Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1283: Level 4 area, reasonable

Yang Qingxuan immediately understood, and said, "It means there will be cases of robbing monsters?"

You Yan nodded and said: "Yes, and it's very common. It will definitely cause dissatisfaction and contradictions among the players."

Yang Qingxuan said, "But if it's the same school, it won't be the case."

You Yan smiled bitterly: "Master Li Xuan is used to being alone. I don't know that secret fights in the sect are often more powerful than life and death enemies. In fact, many top sects experience this kind of cooperative killing. Many weird patterns evolve to the back, and then they become homicides. Through the ages, people's hearts are unpredictable."

Yang Qingxuan thought about it. It was indeed the reason. He asked: "There is a place marked with a skeleton bird on a map, which seems to be the domain of the Demon Race. I don't know what level of area it is?"

You Yan's face changed slightly, and he said in surprise: "The skeleton bird is the symbol of the temple site. There used to be an altar of the demons, marked as level four."

"Level 4!"

Yang Qingxuan's face changed slightly, and he said, "Oh, Huaqing is still there. I'm going to go first, so I'll leave now!"

As he spoke, he turned and left.

You Yan hesitated. He wanted to form a partnership with Yang Qingxuan, but he was afraid that the other party was too powerful, and his effort would not take the slightest advantage. It would be better to fight monsters alone, and immediately clasp his fist and say: "Take care."

When You Yan's words fell, Yang Qingxuan was already thousands of feet away.

There will be a large number of evil spirits of the emperor's position in the fourth-level area, which is fundamentally fatal to Huaqing.

Don't say "large amounts", as long as "one" appears, Huaqing will be in trouble.

And Hua Ling, Fatty, and Lance should all be rushing in that direction.

Yang Qingxuan didn't care about killing the blame, so he sacrificed Xiao Wanlei's magneto-optical disk and flew away to the temple ruins.

A lot of evil spirits and scattered warriors were found along the way, rushing aimlessly in the ancient battlefield, looking for targets.

Yang Qingxuan saw the two warriors besieging an evil spirit, fighting inextricably, couldn't help but teleport, and cut it out with a sword. The void swayed slightly, and a very fine crack appeared.

The evil spirit roared, and the body burst open, turning into a little bit of aura.

A low-grade soul stone appeared, and was swallowed by Yang Qingxuan's Soul Eater Golden Demon.

Yang Qingxuan didn't stand still at all, but when he stepped on the ground with his right foot, he returned to the sky and turned away again.

The whole process was too fast, and the two warriors couldn't even see his appearance.

It wasn't until the evil spirit was killed and the soul stone robbed that he reacted.

"Damn it! Dare to grab our monster and stay!"

A warrior roared in anger and hurried to catch up, but after running for a while, he completely lost Yang Qingxuan.

The other warrior changed his face slightly, and sneered: "That person easily killed the evil spirits at the peak of the heavens. The strength is far above you and me. Will he catch up and die?"

The other warrior realized something and changed his face.

The two looked at each other, only to admit that they were unlucky, and went to the next target.

Yang Qingxuan flew for a day and night, sneaking on several high-level evil spirits midway, only two of them exploded soul stones, so far it was only two and three minutes.

On this day, he finally flew into a wasteland, which was somewhat similar to what Huaqing had said in terms of terrain.

"This should be the Ancient Demon Realm."

Yang Qingxuan obviously sensed a change in the aura of heaven and earth, and a faint sense of depression appeared in the entire space, and a faint devilish energy filled the air.

Yang Qingxuan swept his gaze behind him, and saw a little thunder light chasing him, he couldn't help but sneered, fleeing forward, and flew down on a flat hill.

Immediately afterwards, a flash of lightning flashed behind him, and he shot down, exploding a large amount of dust in front of Yang Qingxuan with a "boom".

"Why, don't you run away?"

Inside the dust, there was a cold voice, and then a figure slowly emerged.

Yang Qingxuan looked at the man's cyan robe and clan emblem, and said, "Ancient Thunder Territory?"

That person was the Lei Ming of Thunder Ancient Realm, and he snorted coldly, staring at Yang Qingxuan, locking him completely.

Yang Qingxuan said: "After chasing me for a day and a night, I'm afraid it will be more than ten thousand miles."

Lei Ming said coldly: "Ghost Face Man, I have also heard some of your rumors during this time. But no matter who you are, where the Xiao Wan Lei Magneto Disc came from, it should now be returned to the original owner."

When Yang Qingxuan flew over a certain area, he was watched by Lei Ming, so he followed all the way.

Yang Qingxuan stood with his hands behind and said: "I'm in a hurry, so I don't have time to take care of your mental retardation, and due to the rules of the game, you are not allowed to shoot against the contestants, so you have the opportunity to chase me day and night, otherwise you would have died yesterday."

"Haha, I want to use the rules to suppress me, do you think that you can save my life?"

Lei Ming laughed and said: "The rules only say that murder is not allowed, and it doesn't say that you are not allowed to shoot. I will scrap you. This is not a murder!"

Lei Ming licked his lips and tongue, his eyes showed greed.

There is a secret method in the Thunder Ancient Realm to sacrifice the small Wan Lei magneto-optical discs. Among them is a spell that can use the small Wan Lei magneto-optical discs that others have sacrificed for your own use, direct all the energy into your own mine disc, and then pass the thunder disc. Come to refine your own cultivation.

In this way, not only can the Yuan Qi increase its level rapidly, but also his cultivation base can make a great progress.

Lei Jun was the small Wanlei magneto-optical disc that refined the ancestor Lei Zhan, and only then made rapid progress, vaguely becoming one of the best among the Lei family.

But this method of sacrificial refining is also a forbidden technique of the Lei family, and it is strictly forbidden to perform on the same family. Unless you have committed a capital crime, you can appoint someone to extract his Xiao Wanlei magneto-optical disk after being sentenced by Lei Family Law.

Lei Jingyu, among the younger generations of the Lei family, is the first person among the juniors by default. He is the family leader's direct line. After sampling the small Wanlei magneto-optical disc ceremonies of three powerful Dao realms, he has achieved the current achievement.

But this secret method does not prohibit outsiders from using it.

So when Lei Ming saw Yang Qingxuan Yu Lei Pan Fei escape, he was excited to catch up and chased him.

"Since you don't listen to reasoning with you, then you have to talk about your fists! Boom thunder and switch off the electricity!"

Lei Ming screamed, and a large amount of lightning field energy burst out from his body, and the violent breath radiated to the surroundings, spreading for hundreds of miles in an instant.

The originally empty void suddenly appeared in large swaths of thunder, which were hit down one by one, like raindrops.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Yang Qingxuan was immediately within the electric rain of Lei Lin, the earth was blown into deep pits, and the terrifying energy magnetic field continued to spread.

However, Yang Qingxuan's body was elegant, shuttled in the thunder and lightning, turned into the afterimages of his debut, and even escaped, and stepped back in the last step, all the afterimages returned to the body, as if they had never moved.

Yang Qingxuan sarcastically said: "Be reasonable? Don't you lose your face?"

"Huh? So fast!"

Lei Ming was taken aback.

"So as long as you don't kill people, you must not be too weak. One move will kill me out!"

A murderous intent flashed in Yang Qingxuan's eyes, and he stepped out one step. The purple fire spread under his feet, instantly turning the entire boundary into a sea of ​​flames, and the hot temperature radiated.

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