Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1527: The siege begins, Shura Blood Prison


Adair's silver eyes flashed, turning into a different color and light, as if to see Yang Qingxuan through.

But in the silver eyes, Yang Qingxuan's figure swayed and disappeared.


Adair was even more taken aback, then laughed, and said to himself: "Interesting, this person should be Yang Qingxuan. I don't know if it really deserves the name."


At the command post of Luoshen City, Yang Qingxuan withdrew his fiery eyes, a yellow light in front of him, it was the enchantment spreading out from the Wuji Apricot and Yellow Flag, covering himself.

Bolton asked in shock: "Young Master Qingxuan, what's wrong?"

Yang Qingxuan said, "Among the enemy forces, who is the man sitting on the Throne of Stone? I seem to be staring at him."

All around was shocked, Anjieer said, "That person is the prince of the Shura clan, or even the prince. Among the younger generation of Tianhe, there is no other person."

Yang Qingxuan muttered to himself: "A glimpse of the true peak is really strong."


The Shura army continued to advance and stopped about ten miles away from Luoshen City.

Gavin turned around and asked for instructions: "Prince, do you attack the city directly, or talk to the patriarch of the four clans?"

Adair stared at Gavin and said coldly: "We came here not far away without attacking the city, talking to the four lower races, would you like to invite them to dinner?"

Gavin's teeth trembled with fright, and he shivered: "Yes, yes!"

So he turned around suddenly and shouted murderously: "Siege!"

Amidst the Asura army, powerful murderous auras and roars erupted immediately, and masses of black aura gushed out, mixed with scarlet blood, and merged with the dark red sky to form the same color of heaven and earth.

Everyone in Luoshen City was terrified, and the great array of city guards kept changing colors. Suddenly, a hole opened in the barrier, and a large number of warriors flew out of it, all of them killing the Asura army as if they were dead.

"Kill! Defend Luoshen City to the death!"

"Defend our family, defend the immortality of the race, and fight to the end with our blood!"

Gavin looked ahead coldly, and sneered: "Are they all in the vanguard? On the first team, kill all!"


A warrior of the Shura tribe responded and took hundreds of warriors into the air. There was also a black monster with a snake body and a sheep head and two wings on its back.

Just when the two teams were about to meet together, suddenly a graceful figure emerged from the team in Luoshen City. Yu was holding a rain gear in his hand, an oiled paper umbrella with butterflies and flowers.


As soon as the paper umbrella was opened, it flew out of the woman's hand, like a dandelion, shuttled through countless gods, inconspicuous.


Suddenly the brilliance of the umbrella was released, and countless thunder and lightning turned into snakes and dragons, shuttled between them, and as the paper umbrella turned, lasing-shot-out.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

In the Shura army, a large number of warriors were hit by thunder light and exploded directly.

In an instant, the Thunder enveloped the entire first team of Shura. Everyone was struck by lightning, and it was painful.


The woman was an elder of the Biqi clan. Seeing that the Yuan Qi was successful, she couldn't help but ecstatic, and hurriedly directed the team to rush up.

The Asura team was shocked and angry, but with Adair behind him, no one dared to flee, and bit the bullet and pushed forward.

The captain roared even more, his body swelled and turned into blood Shura, a hook was pulled out, and the paper umbrella was slashed into the air.


The hook blade cut off, and a large white light shocked on the paper umbrella, turning a trace.

The elder of the Biqian clan was shocked, and kept playing the tactics. As soon as the paper umbrella was swirled in the air, it closed by itself, and disappeared into the void under the shake.

The next moment, he appeared behind the blood Shura and knocked directly down.


The paper umbrella hit the head of Xue Shuluo, countless thunder and lightning flowed out of it, and the electric Xue Shura trembled and roared up to the sky.

Gavin was anxious and glanced down at Adair, wanting to send another team up, but he didn't dare, after all, the strength of the Shura detachment sent was already above the opponent. It was all because of that strange rain gear appeared and disrupted the rhythm.

Soon, Xue Shura struggled with serious injuries, grabbed the umbrella in his hand, and destroyed it with the force of blood.

But Blood Shura himself was seriously injured, and soon the first team was defeated by the Luoshen City team.

The elders of the Biqi clan did not greedy merits, but returned directly with the team and returned to the city smoothly.

All the warriors in the city cheered and rejoiced.

Anjieer even more beautiful eyes, praised: "Young Master Qingxuan strategizes and wins a thousand miles, he is truly the hero of the world."

Yang Qingxuan sighed: "It's just a small victory, it's not a joy. Thanks to Brother Qing who is willing to selflessly donate the Hundred Flower Umbrella."

Gongzhuqing hurriedly said: "Money and belongings are all things outside the body, and survival is the most important thing."

Yang Qingxuan said: "I'm afraid it will be troublesome. The Shura clan is far stronger than I thought."

Berg said: "We had a big victory in the previous raid, and now we have a big victory in the first battle. Why did Young Master Qingxuan say this frustrating remark just when we were all excited?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "In the battle just now, Naydell always looked calm, even without frowning. It shows that in his eyes, it doesn't matter whether this battle will win or lose. It shows that this person has great confidence and Determined to pacify Luoshen City."

When everyone on the podium heard the words, a happy heart sank again.

Yang Qingxuan looked at the city, the city was overjoyed by the victory in the first battle, and sighed: "Just make everyone happy for a while. After all, it is a rare victory."


Outside Luoshen City, there was deathly silence.

The first team members who were defeated, as well as Gavin, knelt on the ground, not daring to raise their heads, and waited to fall.

Adair suddenly said: "Get up all, what are you doing on your knees? Let the team move on."

Gavin panicked: "The prince, his subordinates are not doing well, and the leadership is incompetent. They have been frustrated several times. Please punish him."

Adair snorted and said, "It's just some dead scum, but it has increased the blood value by a few points. Don't panic. Just push the whole army directly and let go of the city. This king's time is precious. I don’t have time to watch this little joke."

"Yes! Thank you, the prince, for his kindness, and his subordinates are so gracious to repay the prince!"

Gavin stood up, turned and stared at Luoshen City, with blood flashing in his eyes, and said coldly: "The army listens to the order, kill! Kill all the people inside!"


As if the Shura Blood Prison was opened, thousands of Wu Xiu rushed towards Luoshen City.

Many of them were in groups of three or five, each with their own tricks. Crimson arrays lit up from under the feet.

Suddenly dozens of red beams of light rose into the sky on the vast battlefield, illuminating the surroundings, and everyone’s heart was filled with a bad premonition. The aura between the sky and the earth suddenly changed, the cold air exploded, and the huge energy spread. Out, undoubtedly suppressed another layer of haze.

As the magic circle moves, in each circle, there is a subordinate of the Asura army stepping in, carrying countless blood and energy perfusion in his own body.

Those underlings gradually turned red and swollen, and their bodies swelled hundreds of times rapidly, turning into monsters covered with blue bones. Their eyes were full of madness. They raised their hands and slapped them to death.

At the same time as the energy surged, he obviously lost his mind, and withstands such a deep energy at once, and will not die or be disabled when the battle is over.

At the same time, a disciple of the Shura clan jumped up behind him, inserted his hand into the back of the monster's neck, and manipulated the monster's actions, as if it was not their companion under his feet.

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