Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1530: Three tricks, the evil of Tianhong

Bolton flew up to the top of the city, already covered in blood, with loose hair, and trembled: "Young Master Qingxuan!"

Yang Qingxuan took a deep breath and said: "No need to say anything, just watch this battle quietly. I hope I can win."

Bolton clasped his fists and bowed, and said, "No matter what the outcome of this battle is, the son of great grace, the Sky Whale Clan is unforgettable."

Angel, Berg, Byron, and some other small and medium-sized powerhouses all clasped their fists and paid tribute to each other.

Adair said, "Is the funeral account finished?"

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said, "It's your turn to go back and explain."

"Haha, arrogant!"

Adair's face became cold, and he waved his hand, like a slap in the face of a fan, understatement.

But a sense of oppression, like a mountain, falls coherently under that palm.


The entire city wall was smashed.

Yang Qingxuan turned into a glare, soared to the sky, shouting: "If you want to fight, come!"

How could Adair didn’t know his intentions and laughed contemptuously: "Haha, I don’t think you have the kindness of a woman. My evaluation of you is once again to the extreme. Yang Qingxuan, you really disappointed me. . It’s an insult to my identity to fight you now."

Yang Qingxuan rushed to the sky, looking down, and coldly said: "The weak are all nonsense. Because they don't have the strength, they count on saying a few more words to increase their sense of existence."

The smile on Adair's face froze for a moment, and instantly turned into a hideous, cold voice: "Then use three tricks to give you a lesson you will never forget!"

On the **** dark sky, it suddenly seemed as if a hole had been broken, and thick blood was flowing down, like a waterfall of blood, and like a red tongue spit out from the sky.

Yang Qingxuan was shocked, and realized that Adair had disappeared.

A breath of extreme danger swept through.

The blood-colored waterfall spread thousands of miles in the air, completely enclosing the entire sky, Yang Qingxuan's figure turned into a small black dot, and was swallowed by the blood waterfall in an instant.

"Blood Sea Back to Photo!"

An icy voice sounded in the sea of ​​blood, and at the same time a magnificent palm power shot out of the blood, turning into a crimson halo, and the entire boundless sea of ​​blood fluctuated.

Yang Qingxuan looked at him in amazement. This sea of ​​blood was like a living thing. Following Adair's palm, a huge red blood palm was pressed down like a sky.

In fact, Adair didn't think he needed three moves to defeat Yang Qingxuan, but Master Hanguang reminded him to fight the rabbit fiercely and use all his strength, so he put away the heart of underestimating the enemy and gave the three moves.

Yang Qingxuan didn't dare to hold it big, four colors of fire ignited on his body, all of it gathered on the halberd, and he smashed it.


The sea of ​​blood was chopped open a huge crack, and it continued to spread.

The four fires turned into tornadoes, like the roar of the four dragons, and finally twisted into a flame, rushing on the palm of blood.

The powerful fire tears the blood, and the power of the halberd also turns into a beast, piercing the palm of the blood and bursting apart!


Above the sea of ​​blood, Adair's figure turned out, his silver eyes staring coldly below.

Although Yang Qingxuan tore the palm of his blood with one move, his eyes were slightly condensed, but he immediately stretched out, revealing a ridiculous cold color.

Although the blood palm was cracked, the palm's power remained undiminished, and it turned into a powerful hurricane to suppress it, completely engulfing Yang Qingxuan, who was generally black.


The hurricane continued to rotate, and a large swath of blood was drawn in, turning into a pillar of blood that was hundreds of feet thick, reaching the sky and reaching the yellow spring, just like this coherently in the air.

The strong in Luoshen City all opened their mouths and looked at them in horror and despair.

Not to mention the powerhouses of the Divine Transformation Realm, even if they were glancing at the pinnacle of true reality, the existence of the same realm as Adair, was hit by such a terrible blow, they would die.

"The prince is invincible!"

"The prince is invincible!"

Below the Asura tribe's army, cheers rang out, and the morale was high, reaching the extreme.

Adair stared at the whirling blood column hurricane, his silver eyes flowed, and the irony expression on his face suddenly condensed and turned into a dullness.

The Realm King Realm powerhouse below also gradually saw the scene inside the blood column and was taken aback.

Gavin even raised his hand and immediately stopped the cheering of the army.

I saw Adair's face showing condensed expression, and said: "The tiger fights the rabbit with all my strength. It seems that I still underestimate you. After all, you are the first in the sky to discuss martial arts. Only the power of God to become perfect is impossible Proud of achievement."

Adair's hand flashed with brilliance, and it kept getting longer, transforming into a three-pointed two-bladed gun, clinging to his side.

The countless strong below are all moved.

Did Prince Shura use weapons?

Just in order to deal with a human race whose gods became Dzogchen, as Adair who saw the pinnacle of truth, actually chose to use weapons?

Is it really such an exaggeration?

The warriors below opened their mouths in horror.

Master Hanguang was riding on the six-toothed white elephant, with a smile at the corner of his mouth, nodding lightly.

The huge pillar of blood kept getting smaller in the air, and finally disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

Yang Qingxuan's body was revealed, holding a halberd in his right hand, and holding a yellow battle flag in his left hand, the same length as the halberd, placed in front of him.

Countless golden lotus flew out of the flag and merged into the surrounding enchantment.

With a wave of Yang Qingxuan's left hand, the barrier disappeared, the yellow flag shrank rapidly, and the palm of his income disappeared.

Adair was moved and said: "The yellow flag just now should also be a sacred weapon? Could it be..."

Yang Qingxuan said: "It's exactly what you think in your heart."

Adair shot a greedy look in his eyes, his arm shook, and he said excitedly: "Your existence is more precious to me than the key."

Yang Qingxuan looked ashamed and said, "I'm sorry, but in my eyes, you are worthless."

"It doesn't matter, because it's not worth it, it doesn't matter to you anymore."

Adair flicked the war spear in his hand, and a large purple light exploded from the three tips and two blades of the spear, turning into a circle of ripples, pushing it away in all directions.

Yang Qingxuan stared at the battle spear and said, "This is also a holy weapon?"

Adair proudly said: "The sacred weapon list ranks 96th-the evil of Tianhong!"

Yang Qingxuan said: "The queen dowager has never heard of it."

"court death!"

Adair deceived him, and the gun was constantly unblocked from his hands, shouting: "My patience with you has reached the limit, let me, the evil spirit of the sky, perform the second trick and send you on the road. !"

With a flash of the battle spear, the entire sky above Luoshen City, countless heavens and earth's vitality were strangely mobilized, turned into a series of runes, and poured into the gun from all directions.

On the three-pointed and two-edged blades, countless purple runes flowed around, like a round of scorching sun, strong aura waves spread out, and only the sound of the horns made the world shake.

Yang Qingxuan's face changed drastically, and Adair came with a gun, giving him a great pressure, and the breath of death surged in his heart, as if he would really be cut by that gun.


Suddenly a sigh sounded in Yang Qingxuan's ears, and it was the voice of the Elf King.

Yang Qingxuan hurriedly asked, "Master Elf King, why sigh?"

The elf king said: "Others just have a sacred artifact ranked 96th, just like a tiger with wings and invincible blocking. You are all the top sacred artifacts, you are actually like shit."

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