Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1537: Retreat for hundreds of miles and survive

With Adair’s eyesight, it is natural to see that Midnight itself is only a four-star realm king, and even looks unstable. It is a bit to lose Kori, but it perfectly integrates the sacred artifact in his hand, and in turn suppresses Kori. One chip.

Adair trembled with anger.

But people have sacred objects, what can you do?

Midnight stared at Korli playfully, with a little murderous look in his eyes, and sneered: "I don't know the interest, interrupt your eight ribs, take a warning. If you don't know the interest anymore, it's not as simple as breaking eight bones, I will directly Knock you off the dust."

As the king of the Black Sea, Midnight has the temperament of a superior person who penetrates into the bones, and exudes the breath of the world, which is awe-inspiring and looking up.

At this moment, defeating Kori with one move is to establish an invincible image of a goddess in the hearts of Wu Xiu of the two armies.

Kori wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and roared: "Shoot the dust? Haha, arrogant. You are only relying on the power of the sacred artifact to suppress me one or two. Don't try with the sacred artifact!"


Inside the city, ridicule sounded everywhere.

"Do you want to use other people's hands or feet?"

"It's better not to move, just stand there and let you fight."

Even Bolton and others showed disdain and contempt.

Kori blushed and immediately realized that he was silly.

The Asura army fainted one by one, and the sky-like image of the second elder collapsed instantly.

Midnight said coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, I have no time to spend on you scum, I want to fight or retreat."

Midnight didn't even bother to take a look at Kou Li. Beautiful eyes fell on the seal in his hand, watching the golden light on it, and the butterfly shuttled back and forth.

Yang Qingxuan stood by the two daughters, Shi Yuyan and Wu Qiyue, who had already poured him a lot of healing medicine. At this moment, apart from the terrifying appearance, his body was no longer serious.

Until this moment, Yang Qingxuan breathed a sigh of relief.

The situation is temporarily stabilized. Midnight can suppress Korri, and two more realm kings have come. From the standpoint of strength, they should also be in the elementary level. Among the realm kings, they have formed eleven to ten against the Shura clan. A balanced situation.

Moreover, the three of Midnight had just joined the battlefield, and they were quite different from those of the Realm Kings who had been fighting for a long time and consumed a lot of money.

In terms of peak strength, except for the master Hanguang who doesn't know the depth, his own side already has an advantage.

Looking down on the backbone and the bottom power, although the Shura army still has the upper hand, the crushing advantage is completely gone.

In addition, Adair was defeated and Kori was suppressed, and the people in the Asura army were already floating and morale was low.

If the Shura clan continued to forcefully attack the city, it would be hard to say who was desperate in the end.

Inside and outside the field, and the sky above, everything became deadly silent.

Kori had a sullen face, his eyes drifting away, and he wanted to ask Adair for advice.

Han Guang said to humanity: "The prince is seriously injured, so it is better to retreat a hundred miles and regroup. Moreover, the blood value is approaching. Our goal is not to really kill the city, but to find the key."

Adair said solemnly: "There are still seventy-two changes and many holy artifacts."

Adair's **** eyes flickered, and finally he said coldly: "Retreat! Retreat a hundred miles first, and monitor Luoshen City's every move!"

The participation of Midnight and others completely disrupted the plan and the situation.

Adair was in a state of confusion, and he had to calm himself down before making a decision.

The Shura army is coming violently and ebbing like a tide.

The morale of everyone was low, no one spoke, and quickly retreated to a hundred miles away peacefully and camped down.

At this moment, Luoshen City was full of corpses and corpses.

The air was filled with a strong smell of blood, which made people nauseous.

But the faces of the living people were filled with the joy of the rest of their lives, and they couldn't even believe that they had survived. Many people cried with joy.

Bolton and the others, looking at Midnight, respectfully clasped their fists and saluted them as gods.

Not only because Midnight saved them, but also because of the strength that Midnight showed, it frightened them.

Midnight turned a blind eye to Bolton and the others, walked straight to Yang Qingxuan, and said, "Are you okay?"

Yang Qingxuan was surrounded by Wu Qiyue and Shi Yuyan, with such a cold goddess standing in front of him, as well as a beautiful woman Kite who often accompanied him. Bolton and others looked strange, and Anjieer sighed even more. Scream.

Not to mention these alien races, the few warriors who came with Midnight and others shook their heads with a wry smile.

In front of these three beauties, any one of them placed in the Central World is the target of all the heroes and handsome men lining up to compete. Now the three women are all surrounded by one person.

This is simply unthinkable.

Yang Qingxuan clasped his fist and said, "Thank you for your concern, I'm fine."

Midnight frowned slightly and snorted coldly, his beautiful eyes were stained with dissatisfaction, and his expression became cold.

Yang Qingxuan is full of black lines, he naturally knows Midnight's thoughts, but he already has Qiyue and Ziyuan, and there is also a poetic face with complicated emotions, where he dare to be ambiguous with Midnight.

Wu Qiyue and Shi Yuyan naturally felt the mood of midnight and the embarrassment that permeated the air.

Wu Qiyue turned her eyes and said softly, "Go back to the city and talk about it."

A group of people flew down.

Luoshen City was destroyed in a short period of time.

Bolton hurriedly arranged manpower to restore the defense formation.

And distribute a lot of resources, so that the injured warrior can get rest as much as possible.

After a while, in the command post, Yang Qingxuan and others sat down one after another in the hall.

Yang Qingxuan inquired about the situation, only to know that after Midnight sensed Zi Yuan's state, he immediately went to the Zhengxing League. In fact, Yunxiu Palace is now a member of the Zhengxing League.

The Zhengxing League is composed of Juntian Purple Mansion and Xuanxiao Jiangque. Shi Yan and Wu Xian are in charge of the overall situation. They can't get away at all, and they don't know the specific situation of Yang Qingxuan, so the two sects sent out a realm king. .

Wu Qiyue and Shi Yuyan couldn't sit still, and they came out together.

The two realm kings were Xu Haolin of Juntian Purple Mansion and Wu Mingyu of Xuanxiao Jiangque, both of which were two-star realm kings.

There are four others who are also masters from the two factions.

At this time, Bolton and others knew that Yang Qingxuan was the leader of the Zhengxing League, and they hurried to pay a visit again.

Midnight and the others also learned about the situation of Wuyin Island.

Wu Qiyue said: "Unexpectedly, in Tianhe, such a chaos. We are anxious to return to the Zhengxing League, and then send a master to come, I do not believe that this Shura clan can compete with the entire Zhengxing League."

When Bolton and others heard this, they were all overjoyed.

If you can use the power of the human race to suppress the Shura tribe, that would be the best.

But Yang Qingxuan said, "No. We don't know the situation in Tianhe. Don't rush in, so as not to fall into the quagmire, or even be enemies on both sides. The reason why Father-in-law and Master Shiyan sent you here is to investigate the truth first. , And then plan the next move."

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