Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1534: The sacred vessel shattered and the silver pupil blew up


Adair yelled in anger, "Impossible!"

Although that Jianhai could not hurt him, it was a great insult.

Under the strong attack and defense of the two, it turned out that he lost!

A great sense of humiliation came to my heart.

But in an instant, his heart trembled inexplicably, and a more terrifying feeling surged into his heart.

In this boundless sword sea, it seems that there is a kind of power that can kill him, which is constantly growing and spreading.

Adair exploded in an instant.

This is the inherent instinct of the warrior, which has nothing to do with supernatural powers, but is closely related to the understanding of heaven.

Inexplicably, Adair suddenly felt that he was going to die.

"how come?!"

Adair looked at him in amazement, and found Yang Qingxuan standing on the giant flower with a cold face, the dark flowers slowly closing, protecting Yang Qingxuan.

The sword in Yang Qingxuan's hand was no longer seen, replaced by a yellow flag.

Yang Qingxuan put the yellow flag on the pupil of the dark night, and then looked calmly.

There are two sacrificial artifacts, and if oneself were killed by the bombing, it would be really unreasonable.

Adair's face was pale, even showing a hint of panic.

He really felt the danger of death, but he didn't know where the death came from, he only knew that it was in this sword sea world.

"No! Impossible!"

Adair yelled: "This is my silver pupil world, and I am the king here! I dominate everything!"

The seven avatars instantly merged, Adair's silver eyes flashed, and countless sword shadows turned away in his eyes.

Suddenly his pupils shrank, and silver light burst out, and both eyes saw a strange snake-shaped sword, which was the one that disappeared in Yang Qingxuan's hands.

The sword went into battle and the light flowed, turning into a halo and spreading, like a beautiful firework.

It's like the last compliment of life.

"this is……"

"no no!--"

Adair snarled loudly, as if he had seen a ghost, and a feeling of dying instantly flooded his body.

The beautiful sword light continued to expand, and the world suddenly became quiet.

An old voice sighed softly: "Blast!"

Then there was a force of Jue Seal, touching the sacred artifact.

In the silver pupil space, white clouds are floating, the water is gurgling, the mountain rain is falling, and the breeze is blowing, all of this collapses in an instant.

As if the mirror "clicked", everything would split apart.

The last scene that Yang Qingxuan's eyes saw was the shattering of the sacred artifacts, and Adair's frightened expression of despair, as if frozen in a corner of time and space forgotten.

There is no sound, nor any light.

Because Yang Qingxuan lost his five senses and six senses in an instant, standing dumbly in the pupil of the dark night, holding a yellow flag, under the protection of the double enchantment, he still felt the sky tremble, a burst of energy and blood rolled, and couldn't help but vomit.

Then there was even more terrible light and shock, penetrating the two layers of enchantment, and directly blasted on him.

The whole body's musculoskeletal "click" sounded like it was about to break, the formations on the skin were annihilated one by one, and countless fire patterns on the fire bones burst, and large pieces of flesh and blood burst out.


Yang Qingxuan roared and instantly turned into a black dragon, but as soon as the dragon scales emerged, they broke apart and quickly turned into blood.

Fortunately, the whole process did not last too long. After the strongest shock passed, the shock weakened sharply.


Yang Qingxuan spouted blood, desperately holding the Wuji Xinghuang Qi, and supporting his body.

The giant flower has disappeared, and the pupil of the dark night has also retracted into the pupil, and the elf king's power is exhausted, and he is silent.

Yang Qingxuan's five senses and six senses were all shattered in this epicenter, unable to hear or see with his ears, but just a few blinks, these feelings continued to return to the body.

A heart-piercing scream came from the ear, which was from Adair.

Yang Qingxuan stabilized his body, slowly opened his eyes that had just recovered, and looked forward.

The world of silver pupils has disappeared, and here is the sky above Luoshen City, below the terrifying island barrier.

Adair was covered with blood, just like himself. The silver armor, scales, blood bones, and skin of that body were all exploded to pieces.

Adair covered his eyes with painful hands, and blood was all over his face.

But Yang Qingxuan clearly saw that in the position of Adair's left eye, a fist-sized deep hole was shocking.

Not only the eyes were completely blown out, but half of the head was affected, and half of it was blown out.

But even so, they are not dead yet?

Yang Qingxuan took a breath, feeling that this person was terrifying.

Yang Qingxuan looked up and found a **** wave of light on the dim sky, continuously rotating and spreading.

There was also a little bit of sacred artifacts and chaotic power in it.

The two formations inside and outside the city of Luoshen couldn't react even more with horror. They all opened their mouths and Petrochemical was on the spot.

Even if Adair screamed so badly and such a terrible **** scene appeared in the sky, they still couldn't recover, standing there blankly, thinking that this was an illusion and not real.

After Adair made the second move, Star Qianzhangli, the two had a conversation, and in an instant, such a terrifying sight appeared in front of him.

Adair's left eye exploded directly, rushing out a terrifying mighty force, almost destroying the world.

This force, like a beam of light, turned into a sword shape, shot-into the sky, and directly penetrated the enchantment of the island, stirring the blood of the entire sky and turning the bleeding vortex.

And Yang Qingxuan didn't know why, so he was covered in blood, leaning on the yellow flag, supporting his body.

It was as if a period of intense fighting was erased, leaving only the result in the sky.


Finally after a long silence, there was a shaking sound from the Asura clan.

Gavin and other realm kings rushed into the sky like flying, surrounding Adair in horror.

Bolton and others were also trembling, and an unspeakable mood surged in their hearts.

Bolton, Anjieer and others looked at each other, and hurriedly flew up to the sky, maintaining by Yang Qingxuan's side, for fear that the other's realm king would suddenly become angry.

"Ah! My eyes, my eyes!"

Adair roared in pain in the sky, ignoring his serious injuries.

Because no matter how severe the physical injury is, as long as he doesn't die, he can recover.

But this silver pupil was a gifted supernatural power from the blood of the Amo clan, and it was completely lost after being blown up.

"Eyes! My eyes! Damn, damn!"

Adair yelled up to the sky, endless blood flowing from the seven holes.

Gavin and others were all around in horror, helpless.

"Master! By the way, Master!"

Gavin was suddenly taken aback, and hurriedly flew down, knelt in front of the six-toothed white elephant, kowtow and said: "I beg the master to save the prince!"

Master Hanguang said "um" and looked up at the sky, his eyes were cloudy, and he didn't know what he thought.

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