Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1504: Boundless Island, the eighth vein waters

Drew was surprised: "Master Patriarch, that key..."

Bolton said: "Although the key is precious, if it is the long-term stable development of our clan that can be exchanged, then what would be the value of one?"

Yang Qingxuan said lightly: "Performance? Let Nuoxi go back with you to have a baby. Isn't that enough? The Patriarch Patriarch stops, let the purple killer whale turn around, we have to go back."

Drew had a vague anger on his face, and was about to break out, but Bolton stopped him.

Bolton said: "Enough performance, but the time is too short. Why not, let's sign an agreement to let Nuoxi give birth to 100 babies for my clan, and I will give my friend a key to enter the Tiandu smoothly. I can be clear Tell my friends that the key is not something that can be used by one person. If you don’t have the power of a clan to support you, even if you have the key, you will not only not be able to enter the capital, but you will be guilty of it."

Yang Qingxuan didn't worry about cherishing Biqi's crimes, but was imminent to find the Wujing. He didn't want to have extra branches anymore, so he pondered and said, "One hundred is too many, fifty."

Bolton countered: "Eighty."

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said, "Okay."

Actually fifty or eighty, Yang Qingxuan didn't care at all, just habitually bargaining.

And they both knew that not all offspring could inherit the bloodline. The more you give birth, the lower the chance of making a good product.

According to Bolton, 80 can be born, and several, or even more than ten, blood whales can be born, and then merge into the clan, and the sky whale clan can usher in an explosion of blood.

Nosh didn't know that he was sold by Yang Qingxuan in this way.

The purple killer whale gallops on the Tianhe River, constantly breaking the space open for thousands of miles.

Soon after, Yang Qingxuan saw an endless continent, and couldn't help but be surprised: "Land?"

Bolton said: "It is one of the giant islands within the Tianhe River, which can be called'land', the Boundless Island, which is also the headquarters of the Alliance of the Eighth Vein Waters."

Bolton said triumphantly: "The Sky Whale Clan is one of the council members of the Eighth Vein Waters Alliance. On the Boundless Island, the spirits are soaring, and the materials are prosperous, no weaker than the main city of the Central World. . Friends will see you later."

Yang Qingxuan said in surprise: "The eighth channel?"

Bolton said: "The water of the Tianhe, which circulates like a meridian for 33 days, can be roughly divided into eight major veins. The eighth vein mainly flows through the Central Great World, Baoguang Continent, Tianlan Continent, and several lower levels. The flow of the noodles."

The purple killer whale quickly flew to the shore of the Boundless Island, suddenly its front body leaned forward and rushed upward.

Such a huge monster is strictly forbidden to fly at low altitude on the island.

The purple killer whale took off thousands of feet high, then moved forward into the cloud, identified its position, and flew for another half an hour before it began to dive down.

Pieces of buildings appear before Yang Qingxuan's eyes, constantly zooming in.

Suddenly, Yang Qingxuan's pupils shrank and stared at the ridge-like ground. There was a spot somewhere, and his eyes passed the golden light. That spot zoomed in the pupil and became clearly visible. He was actually an acquaintance.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes closed, his face full of contemplation.

The purple killer whale stopped about a hundred meters above the building complex.

Below is a huge city, full of magnificent tall buildings. The majestic waterfalls descend from the sky, gather in the center of the city, and then flow in all directions, as a waterway supporting the traffic within the sky whale clan, which is very magnificent from a distance.

Bolton took Yang Qingxuan and others and flew down together.

Bolton waved his hand again, letting the purple killer whale hide into the void and practice by himself.

Then he ordered a banquet to entertain Yang Qingxuan and others with the highest standards.

Yang Qingxuan politely declined, and took Ziyuan to wander around the boundless island. After all, it's the first time to come to Tianhe, and I don't know what year and month it will be next time.

Moreover, the Sky Whale tribe is still some time away from obtaining the "key", just to be familiar with the geography and humanities of Tianhe.

Nosh has mixed feelings, and within a few days, his destiny has undergone earth-shaking changes, everything is like a dream.

Half an hour later, Yang Qingxuan took Zi Yuan's hand and stood in front of a strange house with the words: Ray Clan Business House.

The shop is not big, and immediately after entering, a beautiful ray girl came up and asked politely: "Three adults, what can I buy?"

Yang Qingxuan glanced at the store, the scale is considered medium on the Boundless Island, and there are all kinds of things inside, mostly Tianhe specialties.

But in front of a row of cabinets, it attracted many warriors.

Zi Yuan was surprised: "Puppet?"

Behind the counter, there are all kinds of puppets, simple in shape, but not low in energy.

The ray girl smiled and said, "These are the latest batch of puppets in our shop, most of them are in the realm of the earth, and some of them have been reserved for the sky."

Yang Qingxuan said: "A human race entered the shop just now. It should have been a puppet. I want to see him."

The ray girl was taken aback, and then shouted angrily: "I don't know what you are talking about. Please leave. Our firm does not welcome you."

As he said, he started to push Yang Qingxuan directly to drive them out of the shop.

Yang Qingxuan didn't get angry, and took out a token and gave it to the ray girl, saying: "You give this token to that person, he will naturally come to see me after seeing it."

The ray girl angrily said: "I don't know what you are talking about!" But a glimpse from the corner of her eye, she landed on the token, could not help but exclaimed, then hurriedly covered her mouth, took the token, and hurried to the background Run away.

Zi Yuan said: "Do you suspect that the public losers are here?"

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said, “It’s not a suspicion, it’s what I saw with my own eyes. I heard Xiaoyu say that there are chambers of commerce within the hundred races, and they are secretly dealing with the Human Race Chamber of Commerce. They just don’t recognize each other. Tianhe is a taboo thing."

Gui Zun was a little impatient, and said: "Where to go shopping, when to kill a few realm kings to eat, I will follow you all day long, no benefit at all."

Yang Qingxuan was too lazy to pay attention to him, and admired those Tianhe specialties with Ziyuan, and saw many interesting ones, so he directly took out the Lingshi to buy.

Yang Qingxuan bought more than ten fire pearls. They were about the size of nails. They were perfectly round and cut, and they were crimson, emitting pure fire energy.

Yang Qingxuan took one and put it directly in his mouth, swallowing it whole.

Suddenly, I felt a scorching energy in my chest cavity, flowing like a hundred limbs, directly converted into energy in the body, and even the original force was boosted.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes showed a different color, no wonder the fire pearls are so easy to sell, this is simply a natural tonic. Moreover, the things of Tianhe are basically fire attributes, which are especially suitable for his physique.

Yang Qingxuan swallowed more than ten fire pearls without saying a word.

A sensation of burning surged in the body, directly blending into the flesh and blood, and a reaction occurred on the bones, forming a fire pattern, which circulated all over the body.

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