly: "I don't know which daughter is from? But it doesn't matter. With brother Li's cultivation base and future, it doesn't matter if you marry a few more."

Yang Qingxuan hurriedly said: "This is absolutely necessary. We still have important things to do, so let's go one step ahead. Let's say goodbye to the city lord and get together again when we have time."

After speaking, he couldn't help but walked forward hurriedly.

Bie Tianchi said: "Brother Li think about it carefully. The Bird City is huge and the personnel are complicated. I will let four guards follow you to ensure the safety of several."

The four guards immediately understood and hurriedly followed.

The four of them were actually in the early days of Kongfa, which shows that Asuka City has extraordinary strength.

A few people quickly walked out of the small courtyard, and the four people followed like a shadow without coming forward to disturb, just following like a shadow.

Yang Qingxuan said depressed: "What the **** is going on?"

Hua Qing hummed: "It's not like Tianyue City, who can enter the Qianqiang strong. Except for our sisters, who is not a person who will shock one party in the future. Even a force like Flying Bird City wants to absorb it in every possible way. Talent. Instead of me, I will also think of ways to betroth my daughter to Brother Li Xuan."

Hua Ling said: "My sister has a good analysis. And we won earlier, and we are also the best among the top thousand. Talents like Brother Li Xuan, let alone Flying Bird City, even the top ten and twenty-four. It is also coveted."

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