Heavenly God Mnemonic

: Taiyi body and updated status description

Yesterday when I was writing Chapter 3, I was dizzy and wanted to go to the bed for a rest, but before I got to the bed, I fell to the ground and passed out.

Because I live alone, when I woke up, I contacted my parents and assistants in time and was admitted to the hospital.

Currently in a series of comprehensive examinations, brain problems have been temporarily ruled out, temporarily inferring that it may be a cardiovascular problem, and follow-up examinations have been scheduled until this Sunday.

For the update, I didn't update it today. I lay on the bed and wrote some intermittently with my mobile phone. There were only a thousand words. It was almost 23:00, so I didn't dare to stay up late to write.

In the next few days, I try to write one or two chapters every day. If there is no problem with the comprehensive inspection, I will resume normal updates next Monday.

And yesterday, I have a new understanding of death, life, life, etc., which may affect and change my life. After I was discharged from the hospital, I wrote down the state, mood and feelings I felt like I was dying.

I love the writing industry, and I don’t want to stop.

Please wait for me, it will be fully restored soon!

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