Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1507: Fire bone elephant, I have seen the Holy Lord

These things are strange and weird, they are all treasures, and consume more than 6 million superb spirit stones.

It is necessary to know that the value of non-attribute spirit stones doubles here, and if these items are put on the Central Great World auction, they will be at least 20 million yuan.

Yang Qingxuan picked up a fire pearl king with a big fist, raised his head, and slightly hardened his five fingers, turning the fire pearl into powder, and counted the entrances.

A feeling of scorching heat, like a flood, rushed to the limbs and hundreds of skeletons, washing and calcining the meridians. The purest energy is absorbed.

Then he picked up two flaming red fossils like starfish, bit them apart, chewed them into powder and swallowed them.

The stomach was suddenly cold, and the chill filled the whole body, but in an instant, the meaning of ice and cold turned into a hot feeling, more fierce than the power of the Fire Pearl King, and the burning stomach was painful.

The existence of Tianhe is the most ancient and mysterious. The heavenly materials and earth treasures born in it are different, but they all possess extremely strong spiritual energy and yang energy.

The fire pearl king and the red sea star fossils gave Yang Qingxuan a subtle difference.

But this difference did not have any effect, and it was completely absorbed by Yang Qingxuan's powerful physical body.

This is also the advantage of a strong physical body. You can eat whatever you want, and even the sacred objects can be swallowed. What a treasure of heaven and earth.

Yang Qingxuan stopped until he had eaten half of the heaven, material and earth treasures in front of him, and the skin of his whole body turned red.

Flames burst from fingertips.

The fire pattern spreads along the mark of the tactics, travels around the body, and then is sucked into the body, and it is slightly branded on the bones.

It is the Jingye Bone Calcining Technique.

The so-called "bone" has the body! Tempering bones is the essence of forging.

Although this set of tactics cannot break through the shackles of the Wujing, it can continuously practise the physical body and cultivate a bone image of fire, which can be transformed through the magical powers of the heavens and the earth.

Several hours later, the red on Yang Qingxuan's body dimmed.

Suddenly, the originally still handprint suddenly turned into the afterimage of the debut, and the ten fingers quickly pinched the tactics in the air.

Behind Yang Qingxuan, a group of fire suddenly appeared, and a huge skeleton was born inside, with the first dragon's horns, the bones were special, and it became distorted and weird under the fluttering flames, exuding the world-destroying violent breath, like a bath Fire is born.

"Strange, how come there are horns?"

After Yang Qingxuan was overjoyed, he was stunned again.

This fire bone elephant should be the transformation of its own bones, shouldn't grow dragon horns, is it because of the Azure Dragon Saint Body?

Yang Qingxuan couldn't think about it, stretched out his hand and grabbed it, all the treasures left in front of him flew up, crushed by a force in the air, and burst into smashing "bang-bang-bang".

Yang Qingxuan sucked a whale abruptly, and a whirlpool formed in front of him, completely engulfing the little powder left, and inhaling it all.

In an instant, after the bone elephant of fire was produced by Juhua, the power consumed was instantly replenished.

Yang Qingxuan flipped his right hand, drew a circle in front of him, and slowly slapped it out.

The huge fire bone elephant behind him immediately made the same action, and a cloud of scorching sun rose in his hand, radiating terrifying heat as it turned.

It is the starting hand style of Liuyang Palm.

But Yang Qingxuan didn't really shoot out, otherwise this secret room would be finished.

As soon as he closed his right hand, he dissipated the power of his palm, put it down, and continued to pinch the formula in front of him.

The fire bone elephant also calmed down honestly, standing motionless in the firelight behind him.

After a long time, as the true essence in Yang Qingxuan's body was exhausted, the fire bone elephant flashed, annihilated in the fire, and returned to the body.

Yang Qingxuan slowly opened his eyes, and fell into contemplation in joy.

The fire bone elephant is just a form of the physical body Dharma heaven and earth, and there is no essential difference from Dharma heaven and earth.

However, this Jufa Tianxiang and Earth, with its unique "fire" nature, seems to be a kind of Fa Tianxiang and Earth of the fire element.

On the fire bone, dragon horns have grown, which seems to have something to do with the dragon clan.

Yang Qingxuan sighed. The techniques he cultivated are complex and diverse, and the techniques he has now practiced are also unique, and I don't know whether they are good or bad.

But at least for now, there is nothing wrong with it.

And with the birth of the Fire Bone Elephant, the original force in the body is advancing steadily, striding forward to the peak of God Transformation.

Yang Qingxuan thought that even if he couldn't break through the bottleneck, he would at least step into the pinnacle of supernatural transformation before he found the Wujing.

Next, he continued to practice the Pure Karma Bone Forging Secret Art, to stabilize and proficient in the magical powers of the Fire Bone Elephant.

Seven days passed quickly.

Yang Qingxuan came out of the practice and was about to find the public to celebrate. As soon as he walked out of the resident of the Sky Whale Clan, he saw Bolton with Noshino Li and a large group of Sky Whale men and women coming out of it.

"Holy Lord!"

When Nuoxi saw Yang Qingxuan, he was overjoyed, and hurriedly came forward to make a move.

Nuoli followed behind, slowly bowing to salute.

This scene immediately changed the expressions of the men and women of the Sky Whale Clan, showing anger.

Even Bolton frowned.

Before Nuoxi called Yang Qingxuan "Holy Lord", he didn't think there was anything.

But at this moment Nuoxi Nuoli's blood has been confirmed, and the two brothers and sisters must be the supreme existence of the Sky Whale clan in the future. It is really inappropriate to call a human holy lord in this way.

Yang Qingxuan looked at Nuoxi with a smile, and said, "I haven't seen you in a few days, I have lost a lot of weight. It's a bone scraping steel knife. Pay attention to temperance."

Knowing whether Yang Qingxuan was teasing, or flushing shyly, Nuoxi hurriedly pulled a woman from the Sky Whale tribe and said, "Holy Lord, this is my girlfriend Lena."

The woman's facial features are exquisite and beautiful. Wearing a white dress embroidered with red coral, she has a kind of exotic beauty. She hurriedly leaned forward and said, "I have seen, I have seen...sir."

She struggled, she didn't know what to call her, she couldn't call the Lord after Nosh, so she called the lord.

Yang Qingxuan nodded.

Lena was quite displeased. At this moment, Nosh wants the wind to get the wind and the rain to get the rain in the Sky Whale clan. Whoever sees her must be respectful, but this celebrity clan is so indifferent, and I don’t know what to do. Means, became the Holy Lord of Nosh.

Who knows that Nuoxi is more unhappy than her, and said in a deep voice: "Lina, this is my Holy Lord, and naturally your Holy Lord."

Lena was shocked and leaned back again, saying: "Lina has seen the Holy Lord."

The surface is gentle and polite, but the heart is making waves.

When Nuoxi was in the clan, he was obedient to himself and never spoke hard. At this moment, for the sake of this "Holy Lord", he felt unhappy with himself.

This made Lena extremely jealous of Yang Qingxuan.

Bolton saw this subtle change in his eyes, and a faint bird of prey appeared.

It seems that there are still many problems with his desire to use Lena to tie Nosh.

Lena was originally just a woman from an ordinary noble in the clan. Because of her beauty, she was well-known among young people, and many disciples pursued her.

He had been engaged to a disciple of the noble family, but Bolton ordered it to go on, and the marriage would naturally be invalidated.

Lena was not at all displeased, on the contrary, she was very excited. She used her best effort to turn Nuoxi's fascination over a few days and stayed at her feet.

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