Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1515: The endless swamp, the era of hegemony


Yang Qingxuan drank, and the Halberd Sky Ruins appeared on his right hand, Zi Yuan turned into a green light and flew back into the star ring.

"Hmph, acted as your beater again!"

Gui Zun's words were full of displeasure, but his eyes burst with excitement.

The turmoil of the hundreds of races, the battle of the endless island, how many souls you have to eat, if you are lucky, I am afraid that you can eat the high-level realm king directly.

It seems that Yang Qingxuan still has a future!

Gui Zun licked his lower lips and stared at the Dao realm that had come around. With a flash of green light in his hand, Hyakki Yexing appeared in front of him, spinning around in the air.


The four strong Shura clan who rushed up first were directly cut off.

The rest was so frightened that he stagnated in a hurry, frightened and afraid to step forward.

Yang Qingxuan carried the halberd, but no one dared to stop him.

Gong Zuqing threw all four puppets in front of him, following Yang Qingxuan's pace closely.

Gavin's face sank in the distance, and he shouted: "Yalman, you go and intercept!"

Without saying anything, Yarman left the battlefield as soon as his figure shook, and pushed towards Yang Qingxuan.

Gui Zun stagnated, and said in a condensed voice: "You go to Luoshen City first, this ghost is a bit strong, I'm afraid that I will have to entangle him for a while."

Yang Qingxuan secretly said: "You are the ghost yourself, and you also said that other people's ghosts." Immediately nodded and said: "Be careful yourself."

Regardless of Guizun, the two of them continued to move forward with Gong Shuqing.

Yarman was furious in an instant, and a circle of black energy swelled under his feet, turning into a field.

In that area, the entire ground instantly softened and turned into a swamp-like muddy ground, as deep as ink, and it stretched forward quickly, trying to catch up with Yang Qingxuan.

However, Gui Zun stepped on one step, and the terrifying ghostly spirit instantly diffused, freezing the extension of the swamp.

"What's sticky and greasy?" Gui Zun glanced down in disgust and ignored it. Shake hands directly into claws, exploding a large amount of black energy, condensing a sword.


Yarman was very anxious, and he blasted out with a palm.

The palm of the wind lifted the mud on the ground, and countless mud was sprayed out, as high as several meters, like a wave culled away.

When Ghost Zun's figure moved, he was surprised to find that his feet were fixed by the mud, and the mud did not reach his ankles. Immediately cut out a sword light, carrying thousands of Yin evil spirits, and left.


The mud wave was cut in two, exploding into countless mud spots splashing.

Jianguang cut through the void, castrate unabated.

Yarman snorted coldly and pinched with both hands, the splashing mud spots reunited and turned into a monster with the head and the body of a sheep.

The monster was impossibly powerful, with countless complicated golden runes on his body, blocking Yarman. Under the violent roar, he abruptly ate the sword into his body, unscathed.

Gui Zun's eyes were darkened, thousands of horrible ghosts emerged from him, the cold atmosphere instantly diffused, and he slaughtered away.


The Daoist powers of the two races, the **** respect was entangled by Yarman, and he was full of confidence, and all rushed down.

Yang Qingxuan's halberd flickered, and went to the first alien point as fast as lightning, "Destroy!"


The space collapsed directly on the tip of the halberd, and the space of the alien body burst into cobweb-like cracks, exploding in large areas!

And the remnant body was ignited by the flame in an instant, and the fire of the four colors shot in all directions with the foreign race as its origin.

The sky instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The first few alien races were shocked by the burning of Shiyu, and they all retreated in shock.

Yang Qingxuan's gaze swept away, pinched with one hand, and purple clouds flashed between his eyebrows. Around his body, countless stars emerged, floating in the void, while the sun and the moon appeared at the same time, as if shrinking the universe around his body.

The sequence of time is poured into the sun, moon and star wheels, turning into gears to protect and rotate, and the quadrangular space is instantly bright.

All the foreign races were terrified, and the battles of the thirteen realm kings in the distance were not as fancy as him. They all divided their minds and looked over from the corner of their eyes.

I saw the sun, moon and star wheel inside and outside, in the sea of ​​fire, countless time gears were turning.

Yang Qingxuan walked forward holding the halberd, as if walking on the sundial, one step at a time, one step at a time, one step at a time, and one step at a time.

"No! Go chase!"

Yarman was startled in a cold sweat, and when the time anomaly appeared, Yang Qingxuan left only a black spot.

More than a dozen strong men of the two clans stood in the air blankly, unable to recover.

"Martial Spirit! This is the power of Martial Spirit! This kid is a human race! Hurry, chase!"

Gavin also followed.

Gong Zuqing has been following Yang Qingxuan all the time, trying to keep up with Yang Qingxuan's steps, but desperately discovering that the gap between the two is getting bigger and bigger.

Gong Shuqing turned pale, and hurriedly took out the puppet six-armed female.

On the six jade-like arms, each pinches the seal to form a formation.

The public loses the ten-finger pinch tactics and breaks into it.

Immediately after the formation was changed, one person and one puppet almost merged into one, turned into a flash of light, and disappeared in place.

The next moment, he appeared hundreds of miles away.

This is a combined attack and teleport secret technique, which consumes a lot of money.

After three times of public transportation, his face was as pale as paper, and he couldn't support it, but the gap between himself and Yang Qingxuan did not narrow.

"Brother Qingxuan, don't leave me!"

Gong Shuqing felt the danger behind him and hurriedly shouted.

As the voice fell, endless cosmic stars rushed out like ocean tides, wrapping him inside.

Gong Shuqing only felt a trance before him, and he appeared behind Yang Qingxuan without any warning, surrounded by time gears, as if walking in the years.

Gong Zhuqing couldn't restrain the inner tremor.

The first time I saw Yang Qingxuan was at an auction in Vientiane City, when Yang Qingxuan was not even his opponent.

And the second goodbye, it was already in the firmament of Wushu, Yang Qingxuan used terrifying power to kill several public loser disciples and crushed himself.

Even so, the power gap at that time was only one or two small realms away.

Later, during the Battle of the Star Palace, Yang Qingxuan struggled unyieldingly under the coercion of the destruction of Dharma, fighting all difficulties, and even severely inflicted and destroyed the Dharma with a terrifying move that was incomprehensible.

From that time on, Gong Shuqing discovered that the gap between the two was too big to catch up and surpass.

And at this moment, Gong Zhuqing's heart had annihilated the last bit of contending for victory, completely calmed down.

Every era has incomprehensible super geniuses. Such a person is in one body, like a real dragon, who is born to fight for hegemony in an era.

And Gongzuqing is very sure that the person in front of him will eventually become an invincible powerhouse in this era.

"Chasing! Go chasing!"

Gavin yelled, Yang Qingxuan disappeared in front of him, and his heart was shocked inexplicably. There seems to be a bad feeling.

In the siege of Boundless Island, everything was in place, and all possibilities were being calculated. Shouldn't be traveling to the pool.

But inexplicably, Gavin has always been a little worried, but there is nothing wrong with it.

Up to this moment, after seeing Yang Qingxuan, the hidden worry became stronger.

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