Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1272: Five-year agreement, law enforcement team

The woman smiled lightly, revealing infinite scenery and charm, and introduced herself: "My name is Kunna."

The man behind him sneered sarcastically and hummed, "Corot."

Yang Qingxuan thought, "Kunna" seemed to have heard the name somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

Fatty Pan also quickly searched in his mind. This name is not like a human name. After thinking about various characters, he can't locate who it is.

Kunna smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't know me, what do you think is worth this sun magic stone?"

"Sun Magic Stone?!"

The three exclaimed in unison.

Yang Qingxuan's face changed drastically, as expected, exactly the same as he had guessed.

It is one of the yin and yang magic stones that can give birth to a heart flame.

Fatty Pan and the stall owner were shocked and their eyes opened violently.

"It turned out to be a sun magic stone, I won't sell it!"

The stall owner abruptly put away the Yang Magic Stone and turned around to leave.

But as soon as he took a step, he stopped there, his body was motionless, as if he was frozen.

The stall owner was not dead, but could not move. His eyes rolled in horror, and he found himself covered with a faint layer of frost at some point.

Not only the muscles and bones are frozen, but even the true essence is also frozen, leaving only a pair of eyeballs in the whole body that can move and the mouth can talk.

The stall owner said in horror: "You, what are you going to do? If you dare to kill people here, the law enforcement team will kill you!"

Ke Luo sneered contemptuously: "Noisy! Dare to play slippery in front of my wife, there is no more death in the world than this."

Yang Qingxuan stared at the black stone in the hands of the stall owner for a few moments, put away his greedy eyes, and said solemnly: "I have nothing worthy of this sun magic stone. This magic stone belongs to the lady. There will be a future!"

As he said, he clasped his fists, dragging Pan Fatty to leave.

Fatty Pan had a look of dismay, always staring at the magic stone and swallowing saliva.

"Hehe, if you want this sun magic stone today, you have to hand over that thing. I promised Jiuqing that I won't trouble you within five years. Now five years have passed."

Kunna said leisurely, a calm expression on her face.

Yang Qingxuan's footsteps suddenly stagnated, as if glued to the ground, and could no longer move.

Fatty Pan even felt a pain in his right arm. Yang Qingxuan's five fingers were like eagle claws, and he grabbed it in, faintly bleeding out.

Fatty Pan was shocked in his heart. He didn't know who the "Jiuqing" was, and caused such a shock to the boss, but the name "Jiuqing" was indeed familiar.

Yang Qingxuan turned around, with a gloomy face, and asked: "Who are you, and Master Jiuqing and me, what kind of grudges do you have?"

Kunna thought for a while and smiled: "This is a long story, and I have to be grateful to you. Back then, in Xu Tianyu, you unintentionally let me out. And I was unintentionally. I saw your Martial Spirit, tusk, I wanted to ask you for that thing at the time, but Jiu Qing stopped him and exchanged Fengchao Cassia for you for five years."

Fatty Pan shuddered and immediately felt how terrible the matter was.

The other party had seen Yang Qingxuan's Martial Spirit, and that was because they knew the Taixuan Sword Tomb, things would never be simple.

And Fengchao Cassia is even more a mythical thing, even he is not sure whether there is such a magical medicine in this world.

Can show the existence of such a divine object, that Jiuqing is definitely a great figure shaking the earth.

Yang Qingxuan suddenly said, "You are the worm mother!"

He was shocked and unbelievable.

He once heard the ancient scorpion talk about Kunna, the worm mother, the virtual world was shattered by Kunna and the deserter, from a plane to a small broken space.

Oh my God, how could you encounter such a terrible existence? !

Yang Qingxuan's face was even uglier than the eggplant frosted.

And what made it difficult for him to calm down was that Jiuqing had rescued him more than once, before he died with Xuantianji.

When Fatty Pan heard Yang Qingxuan's exclamation, he opened his mouth wide, his mind was a little short-circuited.

The name worm mother, he naturally knew what it meant.

An unprecedented fear shrouded in an instant, the fat all over his body trembled fiercely, and he shivered like a goat.

"My lord! The lord of the law enforcement team!"

The stall owner, who was frozen by the frost, didn’t care about a few people talking. Instead, his eyes kept asking for help, but no one paid attention to him. Everyone’s eyes were attracted by Kunna, who felt that this woman had a special flavor. .

But finally the stall owner saw what made him ecstatic. From the front of the road, three people walked up, all wearing the white robe of the law enforcement team, exuding an awe-inspiring breath.

"Haha, it's saved! My lord of the law enforcement team, come and save me!"

The stall owner shouted desperately.

The three people coming from the front were wearing white robes, but with the Mao family's logo on their left chests, their breath was cold, and the deadly pale and stiff face had a dark breath, and a strong breath lingered around them.

But the three of them turned a blind eye to Kunna, Ke Luo, the stall owner, and Fatty Pan, and turned a deaf ear to the stall owner's call for help, staring at Yang Qingxuan with three pairs of eyes.

The person in front of him was white with beard and hair, and his face was as dry as a corpse, but his eyes were as big as copper bells, as if they were about to stare out. It was the old Mao Clan who stared at Yang Qingxuan and said: "I can't find a place to break through my iron shoes. It won't take any effort, Li Xuan, die!"

While they were talking, the three of them walked up to the front, and the other two surrounded Yang Qingxuan in the middle.

Yang Qingxuan frowned and said, "You are..."

Water dripped from Mao Mu's face and said, "Li Xuan, you killed my Mao Xiaoshan in the Doomsday Canyon. Do you dare to deny this account?"

Yang Qingxuan said in surprise: "I don't deny it, but what I am curious about is how do you know that I killed and how do you recognize me?"

"Sure enough, it's you! Good, good! Dare to admit it, it's brave enough!"

Mao Muqi trembled, his eyes bursting with murderous intent, and he said in a cold voice: "In order to find out the real murderer, we used the Mao family's method of chasing the soul and summoned the remnant soul of Mao Xiaoshan. The result was Mao Xiaoshan. The soul flies away, and no longer exists! As for recognizing you, it is easier. I am chasing after the breath left on the battlefield, not your appearance!"

Yang Qingxuan suddenly said, "So, it seems that the members of the 24th Family are not simple."

Fatty Pan was frightened and said: "Mao Mu, as a member of the law enforcement team, shouldn't you do such outrageous things as suppressing contestants?"

"Suppression? Haha, no, of course not!"

Mao Musen grinned and said: "What I have to do is to draw out his soul and go back and give an explanation to the Great Elder!"

Fatty Pan said in surprise: "Do you dare to do something here? Are you crazy!"

Mao Mu sneered and said, "Do you think the Star Palace can save you? Haha, kill a few of you, but it takes a little effort to cover a deceitful barrier."

A cold light flashed in his eyes, thinking that these people in front of him were all in the same group, and the murderousness covered Yang Qingxuan, Pan Fatty, the stall owner, Kunna, and Ke Luo in.

//At 22:00 tonight, there are mysterious tweets on Weibo (Taiyishengshui), WeChat and QQ public account (taiyiss). What are they? Stay tuned:)

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