Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1496: From the Sky Whale Clan, there are fish in the North Ming

Nosh was horrified and stopped hurriedly, not daring to step forward.

Yang Qingxuan's gaze left Yadan and Nuoli, and looked at several others. One of them was a young man with a wicked look and a noble temperament, wearing a colorful dress, his ears were like fins and hair like blue satin, and so did a few others. The same characteristics, but the imposing clothes are plain, obviously the man's entourage.

This Caishang man actually had the cultivation base of the early stage.

This kind of strength is placed in the human world, and it can also become the leader of the third-rate force.

Yang Qingxuan thought in his heart that it was just a Spring and Autumn Island with so many strong people. It seems that the strength of the alien race is not as weak as I thought before.

In fact, as soon as Yang Qingxuan came to Chunqiu Island, he went straight to the island owner's mansion, and of course all he encountered were the strong.

If you just wander around on the island, let alone the immortal state, it is difficult to encounter the divine change, the sky and the earth.

Because of the strict hierarchy among alien races, the strong usually practice in retreat, and there are sufficient resources to supply, and only the weak will come out to make money.

"Hahahaha, son, well done!"

Ya'an laughed wildly, and stood up from the ground covered in blood, but looked at the man in colorful clothes with a little surprise and respect, and said respectfully: "Master Weathers!"

Weathers stood with his hand in hand, and looked at Yang Qingxuan coldly with interest, and ignored Ya's placement.

"Kneel down!"

Yadan suddenly yelled, suddenly lifted his foot, kicked Ya'an, and made him roll far away.

Ya'an angered and said, "Son, you..."

"Shut up! Old Piff, don't call my son!"

Yadan said with a gloomy face, and said coldly: "Now that I am in trouble, I am dying, I finally think that I am your son, eh? When I was arrogant before, when I wanted to pick up Nuoli, I had to use Nuoxi to refine the pills. How come you never thought that I was your son, eh? You old man!"

Ya'an was furious and roared: "Little beast! I knew you were such a beast! I really regret not killing you with a palm!"

Yadan sneered and said, "Swearing at me as a beast? You are not much better."

With a "plop", Yaan knelt on the ground, climbed directly in front of Weathers, kowtows suddenly, and exclaimed, "Master Weathers, you must call the shots for me!"

Weathers then retracted his gaze and fell on him contemptuously, and said coldly: "I heard Yadan said, you want to use our Sky Whale Clan people to supplement and refine alchemy?"

Ya'an was shocked and trembling: "My lord has been wronged, how is this possible. Nuoxi Nuoli has been on my Spring and Autumn Island for so many years. Although the two are abandoned by the Sky Whale tribe, I have always taken care of them. Nuoxi is short of money, so I will lend it to him. Nuoli is poisoned, and I immediately find someone to heal. My admiration for the Sky Whale Clan is like the water of the turbulent sky, endless and out of control."

Weathers said coldly: "Really? Your son said all these things. He wouldn't come to lie to me on purpose?"

Ya'an was full of murderous expression, and said angrily: "My lord, don't believe this little beast. He can even frame his father, and what else can't be done? He has been coveting my island owner. Want to replace it, so I deliberately framed me!"

Yadan was also furious, and shouted: "Enough! Old Piff, I have reported all the disrespectful things you did to the Sky Whale tribe to Master Weathers! Including you making up Nosh Nori's mother to death. . Stealing the secret technique on Nuoxi Nuoli is to make them unable to escape from your palm in the future. Also, on the centenary birthday of the deputy chief of the Sky Whale clan last time, you asked you to choose ten virgins to cheer. As a result, you were on the island Twenty were selected, the ten most beautiful were left behind, and the worst ten were sent over."

"Slander! Slander! All slander! Nonsense!"

Ya'an burst into flames in his eyes, suffered internal injuries, and vomited blood. "Master Weathers, don't believe his nonsense!"

"What? My mother was you...you killed it?!"

Nuo Xi was shocked, his whole body was like a thunderstorm, standing there in shock.

Ya'an said: "How is it possible, Nuoxi, I have always taken good care of you, mother, son, siblings, and sent you warmth from time to time."

Yadan sarcastically said, "I took care of it on the bed and sent it to the Palace of the Lord of God."

"I'm going to kill you!"

Nuo Xi's face turned red, and he rushed up to pinch Ya'an's neck, staring at each other, his eyes full of grief and anger, and he couldn't wait to devour him!

The pearl on his forehead glowed golden light, tempering his body, the water-like engraving did not live on him walking around, the whole body was as tough as a golden stone, and the fins behind him waved like wings at this moment, constantly moving to both sides Stretch.


Weathers screamed, with a tone of shock and disbelief.

Yaan struggled desperately, but couldn't break Noshna's crazy hands. So ignoring this a lot, he was about to hit Nosh in the head with a sharp punch.

But the hand just lifted, as if frozen, stopped in the air and couldn't move.

Ya'an was full of horror, and saw Weathers stretched out a finger to freeze his arm. Ya'an showed a pleading look. But Weathers kept staring at Nosh, the expression in his eyes became more solemn.

Yang Qingxuan also stared at Nuoxi's changes.

"I'm going to kill you!"

"I'm going to kill you!"

Nosy roared frantically, and the blood vessels in his body burst continuously, and his body was flushed like hot cooked shrimp, hideous and terrifying. The wings on the back were extended to a hundred feet, covered with scales glowing with colorful light, and under the wild fan, the wind rolled up tore the surroundings.

Nouri raised her head, her eyes were full of horror, crying pear blossoms with rain, "Brother, brother, mother..."

After Nosh's change reached a certain level, he finally stopped. And Ya'an's neck has been pinched as thin as a sausage. Then he was broken by Nosh, he was unscrewed, still on the ground abruptly, and stepped on.


Ya'an's head was directly trampled on.

The headless corpse's neck kept spurting blood, and after a while, it fell to the ground and died.

Nosh yelled up to the sky, "Mom! Mom! I avenge you!"

The breath of endless rage dissipated.

As if exhausted his almighty power, Nosh collapsed to the ground. The changes in the whole body gradually gathered into the body and returned to normal.

But Weathers' mouth was open and unable to close, and his eyes were filled with horror, even panic!

"Kun... it turns out to be the blood of the Kun clan... There is a fish in the North Ming... its name is Kun..."

Weathers' noble temperament and grace, all of a sudden disappeared, and the whole figure seemed to be trembling in shock.

"Hahahaha! This old man is finally dead!"

Yadan laughed wildly, and said triumphantly: "Master Weathers, this is the island owner of Spring and Autumn Island...sir...sir, what's wrong with you..."

//No change today, everyone rest early, good night. ^3^

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