Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1277: Uninvited guest, it's good to be alive

"Huh, weird."

Kunna let out a surprise, staring at Lan Ningxu, some weird runes melted into her eyes, and the deep black color continued to spread.

Lan Ningxu smiled and waved his right hand, a magic light appeared, which seemed to cut off Kunna's sight.

The space inside the house shook like running water.

Lan Ningxu's figure, together with the space in the room, shattered with a "bang", turned into countless fragments, and flew into the eyes of several people.

Yang Qingxuan was shocked and hurriedly wiped his eyes, only to find that Lan Ningxu was still standing inside the house.

He didn't dare to use his fiery eyes, lest he be discovered more secrets.

Fatty Pan even rubbed his eyes desperately, opened his eyes hard, and the illusion before him completely disappeared.

The three Yasha were equally astonished, looking up and down Lan Ningxu.

Especially Hall and Percy, their faces are extremely ugly. I was even more shocked by the strength of the human race. Such a young youth actually made them a little bit unable to see through, so what kind of existence would the strong people standing on the peak of the human race be?

The two felt extremely shocked.

Lan Ningxu smiled softly at Kunna, and said, "Master Chong mother looks at me like this, it's very embarrassing."

Kunna shot cold light in her eyes, raised her hand gently, and said coldly: "There is one more person seeking death."

Lan Ningxu took a step back, although it was only a foot away, but it seemed to have walked infinitely far, dispelling the aura and coercion that Kunna had brought, and still smiled: "Master Insect, this is Bird City, the whole human race The top ten and twenty-four strong people are all gathered here, as long as the adults make a move, I am afraid..."

Kunna's hand stopped in the air and said coldly: "Do you think those people can keep me?"

Lan Ning Xu said: "Naturally can't keep it. But the subordinate next to Master Chongmu is afraid that it will be difficult. Moreover, once the identity of Master Chongmu is exposed, it will inevitably arouse the alarm of the high-level human race. What kind of disturbance will be caused at that time It's hard to say."

Kunna put her hand down and said, "Are you educating me?"

Lan Ningxu smiled bitterly: "How dare, just explain the interests, Master Chongmu has a wise decision."

Kunna said: "You are also a human race, and you also know my identity, this has been leaked. Instead of this, it is better to cut the two of you human races, at least save the money."

Lan Ning smiled and said: "Haha, if Master Chongmu thinks like this, she won't be a strong person who will last forever. Don't scare us, Master."

Kunna was even more surprised, staring at Lan Ningxu for a while, and said: "You are not easy, you came because of this kid?" She pointed to Yang Qingxuan.

Lan Ning said: "Yes, I still have an agreement with him. If he is rashly killed by an adult, it would be bad."

Kunna said, "So, is it difficult for me to kill him today?"

Lan Ningxu smiled faintly: "Master Insect Mother didn't intend to kill him, did he?"

Kunna's eyes narrowed slightly and said: "It's really interesting."

The room suddenly became quiet.

Suddenly, there was the sound of footsteps outside the house. A scumbag-faced man opened the door with a pink-faced woman in his arms. When he saw the scene inside the house, his face changed drastically, and he exclaimed, "You, who are you?!"

This room is the home of the scumbag.

The big man's face turned cold, and he said angrily: "Wow, stealing came to my house!"

The big man let go of the woman, waved his arm, took out a bronze knife, and shouted: "A bunch of things that don't have eyes, don't ask who I am? The tigers help protect Liu Dazhu under the seat of Hufa Li!"

The sharp light of the knife flashed on the copper knife, Liu Dazhu's brows were glared, and his face was full of anger.

Kunna glanced at him, then turned and took a step, straight into the void.

Ke Luo was taken aback, and hurriedly followed, and the two of them disappeared instantly.

Then Hall and Percy of the Yasha clan disappeared at the same time.

Lan Ningxu gave a chuckle, looked at Yang Qingxuan, and said, "You can really cause trouble, and you may not have such good luck next time."

After speaking, he stepped into the void, leaving only a slight spatial fluctuation.

In the blink of an eye, only Yang Qingxuan, Pan Fatty and Lance were left in the whole house.

The atmosphere in the room became deadly again.

Liu Dazhu's eyes widened, he shook his head abruptly, rubbed his eyeballs, and said in amazement, "Shangguan Cuihua, did I make a mistake? How many people were in the house just now?"

The powder-faced woman was also shocked, the cheap powder on her face was cracked, and she couldn't speak.

Fatty Pan trembled: "Go, are you gone? Are you all gone?"

Yang Qingxuan sighed heavily, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and sighed, "I'm all gone, I'll take my life back."

Fatty Pan was startled: "Lan Ningxu just now seems to be a contestant, right?"

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said seriously: "Yes, if you meet him in the next test, you must remember to beg for mercy at the first time, and don't resist."

Fatty Pan nodded heavily.

Lance frowned and said nothing.

Yang Qingxuan found that his clothes were wet all over, making him very slimy and uncomfortable. He sighed, "Let's go."

The three of them were about to leave, then Liu Dazhu glared sharply, the bronze knife pointed over, and shouted: "Break into my house and steal, want to leave without leaving something? I really don't pay attention to my Dihutang. Is it here?!"

But where the bronze sword could stop the three of them, Yang Qingxuan had already walked to his side, took out a hundred top-quality spiritual stones, stuffed them into his arms, patted Liu Dazhu on the shoulder, and said, "Brother, I'm bothering you, and That broken teapot is counted as compensation. Also, the tea tastes good."

When Liu Dazhu and Shangguan Cuihua reacted, the three of Yang Qingxuan had disappeared.

Yang Qingxuan and Pan Fatty walked outside and felt the sun shining on them. Only then did they feel a touch of warmth. It's good to be alive.

Yang Qingxuan looked at Lance and asked: "Why is the noble patriarch also here?"

Lance said: "Since we have reached an agreement with you, and it is such an important matter. My father and the elder Percy are not relieved, and come here to take a walk. And the final competition is not far away."

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said, "That's it."

He looked into the distance with deep eyes and said: "I won't let the nobles down."

Lance was startled, and subconsciously said, "I hope."

For some reason, Lance found that Yang Qingxuan was quite different at this moment. Although he was still calm, he was a little more calm.

Fatty Pan smiled and said, "The trading on the underground exchange will start soon. Let's go now."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Also, see if there are any good things, and then I will retreat for one month to deal with the test of the ancient battlefield."

Yang Qingxuan couldn't help sighing when thinking of the Yang Magic Stone that Kunna had taken away.

The three went straight to the underground exchange.

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