Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1502: Happy cooperation, tacit understanding

Ghost fire flashed in the ghosts' eyes, murderous and angry, and shouted: "Do you really think I dare not kill you?"

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "It's not whether I dare or not, but it's worth it. You know my strength best, and I know you very well. If you really do it, I am 50% sure that I can escape. And if you let me escape, you will undoubtedly die when I see you next time."

Gui Zun's face was severely gloomy.

Yang Qingxuan was right in both points, but as a former ghost emperor, he was supreme and hated the feeling of being seen through.

With Yang Qingxuan's luck and talent, I'm afraid it won't take long to catch up with him. If you really want to do it, once you can't kill it, there will be endless troubles.

There is another point where Ghost Venerable hesitates. It seems that it is better to mix with Yang Qingxuan than to go out alone.

Starting from swallowing the ghost king in the Yinwu Hall, to swallowing Lord Yan, swallowing Motu, swallowing countless souls, and then to the Battle of the Star Palace, I swallowed directly.

In just a few years, he stepped from the half-step world king to the three-star world king.

This speed of recovery is really rare.

With Gui Zun's eyesight, it is natural to see that Yang Qingxuan occupied the luck of the times. Such people are extremely difficult to kill, but by following them, they can get unimaginable benefits.

Like the kid of the Immortal Kun clan, when he is a star, he has a holy artifact.

Let that kid do the cultivation on his own, let alone the Immortal Kun clan, even if he is a true dragon and heavenly phoenix, he may not be able to obtain a holy weapon even if he cultivates to death.

Yang Qingxuan said: "Gui Zun, you are a smart person, how can you get lost in such a simple choice."

Gui Zun was shocked, snorted heavily, and put away the sword.

The murderous aura instantly disappeared and gathered into his body.

The smile on Yang Qingxuan's face grew stronger, and he said, "I wish we have a happy cooperation."

Gui Zun said coldly: "I didn't want to cooperate with you, and I won't do anything for you. But I will follow you to pick up the leaks, because of your kid’s luck, you will encounter big people who are earth-shattering. This way I can maximize my own interests."

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said, "I understand what you mean. You can't help but get benefits. Okay, if you think this is feasible, I have no objection. But we must make an agreement and you must not interfere in my affairs. "

As long as Gui Zun is by his side, he can't find the conditions for him to take action.

Gui Zun frowned, Yang Qingxuan's smile made him a little uncomfortable, or rather upset, as if he had fallen into a calculation.

But then I think about it, all kinds of initiative are in my own hands, as long as you stabilize your character, don't be used by him.

So he sneered: "I interfered to destroy you? Cut, am I panicking?"

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "You have now got rid of the shackles of Taixuantian, and can no longer stay in the sword grave. Do you enter my holy artifact to practice or follow me?"

Gui Zun pondered, what is the difference between entering the sacred artifact and in Taixuantian? It is equivalent to completely handing over his life to the other party. After all, within the sacred weapon, the opponent is the supreme existence. Thinking of this, he snorted coldly and said, "Naturally, I will be by your side."

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said, "Okay, it's just to delay your cultivation."

Ghost Zun said: "I have nothing to cultivate, all I have to do is to devour the powerful soul, and then digest it."

The relationship between the two was temporarily determined.

Quietness was restored in the void, and both of them sat emptied.

Nuoxi and others in the broken house had long discovered that the situation was not right and heard various sounds. However, Zi Yuan motioned for him to be quiet, until the end, he breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "It's okay."

Within three days, in the blink of an eye.

On this day, Nuoxi was in the process of cultivating, and suddenly he was shocked and felt great pressure.

Hastily put away Linhai Tingchao.

For three days, he held this holy sword, wishing to lick it a few times, and couldn't put it down, until now he hurriedly put it away.

Yang Qingxuan also turned out from the void.

There was also a handsome man in black with a gloomy look, his eyebrows flew into his temples, his face was full of discomfort, and he was extremely irritable.

This person is Guizun, Yang Qingxuan thought his appearance was too conspicuous, so he changed it.

Guizun's pupils shrank, showing a greedy expression, licking his lips and he said: "The realm king is here."

Yang Qingxuan also felt the coercion, looking around with fiery eyes, layers of space were locked, and figures of powerful men lurked in all directions, a total of more than fifty people.

It seems that the Sky Whale Clan has made various plans.


The small breach of Nuoxi's house was directly pushed open, and four figures filed in.

The headed man with blue hair and blue eyes, wearing a sash, looks old, but still full of energy, revealing the majesty and nobleness of the king.

After that, the two men also had fins in both ears, one with blue hair, one was tall and thin, with a gloomy complexion; the other was shorter, sturdy, with a soft complexion.

The last person is Weathers.

The eyes of the three people in front swept the room, stopped for a while on the ghost, and finally landed on Nuoxi, staring at him.

Weathers clasped his fists to Yang Qingxuan, and said, "My lord, we came as scheduled. This is the patriarch Bolton, this is the elder Drew, and this is the deputy patriarch Alex."

Yang Qingxuan clasped his fists and arched his hands as a response, and said indifferently: "There are fifty-one people left, won't you introduce them one by one?"

As soon as this statement came out, the faces of all four changed slightly.

Bolton shot a dim light in his eyes and stared at Yang Qingxuan for a while, only to realize that he seemed to be underestimating this person.

Weathers went back only to report on Nosh's situation, and did not talk about himself being abused by Yang Qingxuan, otherwise it would be too shameful.

Bolton said slowly: "We brought some people here, but we didn't have any malicious intentions. Just because this matter is too important, we have to be cautious."

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said, "It turns out that Lord Bolton brought people here to protect us. Now we are safe."

Bolton coughed quite embarrassingly twice, and simply continued to pretend to be stupid, and said: "Don't worry, there are strong men of our Sky Whale clan here. No one on Chunqiu Island can offend a few."


Gui Zun couldn't help but sneered, his face full of disdain.

Bolton and others were furious, and everyone knew something about it. They all pretended to be stupid, and a few ambiguities passed. If you have to pierce this layer of paper, the hatred will end up.

Bolton all glared at Gui Zun.

But this look made the four of them "thump". At first, I only thought this person was peculiar and extraordinary, and I didn't find anything.

Now I took a closer look, and my heart trembled. With the strength of Bolton and Drew, the first star realm king, I couldn't see through this person.

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