Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1486: Spike, Spring and Autumn Island

The little fish shouted excitedly, "My lord, be careful, this bug is a terrifying existence in the space system, it can easily..."

The words stopped abruptly before they were finished.

A huge shadow enveloped the entire battleship, and the star-eater iron beetle lay directly on the battleship's enchantment, showing fierce brilliance.

Xiaoyu's face turned purple with fright, she knelt on the ground with a "plop", her mouth couldn't make a sound, and her body trembled like chaff.


The battleship's barrier was instantly caught and exploded by the star-devouring iron beetle, and the six pincers were shrouded like the teeth of death, and they were constantly enlarged in the eyes of Xiaoyu.


There was a blast from the battleship, and the entire battleship split directly from it and was split in half.

Hundreds of pairs of eyes, staring from all directions, all opened their mouths in amazement, unable to close them in shock.

I saw in front of the little fish, all six tongs stopped there, becoming slack, without any strength.

The flaming red liquid continuously flowed from the chest of the star-eater iron beetle, like volcanic magma, continuously flowing on the broken battleship, corroding it to sparseness.

The wound of the Star Devouring Iron Beetle suddenly "pounced" and it burned. A translucent flame suddenly became larger, and with a "bang", it covered the entire Star Devouring Iron Beetle.

The Star Devouring Iron Beetle screamed, but after only a few breaths, it was burned into nothingness.

Everyone looked at in amazement, behind the flame, Yang Qingxuan stood with a halberd.

It was a halberd that pierced the chest of the Star Devouring Iron Beetle, and displayed the Fusion of the Four Fires, instantly killing a bug in the late stage of the Extreme Dao.

"Unfortunately, I died, I still want to practice my hands."

Yang Qingxuan frowned and sighed slightly. He wanted to try the Four Fire Fusion a few more times. After all, he was a rare object of experience.

Although the Star Devourer Iron Beetle controls the rules of space, it never escaped his fiery eyes. In order to save the little fish, he had to directly add life and death power to the halberd.

Otherwise, he is not sure that he can penetrate the hard carapace one hundred percent.

And saving the fish must not be lost.

When the halberd goes down, there are two possibilities of "breakdown" and "no breakdown", so it breaks down.

Everyone almost fainted when they heard Yang Qingxuan's sigh, and "just died?"

This mythical monster, the nightmare of all the merchants, could not withstand the blow of this man! What is the identity of this person?

Shocked, everyone began to speculate that Yang Qingxuan might be the top of the top twenty-four houses.

The little fish was paralyzed on the battleship, still trembling.

Soon, everyone on the battleship boarded the battleship of another chamber of commerce and continued on to Tianhe.

At this moment, everyone respects Yang Qingxuan and Ziyuan as gods.

It was not only Yang Qingxuan who rescued them, facing such a strong man, it was naturally worthy of their friendship.

Xiaoyu was even more grateful and respectful, saying: "Within Tianhe, if you have any needs, I will go through all kinds of fire and water. After all, I have been in Tianhe for decades. Although I dare not say that I understand everything, it is probably the case. We all know that it will be much easier to get things done than Eun Gong."

Yang Qingxuan thought for a while and asked, "Have you heard of the Nine Heavens?"

"Nine Heavens?"

Not only Xiaoyu was stunned, but everyone on the battleship frowned and showed doubts.

Yang Qingxuan's heart sank suddenly. These people are all trading in Tianhe, and they don't even know it. They are afraid that it is more difficult to find the Nine Heavens Capital than imagined.

Seeing that Yang Qingxuan's face was not very good, Xiaoyu hurriedly said, "The location mentioned by En Gong may be a relatively ancient place name, but it does not matter. I will definitely be able to help En Gong find out. And these days coincide with the Spring and Autumn Island Dafang. The city is a good time to inquire about various things."

Yang Qingxuan said in surprise: "Dafang City?"

Xiaoyu hurriedly said: "In Tianhe, there are hundreds of ethnic groups. The square city within that race, or where two or three races participate, is called Xiaofang City. In Dafang City, more than ten races must participate. And Dafang City on Chunqiu Island has a small reputation in Tianhanei. After I arrived on Chunqiu Island, I immediately helped Engong inquire about the Nine Heaven Capital."

Yang Qingxuan said, "Thank you so much. I have another question. Have you heard of the Canopy Water Temple?"

Xiaoyu smiled and said: "Naturally, I have heard that above the Tianhe River, no one does not know the Canopy Water Temple. It's just that...if you want to go to the Canopy Water Temple, I'm afraid it will not be possible."

Yang Qingxuan asked, "Why?"

He didn't want to go to Tianhe Mansion, but he still remembered the mural by He Shui Division that day when he was at Tian Cong College. Now it seems that the mural is true.

Xiaoyu said: "Because most people don't know the location of the Canopy Water Temple. The position of the Canopy Water Temple in Tianhe is just like the position of the Misty Star Palace in the Central World, even higher."

Yang Qingxuan pondered, and asked: "Did there be a ‘Marshal’ in Pengshui Divine Palace that day?"

Xiaoyu stunned and said: "I don't know about that. In fact, even the hundreds of people in Tianhani don't know much about the Canopy Water Shrine. They only know that the Canopy Water Shrine is the supreme existence in Tianhan, but the canopy No one has ever seen the people in the Water Temple."

Yang Qingxuan asked in surprise: "Why?"

Xiaoyu shook his head and said: "I don't know, maybe my level is too low to reach that level. Maybe... I can also inquire about the canopy water temple in Spring and Autumn Dafang City. I have never paid special attention to it before. These ones."

Terran businessman only knows to bury his head in business.

After all, Tianhe is not the territory of the human race. Concentrating on doing business and neglecting nosy is the way to survive.

Just as an elderly person said, make a fortune in silence.

But the martial arts in Tianhani also love various items of the human race, so people in the major chambers of commerce, as long as they don't kill themselves, they rarely get into trouble.

Yang Qingxuan nodded, then stopped asking, but joined Ziyuan, clasping his fingers, admiring the magnificent Tianhe.

Just as they promised, the ends of the world, ancient and modern, will be together forever.

The warship quickly merged into the Tianhe from the tributary, and the water flow above the steps of Wuyang City slowly disappeared from the Central Great World. The next time it flows through it again, it will be a month later.

After entering the main stream of Tianhe, islands soon began to appear.

It is surrounded by oceans, with no ends in sight, like the sea, but the flow of sea water is repeated and affected by various factors.

However, the direction of the Tianhe River is always fixed, forming countless tributaries, like meridians and blood vessels, which are affected by boundary forces, interspersed among the major planes, forming a circular and balanced situation.

Soon, Chunqiu Island appeared in front of the battleship caravan.

//The update is very late these days, everyone has to wait even harder, MUA!

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